I need someone to shout at me

Hey guys, so im REALLY lazy.. its ridiculous. I keep saying to myself i'll start tomorrow and of course tomorrow never comes! Really determined to do it this time as I actually have the time and means to do it at the moment and am going on a dream trip to NYC in Feb and would like to be able to buy a lush skinny wardrobe! so everyone please add me and give me a good telling off when i do ****! hahaha and i'll try and motivate you too!


  • karbhat
    karbhat Posts: 50 Member
    Hey! I'm looking for a weight loss buddy to help motivate me to lose 20 pounds - I would be more than happy to help you get to your goal!
  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    You don't want it bad enough. If you truly deep down wanted it then you would do what you have to do. That is as close to yelling as I get. Make it a priority and the lbs will follow.
  • shinnycantoo
    shinnycantoo Posts: 2 Member
    Everyone needs a little motivation! Doesn't mean i don't want to lose weight thanking you :)
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    HEY! Do you know what time it is? Time to get your butt up and start doing SOMETHING! Get up, go for a walk and eat something good for you. GO NOW! GO!
  • Jim_G10
    Jim_G10 Posts: 132

  • steran29
    steran29 Posts: 11
    That's not fair to say. I was like her and really wanted to change myself but I was so unhealthy and lazy that I just couldn't motivate myself to get my *kitten* up work out and the craving of fast food was so bad that it really was an addiction. After having my sister who lost over 40lbs yell and FORCE me to start my journey, it's been 2 months and I have not fallen off my rhythm. We all just need a little push and motivation to start, we may hate the person who is helping us but after a while thank them!
  • I find that unless there's money on the line I'm not really motivated. I work out with a personal trainer once a week. Since I"m spending money I give it my all b/c I want my money's worth. Maybe this might work for you too. Although currently I've been attending some of the free classes at my gym of my own volition. Basically I"m paying to be motivated where as I typically would lack the will power to follow through.
  • steran29
    steran29 Posts: 11
    ADDING YOU!~we can be a motivation to each other

    TODAY - DAY 1
    DRINK 1 L OF WATER BEFORE YOU EAT LUNCH! - Drink another 1L of water from 1 - 4pm
    IF YOU'RE SITTING AT HOME DOING NOTHING DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE - Clean your bathroom, clean your house/room, that always gets me sweating lol

  • mccaltl
    mccaltl Posts: 4
    Hey, there! I'm new to this weight loss thing and I was also SOOOOOOO very lazy it was completely ridiculous! It was so bad that I would drive around Walmart trying to find a close parking spot or have my bf drop me off at the door to keep from walking!

    When I went on vacation and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I knew it was time to GET UP and do something! I cut out all soda, fast food and started eating healthy --- I JUST DID IT! No more excuses ... just made my mind up and did it. I've even started walking and the pounds are starting to fall off! Once these horrifying shin splints go away, I'm going to try running again!

    You look very young ... start it now so you don't have to struggle with it at 41 like I am.

    Just get up and do it! You'll be happy you did!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Just ask yourself why would you put off making yourself healthier and happier? the time it takes to do it will pass anyway, why not use it to get what you want by the end of it?
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member

    GET YOU *kitten* UP AND MOVE! NOW!!!!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I find that watching videos of people lifting badass amounts of weight on you tube, and/or listening to upbeat music helps me to get motivated to start working out. California Strength videos are particularly good (combination of really impressive lifts, upbeat music and humour, plus it has that kind of camaradarie atmosphere to it that people go to stuff like crossfit for... which is totally lacking in a home gym which is what I have...)

    if you're not into lifting, watching videos of the kinds of workouts you do may be an alternative
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm not good at yelling.
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    as someone said to me, Today is yesterdays tomorrow - so get off your butt and give your determination a dust off!

    you know you will feel better once you do!
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    You have to do it yourself. You have to do the work. No one can make you do anything.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Hey guys, so im REALLY lazy.. its ridiculous. I keep saying to myself i'll start tomorrow....
    Just think how much *harder* you'll have to work tomorrow to either lose weight or get some level of fitness if you don't start today.

    Look at this way, if you start today, you can both work out and be lazy.

    Win win.
  • smetka01
    smetka01 Posts: 99 Member
    I find that watching videos of people lifting badass amounts of weight on you tube, and/or listening to upbeat music helps me to get motivated to start working out. California Strength videos are particularly good (combination of really impressive lifts, upbeat music and humour, plus it has that kind of camaradarie atmosphere to it that people go to stuff like crossfit for... which is totally lacking in a home gym which is what I have...)

    if you're not into lifting, watching videos of the kinds of workouts you do may be an alternative

    This + weightloss shows + myfitnesspal helps me :smile: And I am not good at yelling either :blushing:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member

    Here is how I yell at myself:

    When I am sitting on my butt not wanting to be disciplined and do what I have to do,

    I just think of those poor runners and bystanders who were injured in the Boston Marathon Blast.

    That vivid picture helps every time.

    We are so luck and we just piss away our opportunities!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    You have to do it yourself. You have to do the work. No one can make you do anything.
    This \m/
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm sorry, nobody can do this but you.
    If your own motivation isn't enough, it won't happen.

    Shout at yourself.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Personal change has to come from within; people can try and give you all the motivation in the world but until you are ready to commit 100% all the motivation from us will be useless.
    Find what really motivates you and use it to inspire you, you mentioned a “lush skinny wardrobe,” well if that’s what does it than us it. Get a fashion magazine and cut out pictures of outfits that you like or print them of the internet. Put the pictures up everywhere you can; at work, your bathroom mirror, in your bed room, if you have a home gym put them in there, even on your refrigerator door, that way you will have reminders everywhere you look of why you’re doing it.
    Most importantly eat correctly, do not starve yourself to try and lose weight, workout hard. Anything worth doing is worth the hard work to obtain it.
    Good luck and best wishes.
    PS. Motivation doesn’t mean yelling at someone a good coach hardly ever needs to yell.
  • Jorjah
    Jorjah Posts: 1

    you don't need all these people being rude and yelling at you, I'll just do it instead ;)
  • Hello

    My name is Dances with Wow..

    I would like to shout at you, but before i do.. let me offer an insight into your lazi crazy..mindset..You are not lazy.. thats a stigma based on a your social circle..
    Its good you have come to MFP

    because you recognize you need to expand it..Discipline is a learned behavior based on a hierarchy of needs.. Since discipline falls into two categories, contained and uncontained...yours is simply uncontained because the hierarchy of need for it has not been serviced..addressed or self actualized..

    Theres more to it of course free will.. But I help you develop that physical equivalent of will power over free will..

    Thats how I can yell at you, in a reinforcing way, to

    dislodge that lazy gene..

    fitness and its one dimensional BS has never bothered to discover the other universe guarding the door to motivation, and personal fitness acceptance and success..

    Their way is the Barbarian ate gate.. a slave to the process...It alienates 97% of the population ..Thats why obesity is so rampant.. there is no system in place except take your money and make you feel bad that you are not doing what they say do to get in shape. Fitness and its lock step disciples has no mechanism unless you already enjoy or have a hierarchy of need for discipline to include physical conditioning into your life, but fitness's arrogance by its very own doing, excludes because its founding principals are in the direct line of fire of what we all aspire to most - the use of freewill.

    Fitness leadership and its died and dried systems have absolutely no means at their disposal, no reliable counter balances, no verifiable channels except by beating you down and making it appear you are not up to their standards of health and well being to travel beyond its self and see thier way differently. Ther si only one in there eyes.. calories in and calories out..

    Sorry..they missed the worm hole.. opens up to a much greater universe of potential..

    You are that potential.. now its time for it to release..

    There idea of getting healthy is counting those calories day in and day out!. Im here to tell you there is a super teaching approach that gets you there faster and will make you look like a million bucks..in short order..

    and it wont leave you co dependent .. on how many carbs per day or if your big life takes you off the mark..You can become a vixen even in the throughs of turmoil..

    But you need to create a learning relationship with your body to accomplish this..

    So It would be a privilege to friend you and provide the kind of life force that will mold the hell out of your now flaccid feminine frame into a firm fine flowing near flawless feminine physique..

    My name is Dances with Wow.. and I help people just like you emit, exude, enjoy powerful life force
  • great advice. The more water I drink the more weight I lose. Sometimes it is not hunger but thrist and sometimes it is just because I am bored and want to munch. This is as much a head game as it is a physical one.
  • PrettyToyaWorld
    PrettyToyaWorld Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All!
    I'm new and also wanting to lose 20 pounds. Once you make up in your mind exactly what it is you want to do-nothing will stop you...
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Hello and welcome! If you're determined, then you better start today. Feb. is going to come around real fast. What are your plans in NY? I would like to go in Feb. too to see the Westminister Kennel Club Dog Show, but I can't find anyone to go with me that wants to commit to 2 days full of dogs lol! I'm not good at yelling, but my husband says I'm pretty good at telling people what to do. So get started! Good luck to ya! :flowerforyou:
  • jydmm
    jydmm Posts: 8 Member
    So what you are doing is telling your brain to start tomorrow and that is exactly what it is programing. So you have to change the way you talk to yourself. I am going to start today !! You get what you ask for.
  • amyjoi16
    amyjoi16 Posts: 29 Member
    nice advice
  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    The first step to starting is to get in the habit of monitoring your own behavior, which is what this site is all about.

    1) If you have not done so already, set your weight loss goal, and figure out what your allotted calories are.

    2) Just start logging everything you eat and all of your activity, but don't worry about making any changes at first. However, taking data on one's own behavior often leads to a change in that behavior (See this article for example:http://www.ideafit.com/fitness-library/the-science-of-self-monitoring for some scientific references).

    3) I would also recommend getting a Fitbit to track your steps and syncing it with MFP (you can find new Fitbit Zips for $40 on eBay).
  • pixiesgreene
    pixiesgreene Posts: 88 Member
    I stopped calling myself lazy when I realised that thinking of myself as a "lazy person" was giving myself permission to be lazy. You aren't lazy, your behaviours are! And you can choose your behaviours at every moment of the day, and thereby change who you are effective immediately.