Biggest Loser Finale Challenge- 15 Pounds!!

WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
BL finale should be about 10 weeks away..maybe more (not sure on the exact date) I thought by watching the show, and keeping motivated we can lose 15 pounds (I lost about that when last season started through the finale) so I hope to lose at least another 15 bringing me down to 173 pounds by shows end. We can do it if you put your mind to it! :happy:

As of friday my SW is: 188.4
Goal to shows end- 173

Whos in?


  • good luck great goals!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I'm with you! Shoot me some messages sometimes, and we'll keep each other accountable. :smile: And I might be getting together a bootcamp with another MFP'er, and if we do that, you're welcome in!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I'll take on this challenge with you, i love biggest loser and it really helped me lose my first 50 pounds by doing there dvds.
    As for this season, it started last tuesday and i was at.
    This week i am down to
    CW: 170.8

    By the end of the biggest loser season, i would like to be down 20 pounds and that would leave me at 152 pounds. I am currently doing my weigh ins on saturdays because i currently have a P90X challenge going on that started on january 1st. So my weigh-in is 2 days early.
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    I'm in! I finally got local chanels an am in love with the show! I've been wanting to watch it forever! Great idea! This challenge fits with the goals I already have set for myself. A little more motivation won't hurt!!!

    SW: 169 ( for challenge)
    GW: 158 ( for challenge)

    We shall see:)
  • Sweet, I wanna join! I'm a little fuzzy on my exact numbers at the moment; my scale needs new batteries. :/ Lithium batteries, like a giant watch -- so my scale use has been a little sporadic lately, as I've had to borrow time at night.

    I started 2011 at around 150, and I'm at 148 as of last night. I'll shoot for 130 by the end of the season.

    PS - Suzanne, a Biggest Loser season is about 13 weeks.

    PPS - Kara, you can watch the show online too:

    [Edited to remove non-functional BBCode]
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I'm very annoyed that they haven't showed the new trainers identities yet. There's already been 2 episodes and all they show are shadows.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    The unknown trainer..I think her name is cara according to wikipedia.
  • @Sarina -- That surprised me too! And it's kinda weird that we're not seeing very much of that team.
  • I will do it I love the biggest loser too and I know that I have more than 15 pounds to lose but this is a great way to start ! :)
    What do we need to do to start it?
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I will do it I love the biggest loser too and I know that I have more than 15 pounds to lose but this is a great way to start ! :)
    What do we need to do to start it?

    I posted my starting weight
    Then on tuesdays you do your weigh in and post it in the board i guess
    There will most likely be a biggest loser of the week and we can all discuss on what we like or disliked about that weeks show.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Tomarrow night is biggest loser. I heard they are finally going to reveal the new trainers identities. Also, tomarrow is our weigh in. Don't forget to post your starting and current weight in the board. Walkinggirl, are you going to make a chart. If not, i can help you out
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    My Weigh in this week was
    Last week: 170.8
    This Week: 170.0
    Total Weight loss : .08

    Was very dissapointed but a loss is a win in my book. Plus it was my time of the month unfortunately ;(

  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Dan and don totally threw in the weigh-in. +9 pounds each is the first in biggest loser history
  • I would like to join you in this challenge if you'll have me.

    What a shocker the show was. Good to see that Dan was down to 215 at the end of the show, but a 9 lb gain....WOW!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Anyone can join, weigh ins are today
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I usually do my weigh in on Mondays.

    Last week- 188.4
    This week. 189.0
    +0.6 gain
  • JaimeNay
    JaimeNay Posts: 80 Member
    I'm up for the challenge too!
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    I wasn't sure when weigh ins were but i usually weigh in on fridays so here it is!

    CW: 165.5 - 2.2 lbs this week

    I really don't think dan through the challenge! It is weird they both gained and it was the same amount! I was sorta confused! I hope they start showing more of the other team now that the other trainers have been revealed :)
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I really don't think dan through the challenge! It is weird they both gained and it was the same amount! I was sorta confused! I hope they start showing more of the other team now that the other trainers have been revealed :)

    That was weird, But all in all that was a 9 pounds gain on week 3. On week 1 and 2, they didn't lose that much weight either. If it was 4 pounds weight gain, i would maybe agree with you. But a 9 pounds weight gain each is unheard of in biggest loser. That is alot of weight for anyone to gain in a week in the normal world. I think it was thrown because that one guy was really homesick and thats fine for him. He's doing good, didn't he lose 50 pounds after leaving the show. But it was just a real shame to watch because there were so many people who wanted the chance to get that kind of help on biggest loser and they chose somebody who really didn't want it, and thats the truth. I just really feel bad for all those people who stood in line for hours to tryout for the show and to get turned down and then watch on Biggest loser tuesday night that discusting and disapointing moment. But then again, i feel bad for all the amazing talent that stands in line for days to tryout for american idol and then they pick really horrible singers to play on the air. Reality TV is really nasty but biggest loser to me is the most real and personal.
  • I know I'm a couple weeks late to join... but since i just signed up for mfp today, i figure today is a good day.

    I have a different story and I hope I won't get flamed or anything, but my original start weight was 305, I had weight loss surgery in nov 08, and now comes the every day challenges of getting rid of the last 20 some and keeping it off.

    I'm not a big exercise buff, but am hoping to get an eliptical machine with our tax return :)

    So my numbers for this challenge are:
    SW 183.5
    GW 168
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