weight gain using kettlebells

Hello all! I've been using kettlebells for about 8 months now, and have put on ten pounds. I'm 5'6 and went from 120-130 lb. I've increased the kettlebell weight as I've progressed (15 to 25), and I am not eating more than usual. I build muscle very easily for a girl, but ten pounds is unerving and seems like a lot. Is this typical or has anyone experienced something similar?


  • keniaclimaco5
    keniaclimaco5 Posts: 31 Member
    do you physically see more fat? if you haven't gotten flabbier then you're gaining muscle...throw in some cardio and you'll get rid of some fat.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Sigh! - here we go again...........
  • syly209
    syly209 Posts: 20 Member
    I hate kettle bells