RANT: Micromanaging at work.



  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    I literally cannot take it anymore. My boss loves to micromanage every single thing. Down to when we answer the phones (car dealership) we cannot use the words "in" or "of". I just got in trouble for this today. Apparently it gives off a "bad vibe".

    What are some of the worst micromanaging tactics you have been through/seen/heard of?

    Wow your boss sounds like a complete lunatic.How the hell can 'in' or 'of' could cause bad vibes... unless you're saying "stick this in your... " or son of a ...

    I think I may use those phrases in my two weeks notice! :drinker:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I literally cannot take it anymore. My boss loves to micromanage every single thing. Down to when we answer the phones (car dealership) we cannot use the words "in" or "of". I just got in trouble for this today. Apparently it gives off a "bad vibe".

    What are some of the worst micromanaging tactics you have been through/seen/heard of?

    Wow your boss sounds like a complete lunatic.How the hell can 'in' or 'of' could cause bad vibes... unless you're saying "stick this in your... " or son of a ...

  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Oh my. Even though we get paid less, working for the state does have it's benefits...

    ***Twiddles thumbs and continues logging and forum surfing...***
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I worked for a nonprofit that was absolutely insanely over the top with political correctness. It was so extreme that we had to use really awkward language and jargon that new employees never understood. I swear there ought to be a comedy show based on that office. They were also really strict on things like labeling of files (electronic and paper files), for example someone labeled their files with a thicker Sharpie instead of the extra fine point and was made to redo it. She had perfect handwriting and her files were only viewed by herself and the auditors (me - and twice per year a couple of state auditors) but it turned into a huge deal. They would also send out endless memos about "problems with housekeeping" which were things like a coffee soaked paper towel on the kitchen floor that happened one time in an office of 60-70 staff members. It was somethin' else.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I worked for a nonprofit that was absolutely insanely over the top with political correctness. It was so extreme that we had to use really awkward language and jargon that new employees never understood. I swear there ought to be a comedy show based on that office. They were also really strict on things like labeling of files (electronic and paper files), for example someone labeled their files with a thicker Sharpie instead of the extra fine point and was made to redo it. She had perfect handwriting and her files were only viewed by herself and the auditors (me - and twice per year a couple of state auditors) but it turned into a huge deal. They would also send out endless memos about "problems with housekeeping" which were things like a coffee soaked paper towel on the kitchen floor that happened one time in an office of 60-70 staff members. It was somethin' else.

    Wow... the polar opposite of the medical office I worked in where the financial documents were neither organized by date or name, but instead scattered all over the floor in the back room.

    How am I supposed to locate a document in that? Oh, if I can't find it we should check the storage building across town, you say?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I worked for a nonprofit that was absolutely insanely over the top with political correctness. It was so extreme that we had to use really awkward language and jargon that new employees never understood. I swear there ought to be a comedy show based on that office. They were also really strict on things like labeling of files (electronic and paper files), for example someone labeled their files with a thicker Sharpie instead of the extra fine point and was made to redo it. She had perfect handwriting and her files were only viewed by herself and the auditors (me - and twice per year a couple of state auditors) but it turned into a huge deal. They would also send out endless memos about "problems with housekeeping" which were things like a coffee soaked paper towel on the kitchen floor that happened one time in an office of 60-70 staff members. It was somethin' else.

    Wow... the polar opposite of the medical office I worked in where the financial documents were neither organized by date or name, but instead scattered all over the floor in the back room.

    How am I supposed to locate a document in that? Oh, if I can't find it we should check the storage building across town, you say?

    Oh I hear you...I have worked in offices like that, too. I actually do prefer the overly organized to unorganized ;-)

    The worst part I think was the overly P.C. language they tried to use. I'm all about using "People First" language up to a point but if you were 75 yrs old and used a wheelchair and referred to yourself as old and handicapped, I am not going to correct you rudely on the spot and say "NO, you mean a senior American who experiences a disability affecting mobility", it's just ridiculous to me.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I hate a micromanager! My boss is awesome, he sits across the hall and half the time I don't even see his face until it's lunch time or he goes down the hall for coffee. He just lets me do my thing, he's the most family friendly boss ever, invites us to spend weekends at his lake house, a few times when I've had to work late he has picked my daughter up at school and taken her to his house to swim or hang out with him and his wife LOL He also buys me the best Christmas presents. He knows I don't love my job and is always telling me he'll understand if I move on, I tell him outright - no way he's the best boss and I'm never leaving him. :bigsmile:
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I had a boss that literally jammed his hand up my butt and used me as a muppet.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm currently an exec. admin assistant and my boss is amazing- I'm really lucky.
    My old job, I was not so much. One time I got in trouble because my nametag was (visible) on my shirt rather than half an inch to the left on my sweater (where, due to the sweater cut, you could see it LESS). And, because my work was just SO GREAT (dripping sarcasm) my district manager noticed it, and instead of saying "hey, would you be able to move that" he went to the back, told my manager, who called a MEETING WITH ME TO DISCUSS IT.

    I HATE micromanagement. Hate it. This thread is giving me rage.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    My boss right now has major trust issues because of a small mistake I made 3 months ago. I am an office assistant (overworked and underpaid) I deal with Travel arrangements, reception, legal, accounting, day to day tasks

    I need to check in with her weekly on what I do day to day
    Every meeting I have she has to attend to make sure I am on topic
    Every project needs to be signed off by her before I turn it in
    Every mistake I make involves a speech from her that she expects more from me
    her expectations increase randomly ( i can give the same report and one week its amazing and the next its crap)
    everything is my fault even if I had no control or knowledge of the issue
    every purchase I make has to be approved by her

    I miss the days when I would get a compliment for my hard work...not grey hair

    Wow, she treats you like a child. I would have told her to go f@ck herself long ago.

    haha funny you say that since her argument when I approached her with how I felt about her style of managing "well I don't want to hold you hand but I feel I have to to get anything done"
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I haven't been micromanaged, per say, but I've always had old bosses (like should already be retired). So, it irritates the hell out of me when they'll try to instruct me on how to do something in -- let's say Excel for example -- a very particular way, just because that's how they do it. Or they talk to you like they're instructing a child....can't stand that! I remember my boss almost having a heart attack when I would use 'Ctrl' + 'P' to paste. He'd start freaking out like I just killed his life long spreadsheet baby because I didn't right click and press 'paste special'...:grumble:
  • MikeCrazy
    MikeCrazy Posts: 2,716 Member
    Grr, I have a manager from another dept, that is always trying to micro manage me and many others. He needs to be gone, as he has been the culprit to some shady stuff. I made him look stupid by accident, just by asking questions about something that was obviously big time legally wrong, and now he has a vendetta against me and my boss.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I haven't been micromanaged, per say, but I've always had old bosses (like should already be retired). So, it irritates the hell out of me when they'll try to instruct me on how to do something in -- let's say Excel for example -- a very particular way, just because that's how they do it. Or they talk to you like they're instructing a child....can't stand that! I remember my boss almost having a heart attack when I would use 'Ctrl' + 'P' to paste. He'd start freaking out like I just killed his life long spreadsheet baby because I didn't right click and press 'paste special'...:grumble:

    OMG my current boss is a bit like this. Luckily she's pretty great overall but when it comes to Excel or business communications she is so set in her old-school ways!!!

    There's a specific letter format she favors, for no good reason, and she always says that's how she learned to do it in college. In the 1970s.
  • twinkles2121
    twinkles2121 Posts: 137 Member
    Wow, reading some of these stories, I feel really lucky. :blushing: I have a fantastic employer, She can be a tad bit micro manage-y, however we also have good working relationship. She knows I work better without her hovering over my shoulder. There is one incident that sticks out in my mind.

    One busy day I had scribbled a mental note to myself on a sticky and made a small typo. Instead of "Remember to get unit number" I wrote it as "Remember to do unit number" I didn't bother fixing it, I was busy and it still served it's purpose. the next morning, I came in and she had crossed it out what I wrote and re-wrote it. I turned her and was like ":huh: Reeeeally?? You're going to micro-manage my mental notes??" Then she said ":embarassed: :embarassed: ........it was bothering me......"
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I haven't been micromanaged, per say, but I've always had old bosses (like should already be retired). So, it irritates the hell out of me when they'll try to instruct me on how to do something in -- let's say Excel for example -- a very particular way, just because that's how they do it. Or they talk to you like they're instructing a child....can't stand that! I remember my boss almost having a heart attack when I would use 'Ctrl' + 'P' to paste. He'd start freaking out like I just killed his life long spreadsheet baby because I didn't right click and press 'paste special'...:grumble:

    OMG my current boss is a bit like this. Luckily she's pretty great overall but when it comes to Excel or business communications she is so set in her old-school ways!!!

    There's a specific letter format she favors, for no good reason, and she always says that's how she learned to do it in college. In the 1970s.

    That's how mine is. He's great overall, but when he gets all matter-of-fact with minuscule things like that is the end all be all of how to do it, it gets really annoying. Like dude, Courier was cool on your typewriter...leave this era of technology to me.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I haven't been micromanaged, per say, but I've always had old bosses (like should already be retired). So, it irritates the hell out of me when they'll try to instruct me on how to do something in -- let's say Excel for example -- a very particular way, just because that's how they do it. Or they talk to you like they're instructing a child....can't stand that! I remember my boss almost having a heart attack when I would use 'Ctrl' + 'P' to paste. He'd start freaking out like I just killed his life long spreadsheet baby because I didn't right click and press 'paste special'...:grumble:

    Isn't Ctrl+P for print and Ctrl+V for paste. Not that I'm micromanaging or anything...

    Actually, I do have one supervisor who tends to micromanage, but she's not my immediate supervisor anymore, thankfully. She is the Excel spreadsheet queen and nothing can be done right if it's not put in Excel.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Thank goodness not a micromanager, but what my boss does on a daily basis blows my mind. Today may have just taken the cake.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    LOL I'm so glad someone said something about the ctrl + p I'm a computer nerd and was like o_O lol haha...

    Anyways, I absolutely love my job. My boss has came behind me watching YouTube and instead of being like "wtf you doing?" he's like "Why are you watching a grown man in a tutu? (btw it's a parody of what this guys daughter says) anyways best job ever.

    I'm really sorry at what some of you have to put up with and completely understand your frustrations just remember there are great jobs out there!!