HELP! I can lose any weight. What am I doing wrong?



  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I am done with this message board. Instead of getting inspiration and advice, I get slander and bullying. No need to comment or reply any further, I won't be checking back on it. Happy 4th of July everyone!

    that's fine. You clearly don't know what either of those words mean.


    And not one person - NOT ONE - made any joke or reference to the fact that your post title reads "I can lose any weight" rather than "I can't lose any weight."

    But you flounce and cry "bully" over people suggesting you may be measuring your food incorrectly (which is my guess as well)?

    So there's my bullying for the day. You got off light.
  • No diary, no help.

    First, "clean eating" has nothing to do with weight loss. Are you weighing your food? How are you calculating calorie burns? Have you taken measurements?

    I'd like to point out the fact that this is completely wrong. Surely everyone knows eating 400 calories of broccoli is better than eating 400 calories of greasy French fries. Eating like crap will not make you loss weight, even if you are staying in your calorie goals.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    No diary, no help.

    First, "clean eating" has nothing to do with weight loss. Are you weighing your food? How are you calculating calorie burns? Have you taken measurements?

    I'd like to point out the fact that this is completely wrong. Surely everyone knows eating 400 calories of broccoli is better than eating 400 calories of greasy French fries. Eating like crap will not make you loss weight, even if you are staying in your calorie goals.
    I'm sorry, but countless other people and me can prove you wrong. :smile: It doesn't matter what food is better for you, you indeed can lose weight eating 400 calories of greasy French fries as long as you eat at a calorie deficit. I personally believe that eating broccoli is nutritionally better than the fries, but then again I don't like fast food that much.
  • Hello

    My name is dances with Wow

    And I dont need to see your diary to understand why the plateau, why its only 1 pound of loss when your fat loss should be at minimum 4 to 8lbs with out the turmoil, why I know you are measuring correctly because an incorrect measure would be a significantly worse crash and burn.

    I am prepared for the back lash..because I see your process three dimensionally not one..

    First of all, lipolytic enzymes control the unwanted body fat gateway.. You have not paid the toll need to enrich them, you have not provided them the access keys to your metabolic control panel, you have not armed them with the appropriate body armor to defend the push back associated with unwanted body fats high powered defense system..

    You are speaking in tonques to your metabolism and the understanding is being haphazardly understood.. thus 1 pound..only

    The translator for your calorie conundrum..has to be forward thinking not after the fact. Not in hindsight..You have no verification no validation no authentication what your next move should be.

    You have no idea whether the hormones, the drivers of body fat prodcution, are seeking or are in need of (1) ( 2 ) or a combination of (3) new types of proteins to best deal with your depleted state.

    You have no idea if your fiberous carbs are yielding enough fiber and vitamins to provide reinforcements for the new metabloism emerging from a reduction in your weight.

    You have no concrete data that tells you that the ph+ in your blood plasma is the right environment for the new weight you have forcibly driving down..

    Your entire insides is a new you every pound you drop.. Your food diary is calculating the old you..its registering in the blind what was then not now..

    Sorry but..Its fully predictable you would have a plateau problem, again and again and again..

    The struggle indicative of a process that is defective any way you look at.. its not you doing something wrong..You my dear are better than most.. you suffer from a dated arcane misinterpretation of how to deweaponize unwanted body fat

    You are being robbed of indomitable life force.....

    If this makes any since to you and you want to zoom past this issue and get too the world of living instead of the brain dead

    My name is Dances with Wow

    I breath life force effortless and can teach you how to defeat unwanted body fat.. with out fear doubt or disbelief..
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    No diary, no help.

    First, "clean eating" has nothing to do with weight loss. Are you weighing your food? How are you calculating calorie burns? Have you taken measurements?

    I'd like to point out the fact that this is completely wrong. Surely everyone knows eating 400 calories of broccoli is better than eating 400 calories of greasy French fries. Eating like crap will not make you loss weight, even if you are staying in your calorie goals.

    No, actually, you are the one that is completely wrong.

    If you eat 400 calories of broccoli or 400 calories of french fries, the only difference is the macro/micro nutritional content.

    This means that as long as you are under your maintenance, you'll lose. it's not suggested to eat JUST broccoli or french fries, but as long as you are in a deficit you will lose.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    No diary, no help.

    First, "clean eating" has nothing to do with weight loss. Are you weighing your food? How are you calculating calorie burns? Have you taken measurements?

    I'd like to point out the fact that this is completely wrong. Surely everyone knows eating 400 calories of broccoli is better than eating 400 calories of greasy French fries. Eating like crap will not make you loss weight, even if you are staying in your calorie goals.

    My 51 pound weight loss would beg to differ.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You are being robbed of indomitable life force.....

    If this makes any since to you and you want to zoom past this issue and get too the world of living instead of the brain dead

    My name is Dances with Wow

    I breath life force effortless and can teach you how to defeat unwanted body fat.. with out fear doubt or disbelief..

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I am done with this message board. Instead of getting inspiration and advice, I get slander and bullying. No need to comment or reply any further, I won't be checking back on it. Happy 4th of July everyone!
    Don't give up.

    Just click on the names of the rude people and then click on the ignore bar and it's automatically going to skip the nonsense for you. You never see another word. You'll still see lots of good advice.

    There really are some super-nice people around. :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    No diary, no help.

    First, "clean eating" has nothing to do with weight loss. Are you weighing your food? How are you calculating calorie burns? Have you taken measurements?

    I'd like to point out the fact that this is completely wrong. Surely everyone knows eating 400 calories of broccoli is better than eating 400 calories of greasy French fries. Eating like crap will not make you loss weight, even if you are staying in your calorie goals.

    Anyone who thinks 400 calories of broccoli is healthy or even a good idea has never eaten 400 calories of broccoli.

    But let's take your false dichotomy of healthiness a step further. If broccoli is inherently healthy and french fries are inherently unhealthy, please explain to me how a diet consisting of 2000 calories of broccoli is superior to a diet consisting of 400 calories of french fries, 100 calories of broccoli, and 1500 calories of things other than broccoli or french fries.

    Also, if you try this yourself, please video your 2000 calories of broccoli...for science.

    ETA: And for weight loss, there is no difference.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I am currently down 16 lbs but I have hit a plateau
    Accurately measure & record your foods.
    Lower your calorie goal. (Not below 1200 unless you're monitored by a doctor.) If you're eating 1500 cal per day, you will eventually get to 150 lb.
    Water amount seems fine.
    Increase the intensity or duration of your cardio workout. (The most effective way to burn calories.)
    Do a different workout.
    Add weightlifting, not so much because it burns lots of calories, but because it will develop muscle, which burns lots of calories.
    Double your fruits & veggies so you get full faster, stay full longer (fiber), on fewer calories.
    Have one day a week where you don't exercise and you have a couple hundred more calories than usual.
    Get a medical checkup.

    What's your goal weight? Do you know your healthy weight?
    That translates into goal calories.
    I eat clean about 90-95% of the time with 6 small meals a day
    1500-1600 calories a day
    Eating nonprocessed foods has nothing to do with weight loss, aside from that eating more fruits & veggies will fill you up with fewer calories.
    Avoiding pesticides might have some effect on health.

    So you're having 6 250-calorie snacks?
    Change that.
    Have 700 cal for breakfast, 500 for lunch, and 300 for dinner.

    I did a blog post talking about research that has useful information.

    One study showed that eating a large breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner produced more weight loss than reversing the size of the meals (which is how Americans usually eat).

    "The [large breakfast] group showed greater weight loss and waist circumference reduction ... fasting glucose, insulin [&] triglycerides ... decreased significantly to a greater extent in the [large breakfast] group."
    In addition, hunger was less and satiety was greater.
    Here's the summary:
    Here's a PDF of the whole article.
    The scale hasn't changed, but in a positive aspect, my clothes are looser.
    Are you recording your measurements? That's always a positive, losing inches.
    I think maybe I will have to start juicing for a day or so for detox
    Your liver & kidneys do all the detox you need, unless you have serious medical problems.
    Eat normal foods, in reasonable amounts (load up on the veggies), to give your body what it needs.
    You don't need juices or powders or pills. (Well, maybe an appetite-control aid for a month or two, but only if that's a problem for you.)
    I'm trying to access actual peer reviewed medical data, but having a hard time doing anything from my tablet. I don't pay attention to anything but peer reviewed research and don't like journalistic magazine articles.
    AMEN!! Glad to hear someone else does this.
    I start with PubMed & look on google scholar for the free articles.
    Surely everyone knows eating 400 calories of broccoli is better than eating 400 calories of greasy French fries
    Only in terms of nutrition.
    Calorie-wise they're the same.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Oh, and by they way, the more hooey someone shovels, and the less they're able to back it up with citations to real research, the less credence you should give them.

    Case in point...:
    You are being robbed of indomitable life force ...
    The translator for your calorie conundrum..has to be forward thinking not after the fact. Not in hindsight..You have no verification no validation no authentication what your next move should be.
    You have no concrete data that tells you that the ph+ in your blood plasma is the right environment for the new weight you have forcibly driving down
    This one is complete & utter non-scientific nonsense.
    Your body has several mechanisms to maintain your blood pH within a very narrow range.
    That doesn't change depending on weight.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Oh, and by they way, the more hooey someone shovels, and the less they're able to back it up with citations to real research, the less credence you should give them.

    Case in point...:
    You are being robbed of indomitable life force ...
    The translator for your calorie conundrum..has to be forward thinking not after the fact. Not in hindsight..You have no verification no validation no authentication what your next move should be.
    You have no concrete data that tells you that the ph+ in your blood plasma is the right environment for the new weight you have forcibly driving down
    This one is complete & utter non-scientific nonsense.
    Your body has several mechanisms to maintain your blood pH within a very narrow range.
    That doesn't change depending on weight.

    But don't you want breathing some life force into you? At least he's not offering his protein like he did in other posts.

  • No diary, no help.

    First, "clean eating" has nothing to do with weight loss. Are you weighing your food? How are you calculating calorie burns? Have you taken measurements?

    I'd like to point out the fact that this is completely wrong. Surely everyone knows eating 400 calories of broccoli is better than eating 400 calories of greasy French fries. Eating like crap will not make you loss weight, even if you are staying in your calorie goals.

    My 51 pound weight loss would beg to differ.

    Your 51 pounds..was the result of consistently meeting your protein number(Pn#) which guaranteed lipolytic enzymes count remain potent..

    Whats makes your 51 pounds a good thing as whole.. is is a number you are proud of.. But the work you wnet through counting day in and day pales in comparison to managing food energy just once a month.

    You micromanaged every thing you put in your mouth week in and week out.. You back and forth balmed your self, tricked your self, used a battering ram to get your unwanted body fat to obey..and metabolism to cooperate..

    You were inthe dark the entire way hoping this calorie reduction was correct..

    You had very little learning relationship with your body except being a prideful documentarian with macros..
    Denying hormones even exist.. unable to look back and think what if..

    I am sincerely delight for your 51poud loss. But I know what you went through backwards and forwards..but I also know what didnt need to go through..

    You know only a basic counting system for a system that exist as way more than basic..

    Calories only works when lypolytic enzymes are at a one to one 1:1 relationship to food energy.. Calories are simply a ticket agent they do not indicate what happens after the stub of the ticket is energy does..
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    No diary, no help.

    First, "clean eating" has nothing to do with weight loss. Are you weighing your food? How are you calculating calorie burns? Have you taken measurements?

    I'd like to point out the fact that this is completely wrong. Surely everyone knows eating 400 calories of broccoli is better than eating 400 calories of greasy French fries. Eating like crap will not make you loss weight, even if you are staying in your calorie goals.

    My 51 pound weight loss would beg to differ.

    Your 51 pounds..was the result of consistently meeting your protein number(Pn#) which guaranteed lipolytic enzymes count remain potent..

    Whats makes your 51 pounds a good thing as whole.. is is a number you are proud of.. But the work you wnet through counting day in and day pales in comparison to managing food energy just once a month.

    You micromanaged every thing you put in your mouth week in and week out.. You back and forth balmed your self, tricked your self, used a battering ram to get your unwanted body fat to obey..and metabolism to cooperate..

    You were inthe dark the entire way hoping this calorie reduction was correct..

    You had very little learning relationship with your body except being a prideful documentarian with macros..
    Denying hormones even exist.. unable to look back and think what if..

    I am sincerely delight for your 51poud loss. But I know what you went through backwards and forwards..but I also know what didnt need to go through..

    You know only a basic counting system for a system that exist as way more than basic..

    Calories only works when lypolytic enzymes are at a one to one 1:1 relationship to food energy.. Calories are simply a ticket agent they do not indicate what happens after the stub of the ticket is energy does..

    Protein..battering ramming your body. ..

    Oh boy.

  • Oh, and by they way, the more hooey someone shovels, and the less they're able to back it up with citations to real research, the less credence you should give them.

    Case in point...:
    You are being robbed of indomitable life force ...
    The translator for your calorie conundrum..has to be forward thinking not after the fact. Not in hindsight..You have no verification no validation no authentication what your next move should be.
    You have no concrete data that tells you that the ph+ in your blood plasma is the right environment for the new weight you have forcibly driving down
    This one is complete & utter non-scientific nonsense.
    Your body has several mechanisms to maintain your blood pH within a very narrow range.
    That doesn't change depending on weight.

    But don't you want breathing some life force into you? At least he's not offering his protein like he did in other posts.



    I like going blind folded. Lets see..-peer reviewed..material

    You look for evidence in all the wrong places..the same way you hold so fast to the notion that the universe according to fat loss and peer reviewed material is all that ends all..

    Obviosuly I have reviewed the journals..and have more in depth study.. other wise you would not be so dogged to determined to validate you are right and I m worng..

    To site every piece of data here would be meaningless- you wnat data look up endocrine and lipolytic enzyme research. look up lipase secretion, look up enzymatic reactions in mammalian physio-types

    If your learning curve is in lock step with turn of the sentry texts.. in no way can you solve you can only be a consumer of others hard work and often mis interpreted data as they were not looking for unwanted body fat metabolism back then..


    where what you studied then is irrelevant now..
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member

    My name is dances with Wow

    And I dont need to see your diary to understand why the plateau, why its only 1 pound of loss when your fat loss should be at minimum 4 to 8lbs with out the turmoil, why I know you are measuring correctly because an incorrect measure would be a significantly worse crash and burn.

    I am prepared for the back lash..because I see your process three dimensionally not one..

    First of all, lipolytic enzymes control the unwanted body fat gateway.. You have not paid the toll need to enrich them, you have not provided them the access keys to your metabolic control panel, you have not armed them with the appropriate body armor to defend the push back associated with unwanted body fats high powered defense system..

    You are speaking in tonques to your metabolism and the understanding is being haphazardly understood.. thus 1 pound..only

    The translator for your calorie conundrum..has to be forward thinking not after the fact. Not in hindsight..You have no verification no validation no authentication what your next move should be.

    You have no idea whether the hormones, the drivers of body fat prodcution, are seeking or are in need of (1) ( 2 ) or a combination of (3) new types of proteins to best deal with your depleted state.

    You have no idea if your fiberous carbs are yielding enough fiber and vitamins to provide reinforcements for the new metabloism emerging from a reduction in your weight.

    You have no concrete data that tells you that the ph+ in your blood plasma is the right environment for the new weight you have forcibly driving down..

    Your entire insides is a new you every pound you drop.. Your food diary is calculating the old you..its registering in the blind what was then not now..

    Sorry but..Its fully predictable you would have a plateau problem, again and again and again..

    The struggle indicative of a process that is defective any way you look at.. its not you doing something wrong..You my dear are better than most.. you suffer from a dated arcane misinterpretation of how to deweaponize unwanted body fat

    You are being robbed of indomitable life force.....

    If this makes any since to you and you want to zoom past this issue and get too the world of living instead of the brain dead

    My name is Dances with Wow

    I breath life force effortless and can teach you how to defeat unwanted body fat.. with out fear doubt or disbelief..

    Oh, FFS.

  • Oh, and by they way, the more hooey someone shovels, and the less they're able to back it up with citations to real research, the less credence you should give them.

    Case in point...:
    You are being robbed of indomitable life force ...
    The translator for your calorie conundrum..has to be forward thinking not after the fact. Not in hindsight..You have no verification no validation no authentication what your next move should be.
    You have no concrete data that tells you that the ph+ in your blood plasma is the right environment for the new weight you have forcibly driving down
    This one is complete & utter non-scientific nonsense.
    Your body has several mechanisms to maintain your blood pH within a very narrow range.
    That doesn't change depending on weight.

    Ph+ Concentration in blood plasma indeed does trend more towards basic than alkaline..Here is why..waste product.. and the repair process are two seperate enviromnets taking place at the same time..

    again three dimensionally its not one and then other.

    Hormones alter based on ionic exchange of fluid..and are always recalibrating at wnat o see it in action go have a salty what ever..this new surge of sodium encourages thirst

    The moment you drink water.. the ph+ in your body alters..enough to become an inhibitor....while the organs responsible fr recalibrating is trying to make the adjustment..

    the end result you are not fully hydrated even thought you have consumed water..
    The molecule of water cannot fully enter the cell because the shift in Ph+ made water unable to breach the cell membrane

    But you wont go and do the research you will just be lazy and in disbelief knowing only how to spout back.

    in your mind.. It can only be calories..

    I can prove mine in three days.. your calorie myth takes weeks and months and moths and when it does not work you blame the end user..
    doing something wrong..

    I know well before going off track becomes an issue
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Oh, and by they way, the more hooey someone shovels, and the less they're able to back it up with citations to real research, the less credence you should give them.

    Case in point...:
    You are being robbed of indomitable life force ...
    The translator for your calorie conundrum..has to be forward thinking not after the fact. Not in hindsight..You have no verification no validation no authentication what your next move should be.
    You have no concrete data that tells you that the ph+ in your blood plasma is the right environment for the new weight you have forcibly driving down
    This one is complete & utter non-scientific nonsense.
    Your body has several mechanisms to maintain your blood pH within a very narrow range.
    That doesn't change depending on weight.

    Ph+ Concentration in blood plasma indeed does trend more towards basic than alkaline..Here is why..waste product.. and the repair process are two seperate enviromnets taking place at the same time..

    again three dimensionally its not one and then other.

    Hormones alter based on ionic exchange of fluid..and are always recalibrating at wnat o see it in action go have a salty what ever..this new surge of sodium encourages thirst

    The moment you drink water.. the ph+ in your body alters..enough to become an inhibitor....while the organs responsible fr recalibrating is trying to make the adjustment..

    the end result you are not fully hydrated even thought you have consumed water..
    The molecule of water cannot fully enter the cell because the shift in Ph+ made water unable to breach the cell membrane

    But you wont go and do the research you will just be lazy and in disbelief knowing only how to spout back.

    in your mind.. It can only be calories..

    I can prove mine in three days.. your calorie myth takes weeks and months and moths and when it does not work you blame the end user..
    doing something wrong..

    I know well before going off track becomes an issue

  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Oh, and by they way, the more hooey someone shovels, and the less they're able to back it up with citations to real research, the less credence you should give them.

    Case in point...:
    You are being robbed of indomitable life force ...
    The translator for your calorie conundrum..has to be forward thinking not after the fact. Not in hindsight..You have no verification no validation no authentication what your next move should be.
    You have no concrete data that tells you that the ph+ in your blood plasma is the right environment for the new weight you have forcibly driving down
    This one is complete & utter non-scientific nonsense.
    Your body has several mechanisms to maintain your blood pH within a very narrow range.
    That doesn't change depending on weight.

    Ph+ Concentration in blood plasma indeed does trend more towards basic than alkaline..Here is why..waste product.. and the repair process are two seperate enviromnets taking place at the same time..

    again three dimensionally its not one and then other.

    Hormones alter based on ionic exchange of fluid..and are always recalibrating at wnat o see it in action go have a salty what ever..this new surge of sodium encourages thirst

    The moment you drink water.. the ph+ in your body alters..enough to become an inhibitor....while the organs responsible fr recalibrating is trying to make the adjustment..

    the end result you are not fully hydrated even thought you have consumed water..
    The molecule of water cannot fully enter the cell because the shift in Ph+ made water unable to breach the cell membrane

    But you wont go and do the research you will just be lazy and in disbelief knowing only how to spout back.

    in your mind.. It can only be calories..

    I can prove mine in three days.. your calorie myth takes weeks and months and moths and when it does not work you blame the end user..
    doing something wrong..

    I know well before going off track becomes an issue

    This writing is amazing!! Even though the OP rage quit this guy has made reading this topic totally worth it :smile:
  • MagicalGiraffe
    MagicalGiraffe Posts: 102 Member

    My name is Magical Giraffe

    I breath in your life force effortless and can teach you how to defeat unwanted neck fat.. with out fear doubt scientific support or disbelief.. for a simple sign up fee of $9.99 a week i can teach you the essence of magic... and magic is the essence of beauty