Juicing is working for me



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Eating food is working for me
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I think people leave negative comments because they don't have the will power to do it themselves. Who wouldn't want to feel healthy & lose weight quickly. Good for you.

    I like knowing when I sneeze I'm not going to have a pantastrophe. Willpower has nothing to do with it.

    I agree. Willpower cannot halt a pantastrophe. Only good quality underwear can, and that's not even 100% guaranteed.

    It all Depends. Womp Womp
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    I did the 7 day juice cleanse, it was 'HELL' on my body , but I stuck with it. Lost 20lbs in 1 week. For me it was a way to get my body ready for the healthier lifestyle change, my stomach shrunk and taught me to only eat when I was hungry not to eat out of boredom and such. Its deffinitly not a sustainable way of feeding yourself but for what I used it for it worked...I now eat healthy and exercise daily and down from 265lbs to 195ish since February.
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member

    The only negative is the horrible feedback I get from lots of people, who think I'm crazy for juicing. Why is there so much anti-juicing sentiment out there?

    There's so much anti-juicing sentiment because drinking 3 meals a day is usually not sustainable. MFP is all about finding a reasonable plan that you can adhere to for life, and most folks can't adhere to such a strict regimen forever.

    Lots of inexperienced people "lurk" in the forums, reading posts like this to learn more and make decisions about how to formulate their personal plan. If juicing works for you, great. The dissent comes from experienced users here who simply want newbies and lurkers to understand that there can be lots of negative effects from choosing to juice your food (unsustainability, lack of protein and fiber, calories too low, unreasonable expectations).

    Hope this helps you understand that it's not necessarily "negativity," it's adding more pieces to the puzzle to make a complete picture, so folks can make informed decisions.

    As for me, I prefer to eat my calories. Mostly because vegetable juice tastes gross to me and leaves me hangry, setting me up for binges.

  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    I think people leave negative comments because they don't have the will power to do it themselves. Who wouldn't want to feel healthy & lose weight quickly. Good for you.

    I like knowing when I sneeze I'm not going to have a pantastrophe. Willpower has nothing to do with it.

    I agree. Willpower cannot halt a pantastrophe. Only good quality underwear can, and that's not even 100% guaranteed.

    It all Depends. Womp Womp

    That's just shameless. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • audiomagnate
    See what I mean? Mention juicing and all the haters come out. I don't juice fruits, but everyone says I'm getting too much sugar. I eat a wonderful, healthy meal every day and people say my live is boring. Is eating bacon and eggs and pop tarts everyday for breakfast exiting and fun? Then they start talking about diarrhea, which I don't have. Then they talk about the disgusting taste, and I think it tastes fine.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    See what I mean? Mention juicing and all the haters come out. I don't juice fruits, but everyone says I'm getting too much sugar. I eat a wonderful, healthy meal every day and people say my live is boring. Is eating bacon and eggs and pop tarts everyday for breakfast exiting and fun? Then they start talking about diarrhea, which I don't have. Then they talk about the disgusting taste, and I think it tastes fine.

    Seriously? No one here has been a 'hater'. People are stating facts for and against.

    What's so wrong with people posting about making lifestyle sustainable changes or that food worked for them?

    As another poster stated on here people post about lifestyle changes so that lurkers can also see the whole picture, the whole puzzle and make informed decisions.

    You think it tastes fine, others don't. They are just as entitled to their opinion and just as entitled to post on a public forum that they don't like it.

    If you don't want varying opinions, just want people to agree with you then I'm sure there's a group on MFP that you could post this in.
  • Krista40in14
    Krista40in14 Posts: 5 Member
    I absolutely LOVE juicing! I drink 8 oz of mean green juice every day about 4. Gives me a ton of energy. I eat regular meals and snack too, but when I miss my juice, I feel it. Do what works for you!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    155 at 5' 10" sounds a bit on the low side... Don't men "fill out" after the age of 18? As in their muscles and skeletal structure develop more? 155 sounds ok for a narrow frame... Anyway, congrats on juicing. Don't know why it should matter if food is solid or liquid. That's what teeth do anyway ;)
  • TechLady11412
    TechLady11412 Posts: 35 Member
    I just turned 59 (male, medium frame) and play competitive tennis (4.0 level) three to five times a week, mostly singles. I'm 5'10 and started with myfitnesspal about a year ago, when I weighed 190. Through sensible eating I got down to 175-180. I recently watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" at the urging of my daughter, and decided to give it a try. I already owned a Breville juicer that had been gathering dust for years, so two weeks ago we started a ten day fast. I lost about ten pounds and now weigh 167 lbs and feel great. I still juice three times a day and have a sensible "normal" meal for dinner. I was happy at 177 and didn't do this to lose weight, but my tennis has benefited so much, and I feel so great I've set a new goal of 155, which is what I weighed from age 18 to about age 30.

    The only negative is the horrible feedback I get from lots of people, who think I'm crazy for juicing. Why is there so much anti-juicing sentiment out there?

    You're going to get negative feedback here as well, i'm afraid. From all the posters that feel it's their job to "save the lurkers" -those poor lost souls that apparently don't possess the mental capacity to research the positives and negatives of following any sort of nutrition plan THEMSELVES before making a decision.

    If it's working for you in your personal situation OP, good for you. If and when you decide it's not working for you and you want to change it up, add/delete a few things, have at it. I enjoyed that movie (watched it twice actually) and definitely see the benefits of adding juicing to any nutrition plan. Sure is better than the 100 calorie pack, low fat, sugar free, fat free and chemically processed frozen dinner HFCS/CAFO junk that's passing for food these days.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    And the poop thing does happen to some people who juice, shouldn't that be made aware of to people considering it so they don't have any surprises? Or should everyone be made to believe it's all unicorns and rainbows? I'm not trying to be mean, just honest.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I just turned 59 (male, medium frame) and play competitive tennis (4.0 level) three to five times a week, mostly singles. I'm 5'10 and started with myfitnesspal about a year ago, when I weighed 190. Through sensible eating I got down to 175-180. I recently watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" at the urging of my daughter, and decided to give it a try. I already owned a Breville juicer that had been gathering dust for years, so two weeks ago we started a ten day fast. I lost about ten pounds and now weigh 167 lbs and feel great. I still juice three times a day and have a sensible "normal" meal for dinner. I was happy at 177 and didn't do this to lose weight, but my tennis has benefited so much, and I feel so great I've set a new goal of 155, which is what I weighed from age 18 to about age 30.

    The only negative is the horrible feedback I get from lots of people, who think I'm crazy for juicing. Why is there so much anti-juicing sentiment out there?

    You're going to get negative feedback here as well, i'm afraid. From all the posters that feel it's their job to "save the lurkers" -those poor lost souls that apparently don't possess the mental capacity to research the positives and negatives of following any sort of nutrition plan THEMSELVES before making a decision.

    If it's working for you in your personal situation OP, good for you. If and when you decide it's not working for you and you want to change it up, add/delete a few things, have at it. I enjoyed that movie (watched it twice actually) and definitely see the benefits of adding juicing to any nutrition plan. Sure is better than the 100 calorie pack, low fat, sugar free, fat free and chemically processed frozen dinner HFCS/CAFO junk that's passing for food these days.

    Seriously? Wouldn't this be considered part of their research? No one who posts against juicing thinks lurkers can't think or research for themselves. But what good does a thread on a public forum do if it is nothing but agreement? How does one learn about the good and the bad of whatever it is they are doing? No one would learn anything if every single thread on here every day was rainbows and unicorns all day long.

    I'm sure there are groups on MFP for juicing where you'll get all the positive responses you want, though no one here has actually been all that negative.
  • zenhiker2014
    zenhiker2014 Posts: 84 Member
    The only negative is the horrible feedback I get from lots of people, who think I'm crazy for juicing. Why is there so much anti-juicing sentiment out there?

    You're going to get negative feedback here as well, i'm afraid. From all the posters that feel it's their job to "save the lurkers" -those poor lost souls that apparently don't possess the mental capacity to research the positives and negatives of following any sort of nutrition plan THEMSELVES

    Personally, I read threads like this specifically to hear the pros AND cons of doing something. Yes, I can do my own research and I do. On both sides of the issue. So I don't need to be protected from any particular opinion - I want to hear them all.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think people leave negative comments because they don't have the will power to do it themselves. Who wouldn't want to feel healthy & lose weight quickly. Good for you.

  • vintagehollywood
    vintagehollywood Posts: 9 Member
    OP, first of all, congratulations on the loss and on finding a "diet" that works for you!

    Juicing is amazing. I did a 3 day juice fast back in January, also inspired by Joe Cross and Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. It was the best three days of my life. It was my way to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle. In those three days, I lost six pounds, saw my Keratosis pilaris ("chicken skin") all but disappear, and had enough energy on the night of the second day to run my first-ever twelve-minute mile. I still have a morning juice every day now, just to keep the energy flowing.

    In my experience, because I am also a "crazy diet girl" (as I'm dubbed by my close friends) that eats gluten free pescetarian, it seems like most, if not all, of the negativity I receive is from people who care or are curious about it. People who express concern over my lack of protein or wondering about my, er, bodily functions as a result of high fiber intake, or how I could possible not be hungry. They are amazed. haha. With me, I ate mostly plant products to begin with, so aside from being sleepy the first day, I didn't experience the bathroom needy-ness usually associated with the switch or any of the other side-effects people commonly worry about.

    Diet is all about listening to your body. If you feel great, be great. Anyone with negativity from a true place (not just a Gloomy Gus) of concern or coming across as negative will eventually see how happy the change has made you, how your skin glows, or how you smile more, and they will accept it and be happy for you. You already changed, their change has to catch up. =)

    If you liked Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, try Hungry for Change, and Food Inc. Those three are my go-to docs whenever I feel the pressure to give in.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    OP, first of all, congratulations on the loss and on finding a "diet" that works for you!

    Juicing is amazing. I did a 3 day juice fast back in January, also inspired by Joe Cross and Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. It was the best three days of my life. It was my way to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle. In those three days, I lost six pounds, saw my Keratosis pilaris ("chicken skin") all but disappear, and had enough energy on the night of the second day to run my first-ever twelve-minute mile. I still have a morning juice every day now, just to keep the energy flowing.

    In my experience, because I am also a "crazy diet girl" (as I'm dubbed by my close friends) that eats gluten free pescetarian, it seems like most, if not all, of the negativity I receive is from people who care or are curious about it. People who express concern over my lack of protein or wondering about my, er, bodily functions as a result of high fiber intake, or how I could possible not be hungry. They are amazed. haha. With me, I ate mostly plant products to begin with, so aside from being sleepy the first day, I didn't experience the bathroom needy-ness usually associated with the switch or any of the other side-effects people commonly worry about.

    Diet is all about listening to your body. If you feel great, be great. Anyone with negativity from a true place (not just a Gloomy Gus) of concern or coming across as negative will eventually see how happy the change has made you, how your skin glows, or how you smile more, and they will accept it and be happy for you. You already changed, their change has to catch up. =)

    If you liked Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, try Hungry for Change, and Food Inc. Those three are my go-to docs whenever I feel the pressure to give in.

    I used to call it "poop face"
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    OP, first of all, congratulations on the loss and on finding a "diet" that works for you!

    Juicing is amazing. I did a 3 day juice fast back in January, also inspired by Joe Cross and Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. It was the best three days of my life. It was my way to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle. In those three days, I lost six pounds, saw my Keratosis pilaris ("chicken skin") all but disappear, and had enough energy on the night of the second day to run my first-ever twelve-minute mile. I still have a morning juice every day now, just to keep the energy flowing.

    In my experience, because I am also a "crazy diet girl" (as I'm dubbed by my close friends) that eats gluten free pescetarian, it seems like most, if not all, of the negativity I receive is from people who care or are curious about it. People who express concern over my lack of protein or wondering about my, er, bodily functions as a result of high fiber intake, or how I could possible not be hungry. They are amazed. haha. With me, I ate mostly plant products to begin with, so aside from being sleepy the first day, I didn't experience the bathroom needy-ness usually associated with the switch or any of the other side-effects people commonly worry about.

    Diet is all about listening to your body. If you feel great, be great. Anyone with negativity from a true place (not just a Gloomy Gus) of concern or coming across as negative will eventually see how happy the change has made you, how your skin glows, or how you smile more, and they will accept it and be happy for you. You already changed, their change has to catch up. =)

    If you liked Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, try Hungry for Change, and Food Inc. Those three are my go-to docs whenever I feel the pressure to give in.

    I used to call it "poop face"

    Aww lookit the little baby!

    He's on a liquid diet too! Can't you see the glow? He's smiling!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If you liked Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, try Hungry for Change, and Food Inc. Those three are my go-to docs whenever I feel the pressure to give in.


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