What was your first sign of pregnancy?



  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Oh yeah I was always extremely tired also.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Oh my goodness thank you to everyone for the support, well wishes, prayers, and HELP! lol... I'm so excited and nervous!! I hope I'm not getting too excited and then it turns out to be nothing! But, sometimes, you just know something is different!
  • evelazquez78
    evelazquez78 Posts: 20 Member
    EXTREME tiredness, which was before I found out. I conceived around 12/10/09 and got a positive test on 12/21/09. I was due for my period on 12/28 or so, so I was able to find out EARLY. I used a First Response test and it popped up positive right away. Depending on how far past ovulation you are, you may be able to test. Then around 6 weeks I started throwing up, which lasted until 18-20 weeks. Ugh.
  • mustang52
    My fingers are crossed for you!!!!

    My first "sign" of pregnancy for all my kids is I started craving Dairy Queen Ice Cream and I had to have it NOW!!!!....and I don't like DQ's ice cream .

    So off to DQ I went and as soon as I was done, I headed to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test and sure enough ++++! LOL
  • foolismcgee
    the reason i took a pregnancy test was because i was having cramping, it was similar to period cramps
  • AnnaleisJ
    AnnaleisJ Posts: 50 Member
    Oh and I forgot to add I'm having very light spotting! Ahhh!!! Sorry if that's TMI!!

    Could be implantation bleeding.....so maybe???
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    Sore boobs! :laugh:

    Good luck!

    OMGosh, yes, sooo true. That and EXTREME fatigue were my signs....I am ALWAYS tired during my TOM because of my iron deficiency...but man oh man, when I was pregnant, I could hardly keep my eyes open at my desk. LOL
  • melindapipkin
    when i was pregnat with my first child i was tired all the time, i could be sitting on the couch then just fall asleep.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    oh - I also became EXTREMELY dyslexic during both my pregnancies... usually I correct myself while I type but I missed everything and the biggest culprit was the word "HTE". :laugh: this actually started almost immediately and totally freaked me out until I knew I was PG.

    Lol... I'm assuming you meant The?? or maybe Eth?? lol... just kidding! fingers crossed!
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    My breasts were extremely sore with my first one. They were so tender I could not sleep on my stomach like I am use to doing. Then when I was late, I took a test and sure enough - we were expecting! With my 2nd, I had no idea until about 3 months in, because I had just had my daughter and was breast feeding so I lost all pregnancy weight. All of a sudden my belly looked like I was 3 months along and had not had a cycle since the birth of my daughter in Feb. Well in December of that same yr my son was born! Yes 2 babies in one year. They are 10 months and 15 days apart. :)
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    When brushing my teeth, the smell of fresh garlic, or the smell of canned tuna makes me gag. These things are instantanious for me & last through the entire pregnancy. I threatened my husband with divorce if he cooked with garlic during my last pregnancy!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    With my daughter...it was too early to tell. I just had a 'feeling' and then became extreamly tired. I could barely keep my eyes open. I took a home test 2 weeks prior to TOM and it tested positive. I about passed out from finding out...I was also 18 at the time, lol.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Never been but bposting to say GOOD LUCKKKK
  • jtgill
    jtgill Posts: 48
    My first symptom was that I just FELT pregnant....like you said just felt different down there....Then exhaustion, sore breasts, and nausea. Good luck! Baby dust your way!
  • jtgill
    jtgill Posts: 48
    My first symptom was that I just FELT pregnant....like you said just felt different down there....Then exhaustion, sore breasts, and nausea. Good luck! Baby dust your way!
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Besides morning sickness, I did just feel different. And instead of a period I had brown spotting for a day or so. And I was exhausted all the time.
  • ♡MyCurves
    ♡MyCurves Posts: 104 Member
    Ok well this pregnancy, I had signs DAYS after conception LITERALLY! Tried to drink a beer & felt sick to my stomach...then had a damn headache for like 4-5 days straight!
    If ur gonna test early buy the 25pgk preg strips off amazon...like 6bucks...I testes a very faint positive 7 days !4 my period. GL! :)