Runners? And/or slow weight loss people



  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    I don't run much and I would love to run, but I feel like I am too heavy to run right now. I can run for a few minutes and then I have to stop. Eventually I want to run for a long period of time. Someday i will get there!

    you can! i was at like 265 pounds when i started running. i started with 10 minutes here and there... then walk/run combo for a 20 or so. then one day i ran 20 minutes without a walk stop and was shocked. then i stopped breathing hard and got up to 30 minutes. now i am in love with it and running an hour at a time non stop... . still 247 pounds. and with a chronic bad back and foot issues.

    the running makes me feel like i am oh i dunno, 200 pounds..

    you can do it!
  • welshpoppy
    welshpoppy Posts: 114 Member
    Add me if you want I run 4 days a week after 7 years out with injury and fat gain.It is a hard long journey but I adore running training for a half marathon In October first one in 7 years although this one will be a lot slower due to me being 2 stone over weight.I try to stick to 1400 cals but some days it is hard but this is a lifestyle not a diet.
  • owensdad68
    owensdad68 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I've just started to add jogging to my fittness routine as I'm now feeling a bit more confident. As for speed I tend to set a distance first and build up on my speed over a period of around 12 weeks over the distance 4 miles at present!! 40 mins !!I cycle every day lot less pressure on the joints and jog 3 times a week or hit the tread mill and I stick to my fittness pal calorie setting 6 days a week with one rest day and I've managed to loose every week,keep up the great work
  • jellybeansmamma
    jellybeansmamma Posts: 122 Member
    Happy for anyone to add me :) I have a long road ahead of me, 32 kilos to lose, and aiming for .25 kilo loss per week (half a pound) I eat around 1800 cals a day.

    I've always wanted to be a runner, and kept telling myself once I lose that first 10 kilos i'll do it! Well I never got past losing 9 kilos. This time I decided I want to be a runner, and I will start today! (highest non pregnant weight 214 pounds 2 weeks ago) Just finished week one of couch to 5 k this morning, and looking forward to week 2!!!
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    Hello :) I'm a runner enthusiast and would love to have more like-minded MFP buddies. Feel free to add me (anyone in this thread), I'll be glad to share my experiences!!!
    I'm currently logging 30-35 miles a week.
  • SweetMaryAngel
    Hi there! I started using the c25k maybe 6.5 weeks ago about(though i'm only on week 4 day 3) but I've now grown a strong love for running. And after reading how it's great for slimming down thighs I can't wait to do my next run now :D I eat around 1300-1400 calories a day. Feel free to add me, I'd love to have more running friends! I try to do 3 runs a week, i slowed down cause I started insanity but now I'm getting back into it ^^
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I'm another slow runner-and it's running, not jogging-running is running regardless of how fast you are going. I have been a runner on and off my whole life and this year decided to try to be more consistent about it again. I just ran my first half marathon a few weeks ago! It was actually really fun! I was super slow but did beat my goal which was a realistic time for me. I'm doing another in October and this one is much less hilly and I have a lot more time to prepare (and stay on track haha). So, welcome to the world of running! I did do the Couch to 5k to begin with then modified the Bridge to 10k and by then I felt like I could trust myself to pace my runs as needed. I use Runkeeper. I'm 5'2 and have about another 40lbs to lose. I eat between 1300-1800/day depending on my exercise and hunger levels.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    I'm 55, been running for two years, have been at goal since first of June. Lost at about .5-1 pound a week eating 1400-1550 a day. Eating 1711 to maintain 125 pounds. Ran today and ate around 2100. Currently training for a half marathon. Feel free to send me a friend request.