30 day shred question.

I want to do the 30 day shred but I don't have weights at the moment. What could I substitute them with? Or do I not need them.


  • Angelica0530
    I've been using water bottles... they're only about 1 pound each, but I haven't found anything else that is similar that is just laying around the house. I plan on buying 3 pound hand weights asap - they're only $10-15 depending on where you get them.
  • brittomart
    How are you logging this into your exercise tracker?
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    I used canned veggies / corn until I got some 3lb weights!
  • NicolaMichelle93
    NicolaMichelle93 Posts: 685 Member
    I had a friend that used anything in a can! Soup, canned kidney beans etc.. and that seemed to work for her although I do recommend weights eventually as they're great for bumping up the intensity of the workout and toning up and such.