Using an e-cig at the gym



  • bshot1
    bshot1 Posts: 44
    Congrats on quitting with ecigs, I did the same thing and haven't smoked a cigarette since September myself.

    With that out of the way, don't be that douche who blows clouds where it isn't appropriate to smoke.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Personally I would find it a tad disrespectful. Can't you wait for an hour?
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Ya that would be totally weird. Why would you want to use it in the gym? Did you used to smoke in the gym as well?

    It's just vapor, n the nicotine gives me an awesome rush/pump/energy. I seriously think I may be on to something.

    Ok, I'm in...I'm a sucker for controversy, weird topics.

    So, vaping helped me quit a 20+ year smoking addiction (1 year, totally smoke free for me, YAY!). But anyway, I'm an advocate for vaping =/= smoking, so no smoking rules are not the same as vaping. But, if you have to, vape it up in the bathroom (we in the vaping forums call this vooping, lol). Then get on with your workout. Vapor in the air would be a huge distraction to others in the gym.

    And geez, if you have expensive vape gear like I do, lock it up. Someone will swipe it (unless you keep it in your waistband or something, lol) if you leave it unattended.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Wow so many hippies on this site.

    It's simply called being respectful of each person's choice and personal space. Your at the gym to work out. No one wants to smell or have anything blown into their face. I'm sure there are smokers that are at the gym. What if you pick up a cougar that doesn't smoke....... simply wait or walk away for a sec.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I see a lot of guys who dip (chewing tobacco) at the gym. It is so insanely gross. I would definitely judge you if I saw you smoking an e-cig at the gym.
    Gross where do they spit that ****? Into drinking bottles?
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I see a lot of guys who dip (chewing tobacco) at the gym. It is so insanely gross. I would definitely judge you if I saw you smoking an e-cig at the gym.

    Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were god or a paladin.
    Hilarious you are judging those who think it is a bad idea as "hippies" Pot. Kettle. Black. But I guess I forgot you probably squat more than anyone else at your gym therefore you are free to judge.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I'm calling troll on this thread.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I see a lot of guys who dip (chewing tobacco) at the gym. It is so insanely gross. I would definitely judge you if I saw you smoking an e-cig at the gym.

    Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were god or a paladin.
    Hilarious you are judging those who think it is a bad idea as "hippies" Pot. Kettle. Black.

    Hilarious your arms look like mine did when I was 15. Which was 3 years ago :,)
    Colour me impressed. That explains a lot to the level of your discourse as well.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I'm calling troll on this thread.

    Call whatever you want dude. I'm about to head to the gym to do supersets for arms. (Something you clearly know nothing about...) I'll vape between sets, I'll see what happens. If they tell me to put it away then I will.
    You go for it big guy. I am sure everyone will be far too intimidated to bother you.
  • Beaconkitty
    Beaconkitty Posts: 5 Member
    I quit smoking 10 months ago. You should quit the ecig too
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member

    Call whatever you want dude. I'm about to head to the gym to do supersets for arms. (Something you clearly know nothing about...) I'll vape between sets, I'll see what happens. If they tell me to put it away then I will.

    wow and yep that is what just made u unattractive regardless of your physicial apperance. It's called simple respect.. that's it.. and I would re-evauluate your need that you simply can't wait or walk outside between sets.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Seriously? Sounds like a choking hazard when someone comes and shoves it down your throat :)

    Maybe the "rush" is because you are breathing better or more deeply rather then the nicotine?

    Hmmm - Would it be wierd to lug around a Nitrous-oxide tank in the gym with an inhaler - maybe now I am onto something.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Ya that would be totally weird. Why would you want to use it in the gym? Did you used to smoke in the gym as well?

    It's just vapor, n the nicotine gives me an awesome rush/pump/energy. I seriously think I may be on to something.

    Or on something, at least. You do know that nicotine constricts the blood vessels and sets you up for stroke or heart attack, even without the cigarette smoke, right?

    Meth also provides a great rush and you can work out for DAYS! Why not try that?

    Addiction is addiction and what you're feeling is the reward center in your brain from the craving you created by smoking or vaping that last cigarette. It's not a rush. It's called quieting a craving. Heroin addicts, crack addicts...they get that same "reward" when they get their drug of choice.

    I can't tell if you're trolling by comparing heroin and meth to nicotine. Can someone help me figure this one out?

    Agreed. That comparison was pretty over the top.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Ya that would be totally weird. Why would you want to use it in the gym? Did you used to smoke in the gym as well?

    It's just vapor, n the nicotine gives me an awesome rush/pump/energy. I seriously think I may be on to something.

    I think you should e-cig in the gym. I TOTALLY want to be there too. I know for a fact there will be some teeny person there, wearing a huge weight lifting belt and gloves, that only uses machines with the lowest weights, and messes up the adjustments for all others, who grunts like an animal while using the machines with baby weights, who doesn't wipe their equipment down after using, who will rage on your *kitten* about it. I will be the guy on the floor laughing with tears in my eyes.
  • ImprovedRJ
    I've been vaping for a while now, and I vape anywhere unless posted otherwise. If your gym is okay with vaping, then go for it. Heck, I would.