what do you eat for breakfast?!



  • Steel cut oats. They are super nutritous. Trader Joes has a quick cook variety. They are plain and you can put walnuts, berries, almond milk, raisins, dreid cranberries, brown sugar (just a lil bit). Small glass of orange juice and big glass of water.
  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    I've been drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast made with organic lactose free milk and also having a clementine since they are amazing and in season. It's 256 calories total.
  • AuntieEm61
    AuntieEm61 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi There... I'm just new on here.. but I have started by making a smoothie... with soy milk, plain yogurt, whey protein and a fruit. I don't know if that would gross you out... but I like it! Good luck!:smile:
  • I've found that I love oat bran. I mix 2/3 of a cup with about 2 cups of water, and put 1/2 a cup of fresh blueberries. I usually have a big cup of green tea to go with it. It is filling, which I need in the morning, but also rather bland (which I don't mind) so it won't upset your stomach.
  • i will either do half an english muffin or a mini bagel..ill put a half a slice of cheese 3 slices of carl budding ham and some pickle then ill toast it..or if im in a hurry ill throw it in in the microwave..its only about 130 cals!! these are my favorite!
  • Im not a big breakfast eater but I have learned to make it the start of my day. I begin my day with a piece of fruit (usually a banana, if I am working out after), and a yogurt mixed with granola...
  • That happens to me if I'm beginning to wake up earlier than I have been. My body just doesn't want food until later in the day. I've found that if I keep waking up at that same time, my body figures itself out. I just eat a quick fruit and save some almonds for later until I feel hungry when I wake up.
  • Just wondering if you take any vitamins/supplements in the morning. Even if I eat something, I need to eat a little AFTER my pills or I feel nauseous.
  • Nellie1drfl
    Nellie1drfl Posts: 127 Member
  • rkteal
    rkteal Posts: 29 Member
    Have you tried a nutritious milkshake in the morning?

    You can make it high in fiber with fruits, lowfat milk, yogurt and more.

    Might be easier for the tummy to digest in the am then move on to solids later in the day.....

    This would also work for juice, maybe get a juicer machine.....

    Good luck!:smile:
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    Great suggestion! This is why I love MFP! There's always someone who's been there and can offer good advice.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Two hard boiled eggs, smashed with S&P and balsamic vinegar
    Microwave bacon
  • Hydeel6582
    Hydeel6582 Posts: 16 Member
    I split up my breakfast throughout the morning and the order I eat them changes... I always have a serving of fruit (banana, or pineapple, or strawberries).... a bagel thin..... 1 egg along with 1 egg white mixed with vegetables (cooked spinach, broccoli, mushrooms zucchini, onion) and cooked in a fry pan with pan, and a yogurt. I know it's a big breakfast but I find that I desire and eat less throughout the day.
  • hated eating breakfast, used to feel so sick after but have started to and love Vanillia fat free yogurt and banana, that's about
    all I can manage........
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    This morning I made some oatmeal, added a splash of maple extract and a few dashes of cinnamon. It was a little thick, so I poured in a bit of my pumpkin spice latte to thin it out. TOTAL yumminess!
  • Open Face Breakfast Sandwich - I'm addicted to this sandwich

    Always a good idea to spray the pan first with fat free cooking spray.

    Nature's Own - Nature's Own Double Fiber Wheat Bread With Omega-3, toasted of course
    50 Cal, 13 Carb, 1 Fat, 3 Pro, 5 Fiber, 135 Sod.

    3 "Half" Slices of Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon (the best turkey bacon)
    53 Cal, 0 Carb, 5 Fat, 3 Pro, 0 Fiber, 270 Sod.

    Two Egg Whites (large), cooked (fried) in a skillet with what's left over from the bacon.
    32 Cal, 0 Carb, 0 Fat, 7 Pro, 0 Fiber, 110 Sod.

    Fold egg whites to fit on the toast. Place the three half strips of bacon over the egg. Enjoy!

    135 Cal, 13 Carb, 6 Fat, 13 Pro, 5 Fiber, 515 Sod.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Try non breakfast food, foods. Maybe a peanut butter sandwich you could take with you and eat on the way. What do you eat when you do finally eat? Make that your breakfast and eat earlier.

    Try frozen waffles with some peanut butter. Or some fruit.

    I do make myself and egg sandwich in the microwave.
  • I eat 1 package of oatmeal every morning it holds me pretty well until lunch time
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Quaker Raisin, Date and Walnut oatmeal or Cottage Doubles (pineapple topping) it was small but it was delicious.
  • erlpet
    erlpet Posts: 4 Member
    Oats, milk, and a protein shake
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