How many calories should i be burning??



  • Vickery619
    Do DDP Yoga for weight loss. It's awesome and feels great. Just YouTube the name Arthur Boorman. Should be top video with like 9million views. Super inspirational
  • tracied30
    tracied30 Posts: 22
    Should I also do weights? I know muscle weighs more than fat. I'm not trying to gain anymore. Just lose it, and then tone up. So 500 calories a day? I appreciate it. Just had no idea where to start or to focus on. I'm around 1800 calories a day. So burning 500 calories should be pretty good. Anybody have any meal plans or anything to eat or is my meals that I'm eating doing ok?? Thanks again, everybody.
    " I know muscle weighs more than fat."

    Major misnomer: The weight of fat and the weight of muscle is the same weight. It doesn't know the difference between the two. However, muscle is denser than fat so when you have more muscle, the entire package shrinks and is smaller, unlike fat which is less dense takes up more space in circumference around your body.