Using Dumbells/Weights while on treadmill



  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hi there!

    To prevent injury, it is probably a good idea to keep weights to lifting sessions, and away from the treadmills. Lifts need to be done with proper form and correct breathing. There is no point in dragging weights along, while huffing and puffing while running.
    If you want to get stronger AND improve endurance, pick up some heavier weights for serious lifting, and finish your workout with a lighter cardio session.
    I started lifting 2 years ago, and I progressed to HIIT training, high intensity interval training. For me, that includes a series of intervals with weights and cardio. That's been the 'biggest bang for the buck' so far. But even here, the lifts are properly done. There are lifts with movement, but there is no running around with dumbbells....

    Train safe!
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Carrying weights while walking or jogging is not advised. You don't burn much extra (if any) by doing it, and you risk overuse injuries of the shoulders and elbows.

    + 1. If I do weights after the treadmill, I am warmed up and can do more reps, and pay attention to form.
  • Cking86
    Cking86 Posts: 39 Member
    I use a pair of 3 or 5 lb weights with the following routine:

    Incline 12 @ 3.0MPH

    Walk 2 mins- no weight
    Walk 1 min- weight- exaggerate arm swings
    Walk 1 min- no weight
    Walk 1 min- weight- exaggerate arm swings
    Walk 1 min-no weight
    Side shuffle (Turn body to right) 1 min- weight- arms in delt press position for 4 shuffles. arms down at sides for 4 shuffles
    Walk 1 min-no weight
    Walk 1 min- weight- exaggerate arm swings
    Walk 1 min- no weight
    Left Side shuffle-1 min
    Walk 1 min- no weight
    Walk 1 min- weight- exaggerate arm swings
    Walk 1 min- no weight
    Skip w/ exaggerated arm swings- 1 min- weight
    Walk 1 min-no weight
    Walk backward- 1 min-no weight

    You can adjust the speed, incline, weights, and routine according to your fitness level, of course.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    There is almost no point or benefit to holding small weights while walking. The weights are too small to have a meaningful strength training effect, and just carrying the weights won't add much cardio either.

    If someone wants to increase the cardio effect (without increasing speed or incline), an arm swing high enough so that the thumb reaches shoulder height will do the trick. Adding 2-3lb weights on top of that increases intensity only marginally.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I would advise against.

    However, I was doing very long farmers walks one day. Decided to do it on the treadmill for 300m. But yeah, don't do that :laugh:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Everyone discouraging you is just jealous of your awesomeness! It's definitely possible and the heavier the weights the better! It'll also help you resist the urge to hold on when the treadmill is going too fast to keep up. #winwin

    If you're going to add in the jump rope, definitely incorporate some double unders for that extra challenge!

    ETA: spelling

    Jealous? No. I actually care about helping people, and walking with hand-held weights causes injuries and does nothing for fitness. The advice YOU are giving her, is actually harmful. :noway:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Or alternatively use the rowing machine (or elliptical) today and do your strength training tomorrow.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    if you want to go this route then i'd suggest a weighted vest. you could get a more significant increase in weight and it should burn more calories. it will defeintly feel much harder.

    if your dead set on hand weights, they have weighted gloves or weights that otherwise strap to your hands.

    if you were just walking on the road, dropping the weight wouldn't be much of an issue, but on the treadmill i could be hazardous.

    btw, aren't you happy you asked?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Everyone discouraging you is just jealous of your awesomeness! It's definitely possible and the heavier the weights the better! It'll also help you resist the urge to hold on when the treadmill is going too fast to keep up. #winwin

    If you're going to add in the jump rope, definitely incorporate some double unders for that extra challenge!

    ETA: spelling

    Jealous? No. I actually care about helping people, and walking with hand-held weights causes injuries and does nothing for fitness. The advice YOU are giving her, is actually harmful. :noway:

    better stop with the pocket books and clutches then. who knew that women were risking injury every day.

    btw, walking on a treadmil carries a risk of injuries
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I would advise against.

    However, I was doing very long farmers walks one day. Decided to do it on the treadmill for 300m. But yeah, don't do that :laugh:

    assuming you probably had some pretty heavy weights, that does sound pretty dangerous on the treadmil.

    i don't think the 2lbs or so (i assume) she's going to carry is going to be very hazardous assuming they stay in her hands
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Why ?
    Cardio and Strength training. DUH!

    Is it a case of people wanting maximum results with minimum effort again ?!?

    I would call this maximum results with minimum TIME not effort.

    But it sounds like a hazard to me anyway.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    if you want to go this route then i'd suggest a weighted vest. you could get a more significant increase in weight and it should burn more calories. it will defeintly feel much harder.

    if your dead set on hand weights, they have weighted gloves or weights that otherwise strap to your hands.

    if you were just walking on the road, dropping the weight wouldn't be much of an issue, but on the treadmill i could be hazardous.

    btw, aren't you happy you asked?

    LOL - Actually yes, glad I asked, I truly didn't think about the safety factor. As for the bizarre rude comments that slide off people's fingers on the forums is actually pretty intimidating. If I didn't have a thick skin I'd NEVER ask another question :wink:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I would advise against.

    However, I was doing very long farmers walks one day. Decided to do it on the treadmill for 300m. But yeah, don't do that :laugh:

    really? i was thinking of doing that to help build grip strength (and catch up on tv at the same time :ohwell: )

    ETA i'm surprised i've never seen anyone doing walking lunges on the treadmill
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I would advise against.

    However, I was doing very long farmers walks one day. Decided to do it on the treadmill for 300m. But yeah, don't do that :laugh:

    really? i was thinking of doing that to help build grip strength (and catch up on tv at the same time :ohwell: )

    ETA i'm surprised i've never seen anyone doing walking lunges on the treadmill

    I would say for the majority of people you could just grab some 20kg plates and walk up and back the gym for 100m or so and you will be done. Go heavier with DB's and you won't need to go that far :smile:

    Yes, the farmer's walks on a treadmill was somewhat dangerous. I like to live on the wild side :laugh:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Everyone discouraging you is just jealous of your awesomeness! It's definitely possible and the heavier the weights the better! It'll also help you resist the urge to hold on when the treadmill is going too fast to keep up. #winwin

    If you're going to add in the jump rope, definitely incorporate some double unders for that extra challenge!

    ETA: spelling

    Jealous? No. I actually care about helping people, and walking with hand-held weights causes injuries and does nothing for fitness. The advice YOU are giving her, is actually harmful. :noway:

    better stop with the pocket books and clutches then. who knew that women were risking injury every day.

    btw, walking on a treadmil carries a risk of injuries

    The issues with heavy bags and purses have been pretty well-documented

    Same with shoe heels. Just because you can't get people to give them up for fashion doesn't mean that they're a good idea at the gym.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Everyone discouraging you is just jealous of your awesomeness! It's definitely possible and the heavier the weights the better! It'll also help you resist the urge to hold on when the treadmill is going too fast to keep up. #winwin

    If you're going to add in the jump rope, definitely incorporate some double unders for that extra challenge!

    ETA: spelling

    Jealous? No. I actually care about helping people, and walking with hand-held weights causes injuries and does nothing for fitness. The advice YOU are giving her, is actually harmful. :noway:

    I think your sarcasm meter is broken.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I use walking weights......they are 2-3 pounds only. The reason for walking weights is to keep my heart rate up....not strength training. Walking weights are a reminder for me to use my arms more.

    Here's a link that shows treadmill DVDs that use may give you some ideas:

    Strength training is for heavier (more challenging) weights. Proper form is important to help prevent injuries.

    2-3lb weights really aren't gonna make it much harder. Why not just walk faster to keep your heart rate up? Or use hills? Or use a weighted vest/backpack and then you can use real weight (I've seen them up to 100lbs or so)?
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm against it.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm gonna say it depends on how good your balance is...I'm pretty sure I'd kill myself in YouTube-worthy fashion.
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Do everything on the treadmill...


    Seriously no though, I would not advise it at all!