Diet sodas: noticed any difference within your body?



  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    I drink one can a day. The reason I limit it to one can, is so that I will be forced to drink more water. Also, it is expensive to drink more than that. I wouldn't worry too much about it in terms of weight loss/gain since it is calorie free as others have said. And there is no evidence that it is bad for health.
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    I used to drink about 1-2 liters of diet soda a day. When I stopped a few months ago my belly bloat went away but I also got very constipated. I upped my fiber and fixed it. Now I have better skin bc I drink water instead of diet soda, my belly bloat is gone, and the one issue of constipation was fixed with upping fiber. Never going back to diet soda.
  • mg1123
    mg1123 Posts: 69 Member
    I was drinking a can of diet cherry 7Up a day. When I went on an elimination diet in May, soda was one of the things to give up during the diet. After a couple weeks, I decided that I had already gone that long without it, it was time to kick the habit. During the challenge phase of the diet, I had to test benzoates, and discovered that it causes sharp headaches and brain fog. Benzoates are in a lot of sodas, including the one that I drank.

    Obviously, you have to have an allergy or sensitivity to benzoates for it to be an issue. But one thing to try is cutting out your sodas for a few weeks, then try it again during one day - start with small amounts and work your way up. It's more effective if you cut out other allergens before you try this, but it would still tell you if you have any issues with the soda. Everyone is different, so some people will have no problems, others may notice some.
  • massivediet
    massivediet Posts: 54 Member
    Regardless of what other people's experiences are, it sounds like you do have a problem with the amount of diet soda you are drinking, so why not try cutting the amount or quitting cold turkey? You should give it a chance to work by committing to a few weeks and having substitutes on hand, maybe iced tea or coffee at least at first. Switching to a different kind of soda that is not as appealing to you might also help. I can drink unlimited Diet Dr. Pepper, but if I switched to Diet Coke or Mountain Dew, I know I would not be reaching for it often or finishing the cans.

    By quitting or changing the way that you drink it, you can see for yourself if it has an effect on you. Then, if you decide to stop for good you will know why you are making that change, and if you decide to go back to the old habits, you can be guilt free. Best of luck with whatever you decide.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Pretty much my entire life (even as a kid) until the past year, I drank 2-3 cans of diet soda per day. The norm for me was Diet Dr. Pepper (or similar) with my lunch, dinner, and maybe one more can if I had an evening snack. For a time during high school I drank regular Coke or Dr. Pepper and packed on the pounds, of course. For awhile right after college I was drinking several 24 oz bottles of Diet Pepsi every day and if I didn't have it within a couple hours of waking, I would shake and get headaches.

    I never drank water until about 4 years ago when I started to get serious about healthier living (and it was in addition to the diet soda).

    Anyway...last summer after losing some weight, I decided I would wean myself off the diet sodas. I had about 4 cans per week instead of 2 per day. On the days that I didn't drink it, I really did not miss it. So I tried to give it up completely.

    Giving it up "cold turkey" was pretty easy for me that time around because I just didn't buy it at the store, and almost NEVER order soda in restaurants. Partly because I am cheap - to me, $2.49 for a 12 pack of Aldi diet cola is the right price. Not $2.49 for a single glass of Diet Coke. If I go out or pick up takeout, I'm more likely to have water or once in a great while, beer/wine, with my meal.

    After about a month without soda I started to have a lot of issues with constipation. I already drank a LOT of water and I upped it even more. I straightened out some things with my diet and it eventually improved a lot, to the point that I was comfortable with. But then when I decided to start incorporating a few (2-4) cans of diet soda back into my diet...I have had absolutely NO issues with constipation since. I believe it could be the artificial sweetener(s), carbonation, or both. Whether it's even the soda or not, I am not sure. Just sharing my experience...but I've never had any negative problems to note, from drinking diet soda. So I am cool with having just a few per week. I know a LOT of people who think it's the devil though ;-)

    ETA: I have lost a total of 130 lb (so far) and noticed absolutely zero difference in my weight loss during the 3 month period that I did not drink a single diet soda.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    I drink sodas on occasion and also sparkling, flavored water without sweetener. I do find the carbonation seems to satisfy hunger quite well.
    I only drink about 4-5 per week and often don't have any for weeks.
    Now,coffee I drink a lot. If I quit coffee I would get rid of at least 100 calories a day in milk. I'm not willing to do that so I make room for it.
    According to my husband's GI doctor,many sweeteners can cause gas and irritable bowel symptoms. I think stevia is okay,though. Those with IBS may want to avoid all sweeteners.
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    I was a Coke Zero abuser, for a very long time. I absolutely love it, but I was finding myself needing more and more, just to get my "fix." I think I have a bit of a "sweet addiction," and I felt I was really abusing artificial sweeteners. I also used arti sweetener in my coffee, and I finally got so disgusted with feeling like I NEEDED it to get through the day, that I decided to give it up cold turkey. People told me to wean off the soda and coffee slowly, but I knew that that wouldn't be possible for me. I would drink a can of soda, and I would suddenly find myself consuming 4 in a day. Weaning is apparently not my thing.

    The first 3 days after I quit coffee and Coke Zero (so, all caffeine and arti sweeteners), I was climbing the walls, and I had an awful headache. After that, I felt so much less bloated (I always looked 6 months pregnant - seriously), my skin cleared up (I'm not sure if there's a connection), and I had fewer cravings. I also had so much less gas, it was ridic (sorry for the tmi). Honestly, even though I feel so much more of a sense of wellness, I think I will always want to go back to it, because I just love the sweet taste, and there's something about the bubbles, that I find very refreshing.

    I think some people can be perfectly fine, drinking diet/regular soda. You have to do what feels best for you. That being said, if your intuition is telling you you'll feel better without it, maybe it's worth a try. You can always go back to it! Good luck!
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    Diet Dr. Pepper gave me abdominal pain (completely disappeared once I quit drinking it, I had one at work one day and the pain was back). It gave my husband acid reflux. We both feel much better after stopping it. We've also noticed fewer headaches as well.

    Oh, and on the rare occasion that I have regular soda, I don't have the pain.
  • binniesmart
    I gave up diet coke about 2 months ago, give or take the odd one. Usually had 1 can a day. the only noticeable difference is that sweet things taste REALLY sweet to me now, be in artificial or natural sugar. I can't say I feel better or worse/more or less hungry/make better or worse food choices.
  • rmb040
    rmb040 Posts: 20 Member
    I used to consider myself addicted to diet soda - we had it in my school dining area which was adjoined to where I would work on the computer. I'd get a cup at whichever meal I was there fore, and probably have at least 2 refills of the 20 oz. cup :X !

    I got my first cavity ever that year, and the dentist asked if I had been drinking more soda than usual (which obviously I had - and I always use a straw to drink everything so don't think that saves you!). I decided to never buy the fountain soda ever again at my school dining area. I have it now once in a while pretty much only if I go to Panera bread (wierd i know I just think it tastes good with the food there). I have not had a cavity in the four years since then, and the biggest immediate change I noticed was my stomach was flatter and less bloated, and I didn't feel like i had a constant inner tube :) Good luck!
  • sweetilemon
    sweetilemon Posts: 122 Member
    I quit diet coke 10 days the first day I drank 1 to curb the headaches. I felt sooo tired and my head was thumping the first few days - if thats not a sign its no good for you I don't know what is!

    When I drank diet coke I used to get hungry quite often and would get bad hunger pangs. Since quitting and drinking diet coke I definately don't think i'm getting as hungry.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I don't drink soda as heavily as I used to. Now, I drink it mostly when I'm out and about because my sister gave me a roo cup knowing that this year we're struggling, so I can't afford to buy the juices or flavored water I like when I'm out and about. I fill it with Diet Mtn Dew or Diet coke.

    When I drank soda heavily, it destroyed my teeth. The eating disorder played a role in my current teeth state, but even before it, my teeth were essentially... ruined. Cavities, enamel wearing away, etc. That motivated me to quit drinking soda so heavily. My sister had the same problem from drinking too many Monsters and Pepsi. Her dentist said he literally found clumps of sugar. Although, with diet, that part won't be a problem... it still kills your teeth.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    I used to drink about 5-6 cans of diet coke a day :) It was the first thing I changed about my eating habits and I dropped about 23lbs just from that (however I was quite large at the time). I also noticed I did not feel so sluggish but that could have been the drop in weight who knows :) I say if you think its affecting your body try to cut back or stop and see if you notice a difference. I am sure it affects everyone differently :)

    I'm sorry but you didn't drop 23lbs just by ditching the diet coke, as diet coke has no calories it would not have affected your weight.

    Exactly!! ^^^ What she said.

    I drink a diet soda once a day or every other day. It has not effected my weight loss. I also always drink 8 glasses of water.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I quit diet soda for about 6 months. Didn't make a bit of difference to my body when I started back up again. When I quit I did have the caffeine withdrawal headache for about a week. Drank the flavored water but not very fond of it. So I never actually gave up the artificial sweeteners ever. I noticed no change in my body whether I was on the diet soda or not. Still managed to lose weight even with the artificial sweeteners.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I drink diet soda.. Every day. I spend 3-6 bucks on average buying soda from a drive through and drink what I have at home. I really want to quit but I'm having a hard time. *I have absolutely no will power and an extreme addictive personality* but eventually it will sink in.

    Anyhoo, you hear the stories about it being bad for you and yaddah yaddah but can you please share your experiences with quitting? Besides feeling less bloated has it changed the way you feel at all?

    I think it's contributing to my TMJ, has anyone noticed anything like that?

    I noticed a huge change with my body in terms of diet soda use. It lost fat.
  • skeptidelphian
    I find the naturally flavored seltzer waters to be a great substitute. I found I just love bubbly drinks.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    noticed any difference within your body?

    I only belch now when I drink beer :drinker:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I drink 0-5 diet sodas (both caffeinated and non caffeinated) a day depending on my tastes that day. If I'm not drinking diet soda, I'm drinking coffee (today's main beverage of choice) or tea. I did that through all my weight loss.
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    For me, I drink on average 4 litres of water a day and feel amazing, however I find that if I drink diet coke which is my go to fizzy drink, I feel more sluggish and bloated and find myself craving unhealthy foods and I also tend to drink less water to, I just feel overall better without it
  • sue9900
    sue9900 Posts: 10 Member
    I started my day with 2 diet cokes for years.....when I decided to change to healthier ways (I agree with the person that there may not be calories but the sugar spiking could contribute to weight gain in other ways) I switched to Zevia cola with no calories that contains natural sweetners. I have had no issues except that this soda costs twice as much! I tried a Diet Coke the other day and it tasted terrible! Does anyone have info about this soda being better than a Diet Coke?