Gastric Sleeve???

I am looking for folks who have had or will have the gastric sleeve and plan to use this forum to keep your calories in line...I need all the help and support I can get and will love to help and support you too!!!


  • staceinface
    staceinface Posts: 3 Member
    Hello there

    I had a gastric sleeve on 30 May this year and have lost 54lb so far including the pre-op diet. I find MFP really good for tracking my protein and calories. :smile:
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    There is a group called VSGers that has a lot of support and information.
  • ColemanM
    ColemanM Posts: 16
    where is the vsgers group?
  • dpaq45
    dpaq45 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi - I was wondering if "lap-band" would also be considered in the group? Thank you :smile:
  • I had gastric sleeve on April 28th. So far I'm loving it, but constantly afraid that I'm overeating. I will be glad when I can get to a point that I don't think about food 24/7. What to eat, when to eat, am I eating too much and so on. 31 lbs since April 28th but that doesn't seem like a lot compared to others that are posting here, so still concerned.
  • Hello I had the gastric sleeve on 7/15/14. So far I'm doing just fine. I weighed 282 my highest and thus far I lost 11 lbs. I have so much to learn. Eating healthy and staying on target is my first priority.
  • I (male, 46) had the gastric sleeve on 6/4/14 (7 weeks ago). Started at 291 pounds and according to the bathroom scale I weighed 261 this morning. I plateaued for a bit around week 4 but now seem to be losing 2-3 pounds per week as my body adjusted. It is interesting feeling like I pigged out from just having a few ounces of chicken. I had my first BBQ this weekend and it was awesome feeling content with taking the roll off the sandwich and simply eating the contents and have it satisfy me for the entire party (ok, i had a few potato chips too but nothing like I would have in the past).

    I was worried I was over eating so I started reusing this tool to track what I eat, including snacks. I find that most days I am under 1200 calories. I see my nutritionist this Friday to see if I'm eating correctly.
  • Hello, my name is Susan and I am scheduled for my sleeve on Aug 5th. Am nervous about the operation. Any advice?
  • I am a sleever (27/11/12), i was 154.4kg at my heaviest and am sitting at 126.5kg presently. I should have lost more, but old habits crept back in.
    I have joined this to get my head back in the game, be accountable and get to where i want to be :)
  • I had my sleeve on July 9....started my journey in January at 238 pounds....and today im so happy to repoirt. I have not been i......drum roll please.....198 i couldnt be more pleased, well maybe if i woke up tomorrow and i was at my 128 goal weight but we all know that wont happen :)
  • I was so nervous i almost called it off....but my daughter and surgeon kept me calm...i had some minor complications but all in all it was a great experience and im so glad i did it....its all going to be great
  • Hello, I was just approved for gastric sleeve and will be getting in a a couple of weeks. I am nervous...
  • c1nder
    c1nder Posts: 11 Member
    Hello all, I just had my gastric sleeve done on 7/31/14. My weight before I left the house, on the day of surgery, was 278.5. As of this morning, I am down 11 pounds but I know that most of it is fluid (they pumped a lot of IV fluids into me). A little nervous that I am feeling hungry...could be just habit...seeing foods that my family is eating and having them around the house...hoping this is just psychological and will pass.

    The changes I have to make have the added benefit of my family wanting to change their eating habits. We will see how that goes!

    Glad there are others using these boards, it has given me added information as I continue on this journey that I decided to embark on many months ago.
  • I had my sleeve surgery on 6/13/14. I was 284 pounds and had lost 10 in preparation for the surgery. I'm seven weeks in and have lost 50 pounds. The most astonishing change for me was feeling like I WANTED to move again. Once I crossed a threshold, probably about 275, I just didn't want to move anymore. Any motion simply reminded me of all the excess weight I was carrying. But once it came off, I felt fantastic and couldn't wait to get out and walk, run, swim, and do all the things I'd missed for so long. I'm not super athlete and never want to be one, but the ability to be even somewhat active and feel good doing it has returned.

    For those that are worried about their surgeries, you will probably be fine. Problems can always arise. I had a massive kidney stone because I wasn't drinking enough. But the benefits are many and, as far as I'm concerned, worth the risks. The first couple of weeks were pretty terrible, to be honest. I couldn't eat meals with my family for a month. But once your diet can open back up to include solids, you will begin to feel much better again. I know I did.
  • I had my surgery done on July 29, 2013. It was the best decision I've made. I've lost about 100 lbs total but only 14 lbs during the last 6 months. I'm getting frustrated and not really sure what to do I've lost my motivation because the weight isn't coming off fast enough anymore. My doctor says it's not uncommon for the weight lose to slow down after the first 6 months and that I should keep a dairy of everything I eat during the day. How do I get my motivation back?
  • Hello, in new here. I had my gastric sleeve on 7/16/14. My pre- op weight was 291. On the day of surgery I weighted 277. At my 4 week mark I was down to 252 BUT yesterday I jumped up to 255 and today to 256. I don't understand how I could be gaining. I'm eating 3 meals a day and still can't eat more than about a half a cup without being over full. In more active than I've ever been. Had anyone else had this problem? In getting married in 6 weeks and am terrified I won't be able to buy a dress. This is so depressive!
  • jabx1962
    jabx1962 Posts: 31 Member
    How did everyone that had this procedure determine it was safe for them to do? Just askin..
  • Hi, I had the gastric sleeve done Nov 20, 2013. At my highest (about 6 months prior to surgery) I weighed 367lbs. I lost 24 lbs prior to surgery, and have lost an additional 121 lbs in the nine months since my surgery. I am still losing.

    My surgery was done at a Bariatric Center of Excellence (St. Vincent's Carmel, IN) that has excellent support and follow up care. My program doesn't require patients to count calories - only grams of protein and ounces of fluid post-surgery. However, by the third month out I determined that I needed to set a daily calorie goal so that I could make better choices and have more flexibility. My current daily goals are 900 calories per day, a minimum of 75 grams of protein, and a maximum of 90 grams carbs. I have been using My Fitness Pal since March as an easy way to track these things and I love it.

    As to the safety issue, I did a fair amount of research prior to my surgery on the different surgeries and their complication rates. To be clear - weighing 367 lbs was not safe - I was at risk of serious health complications every day. The sleeve had the lowest complication rate of the three most common surgeries (bypass, sleeve, or lapband). The re-operation rate for the sleeve is 1.5%, compared to about 3% for the bypass and as much as 15% for the lapband. The death rate for all gastric surgeries is comparable to gallbladder removal. My center did a lot of pre-op testing to check for any health problems that might lead to complications during surgery - and they had a whole series of proven techniques to minimize the risk of post-op blood clots which is one of the most common complications for any surgery on an obese person. I have not had any complications from my surgery.

    For the person who was concerned about daily weight fluxuations - please stop weighing yourself every day. You will make yourself crazy. Your weight will fluxuate based on fluid retention and all sorts of other factors. Don't weigh yourself more than once per week.

    Gastric Sleeve surgery was the best decision I ever made. My life is so much different than it was a year ago. I can finally keep up with my six year old (we ride bikes together, swim together, and play soccer together now), and am confident that I will be around to be a grandma to his kids.
  • Hi, my name is Vanessa, I had the gastric sleeve on Aug 18, 2014. My start weight was 209 and I am down to 194.. So far everything is going great, however having a hard time getting all my fluids.. any advice is appreciated.. I am also new to my fitness pal.