What's the best Fit Bit?

reachrenhere Posts: 30 Member
What's the best Fit Bit and is it worth it?

Pros and Cons muchly appreciated ;-)


  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I have the one, only had it a couple days, sync nicely with MFP, clips on your belt, barely know it's there. No cons yet, but time will tell.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    I also have the one and also for a few days. I am loving it. I had wanted the force, but I don't think I am really missing anything this way other than location. Not a wrist tracker... on the up side that just means it is harder to obsess over with every passing minute of my day. :D and for me, that is good, cause I would.
  • kamiAK
    kamiAK Posts: 100 Member
    i have the `one` also...and i love it...have had it between 4 to 6 weeks...i love to see how many steps i take in a day..how lazy i am on the weekends...what things i want to change...i have yet to hit 10,000 steps but i cant wait until i do. lol its so fun to see how you sleep and how many times you move around. the only con is the alarm ...the vibrate does not wake me up....and the wrist band is looks pretty wasted lol hope it helps
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    Seems like I'm the only one with the entry-level (aka budget) Fitbit Zip.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I love my one! I heard that the flex sometimes counts to many steps from gesticulating too much :D you really don't know that the one is there! Which is also a con sometimes... I lost mine before and just didn't notice. But then again, they have the best customer service ever and even replace lost ones. I like the activity tracker button as well, which I think the flex doesn't have...
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Seems like I'm the only one with the entry-level (aka budget) Fitbit Zip.

    The only reason I got the one and not the zip I'd that it counts floors and i work in a place that I walk up and down the stairs a lot. I don't think that any of the other stuff is necessary...
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Seems like I'm the only one with the entry-level (aka budget) Fitbit Zip.

    I have the Zip too. I keep losing it in my apartment though. It's ok, I guess. I had the main one for a while and didn't like when they started to use it to subtract stepts for daily activity, so I stopped using it. Then I realized that it was validating that I chose an active lifestyle and only needed to log my actual extra activities. So, since I'd rather sleep with someone than something, the Zip is fine for my needs.
  • reachrenhere
    reachrenhere Posts: 30 Member
    thanks for all of the responses so far! :bigsmile:
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    I had a flex for about a year but after a while I realized it was missing steps since I frequently am pushing or carrying something with both hands. Liked that I could wear it 24/7 though. I replaced it with the Zip and love it. It doesn't track stairs or sleep though so if those stats interest you, you might want to look at the One instead. Whatever model, they are great!
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    I have the Zip, and the one thing I hate about it is that it eats through batteries. (The Zip uses a watch battery rather than recharging on a USB port.) The battery life is supposed to be six months, but it's closer to six weeks. Every time it uses up a battery, I email customer service and they send me a replacement, which isn't so great for the environment! I've asked FitBit to let me pay the difference ($40 or $50, I forget) to upgrade to a One, but they refuse. So I don't really recommend the Zip, but I do love the device in general and find it motivating.
  • mewickla
    mewickla Posts: 71 Member
    I have the Fitbit Flex. Then I lost it, didn't even think about calling Customer Service (they seem to be really good about replacing lost Fitbits), and bought another Flex shortly after.

    Like the One, it can also be relatively easy to misplace. If the bracelet comes unsnapped and you don't immediately notice, boom gone. To combat that, I've put an o-ring where the straps overlap, that way if it becomes unsnapped, the o-ring is still holding it on my wrist. The actual tracker itself is also pretty small. Another downside is that it's not a HRM, which would have been a very nice bonus since it's already on my wrist 24/7.

    However, the Flex can be worn in the water, which is more so about convenience as it can't track laps when swimming. The lights on it can also be set to represent different things and amounts (it is automatically set up at 10,000 steps/day). It also tracks sleep patterns, which I think is helpful because I found out that I'm a pretty restless sleeper and can try to accommodate for that.

    If they hadn't been recalled, I would have loved to get the Force because it has a clock and can count stairs. Otherwise, I really think any of them would a be great choice. :flowerforyou:
  • chelsealfinn
    chelsealfinn Posts: 19 Member
    I bought the FitBit One and like it. I chose it over the Flex because of the reviews about people petting their dogs or moving their arms and having steps counted. QVC has them on Easy Pay right now I think.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i got the fitbit one for my birthday last month. it has a very tight clip (i also use a pedometer leash on just in case), and i wear it all the time except when showering. if you do a lot of stairs for cardio, the one is the way to go as the zip doesn't count stairs, and the one also has a vibrating alarm i thought i'd use, but i end up just using my phone alarm. then there's the sleep feature, but i don't bother with that. you might, though. and the one looks sleek and purty ;-)
  • ams66030
    ams66030 Posts: 1
    I tired a fitbit flex and didn't like it. I recently got a garmin vivofit and love it! It shows actual numbers so I can see who many steps I've taken, how many I left to hit my goal, the date, the time, calories burned and total distance traveled. My favorite feature though is that you only have to charge it up once a year! I did some "testing" on it when I got it and it seems like the step count is pretty accurate...
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    I have the Fiex and love it. Mostly because it syncs with MFP and also that it's waterproof. I am really bad about misplacing things, so only removing it for charging makes it more difficult for me to lose it.
  • Bustergirl14
    Bustergirl14 Posts: 69 Member
    I've had the flex for less than a week but I like it. It took me awhile to get it set up and synched but that is only because I am not tech savvy at all. I think it is pretty accurate. I got in mainly to remind myself to continue to add more cardio daily. I powerlift and do yoga but have really slacked off on cardio so I am hoping it will encourage me to get more pro-active with cardio.
  • countrylove12
    countrylove12 Posts: 53 Member
    I have the flex and I love it. I actually just ordered some new bands for it to match with other outfits! I like it because I can get an idea of where I am by tapping on it and it shows me what percentage I'm at for the day. Also, it syncs with MFP and I can get all up to date info on my phone or online. I really like it a lot and I've found that because it's right on my wrist, it keeps me motivated a little bit more.
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    I am just curious because I am looking into getting a Fitbit. With the Fitbit one, what do you clip it on to at night while you're sleeping?
    Do you just wear it like you would a pedometer and put it on your pajamas?
  • reachrenhere
    reachrenhere Posts: 30 Member
    I could be wrong but I think the Fit Bit One has a wrist strap that is just for sleep.... anyone know? :smile:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Seems like I'm the only one with the entry-level (aka budget) Fitbit Zip.
    Same here! :drinker:

    What model you get depends on what you want it to track and how/where you want to wear it. The Zip is pretty basic - tracks steps and estimates calories, clips to your clothing (I wear mine clipped to my bra) or goes in a pocket, uses a replaceable watch-type battery.

    No sleep tracking, no stairs tracking - I didn't need either of those features, and I didn't want the bracelet type, I like having the Zip out of sight. I've read reviews where people have lost their Fitbits due to them coming unclipped or slipping from their cases, and the Zip seemed to have the best track record for staying put. And in the six months I've had it, it's never even come close to coming loose, even on my longest runs or through all day activity.

    And it was the cheapest, and I'm on a budget, so it was the one for me. :bigsmile: I even found mine on eBay just after Christmas, got it for around $35.