Diet sodas: noticed any difference within your body?



  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    If you subscribe to the theory of calories in/calories out - diet soda does not appear in the equation. At 0 calories, it just does not add to the fat. I used to be a 12 pack a day (or more) drinker of diet coke. Although I drink less now, I don't believe that it has any effect on my weight loss.

    Do I still drink diet soda? I do 3-4 times a week. It's far better calorie wise than having a cocktail when I'm out or a sugary drink.

    Drinking soda has nothing to do with TMJ issues that I know of.
  • Vecch09
    Vecch09 Posts: 6 Member
    Here is an article with research that is a good read:
    I am not by any means saying this is 100%, but it is a start. Having no motivation and an addictive personality makes anything in life difficult. All I can recommend is taking it one day at a time. If you want to quit, think of ways to quit that won't increase your calorie intake and if you don't want to quit, don't. I can say that I used to drink diet soda regularly and I only have it on weekends now. I drink water all week long now only because I don't feel as sluggish at work.

    On a side note, I thought this website was for encouragement, not to put people down for their grammar, choice of questions or how they lost their weight?? If you think an opinion is wrong, don't criticize, just post facts so that people can learn.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Less bottles .. other than that. Nothing .. no difference. But that **** is just bad for you.
  • Greenbomb
    Greenbomb Posts: 89 Member
    I am rather addicted to diet Fresca. Love it! But...I only have one per day because I find it causes me to feel bloated.
  • jaded989
    jaded989 Posts: 165 Member
    I gave up soda entirely about a year ago, started drinking plain seltzer with a squeeze of lemon instead. For me it was the carbonation I craved. After a couple months I was craving a Coke, drank about 1/3 of a can but it was too sweet and I didn't enjoy it at all. Amazing how bad all that artificial stuff tastes after you give your body time to remove the toxins.
  • KimmieSue2011
    KimmieSue2011 Posts: 117 Member
    I used to drink 4-8 cans of diet coke a day. It was the first thing I drank in the morning. I love, love, love it. Had one in my hands at most times of the day. Stocked my mini fridge at the office with it. You know the type.

    Got horrible headaches when I quit, for the first week. I also gave up added sugar.

    After I got off it, I felt better, slept better (even though I stopped drinking them by 2 pm), had no stomach issues, and had fewer binges on sugary foods. By eating less I lost about 8 lbs. Of course you can't attribute it to giving up diet coke but I do believe quitting it made it easier for me to avoid sugary foods. I also have an all-or-nothing kind of personality, I'm not a great moderator, and so doing none is a lot easier for me than only having one a day. If I could only drink one a day I totally would; I don't think they are that bad for you.

    But I still missed it terribly. After 5 months off it, I had one (on Mother's Day when my kids were driving me crazy and I felt like I deserved it -- at a gas station; gas stations are my bars!). Then I slowly started drinking more again and also eating sugar and I gained back the 8 lbs in 2 months.

    Then a week or so ago at the beginning of July I am back off diet coke and added sugar and I do feel better again. (Except this afternoon when I am exhausted and would kill for one.)

    I do think people are different and respond differently -- so I don't profess to speak for anyone but myself, but for me, as awful as it is to have to admit it, my life is better when I am not drinking it.
  • Iluvmyfurbabies
    Iluvmyfurbabies Posts: 34 Member

    On a side note, I thought this website was for encouragement, not to put people down for their grammar, choice of questions or how they lost their weight?? If you think an opinion is wrong, don't criticize, just post facts so that people can learn.

    Totally agree on your side note. I didn't make a post to read people arguing with each other..ughh

    So far so bad for me today.. Haha well I did have a diet coke from the drive through BUT I got a small instead of large and I haven't had any's only 4 but that's okay ha I tried talking myself out of that first one but I gave myself every excuse as to why I could get one lol...
    It's the days that are hard for me because it's my caffeine.. This evening should be easier as I do tend to drink water in the evenings.. I guess baby steps...
    And you know what... My tmj does seem to feel a tad but better... Might be the caffeine
  • Iluvmyfurbabies
    Iluvmyfurbabies Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for your suggestions :) and input
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,039 Member

    On a side note, I thought this website was for encouragement, not to put people down for their grammar, choice of questions or how they lost their weight?? If you think an opinion is wrong, don't criticize, just post facts so that people can learn.

    Totally agree on your side note. I didn't make a post to read people arguing with each other..ughh

    So far so bad for me today.. Haha well I did have a diet coke from the drive through BUT I got a small instead of large and I haven't had any's only 4 but that's okay ha I tried talking myself out of that first one but I gave myself every excuse as to why I could get one lol...
    It's the days that are hard for me because it's my caffeine.. This evening should be easier as I do tend to drink water in the evenings.. I guess baby steps...
    And you know what... My tmj does seem to feel a tad but better... Might be the caffeine

    Yes, it is actually against the rules of this forum to pick at other posters spelling or grammar.

    I do think that poster had completely incorrect information but above still applies.

    I drink diet soda with no ill effects - but I only drink the equivalent of a few cans a week.

    Also, I am sure this is really silly question - but what does TMJ stand for??
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I quit them for one day. I felt no different to the day before. (except more hungry)
  • ketoambahh
    ketoambahh Posts: 67
    I cut out about 75% of my diet soda intake and replaced that with water. It helped with bloating and cleared me from a plateau a little bit. Instead of bringing a 2 liter diet soda into work I bring my refillable bottled water and leave the soda for after work.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I'm one of those folks that artificial sweeteners made ravenously hungry so I gave them up. I tried Xylitol in my coffee for awhile but eventually decided that sweetness was piquing my appetite, too. So, no Diet Coke, coffee and tea without sugar or sweeteners. The change I noticed in my body was actually noticed by my dental hygienist. My gums are in much better shape. I make less plaque. Who knew? Well, dental hygienists know.

    Every once in awhile, I'll have a Diet Coke when I'm out for lunch but lately I've found they just taste like phosphate and are yucky. And I used to have a Diet Coke in my hand ALL THE TIME!
  • Emeryeon
    Emeryeon Posts: 61
    I heard diet soda can give u cancer....
  • muddymommy
    I'm down to about 2 liters a day of diet soda from about 3 liters. I was getting heart palpitations from the caffeine :(. No more of those now that I cut down but I had an easier time quitting smoking than soda. I've "QUIT" soda at least a dozen times in the past five years. And failed every time so far. I should just go cold turkey again, I seem to last longest that way. Then it's usually at a restaurant that I think why not, it's just dinner out... and then it starts again :(.
  • Desifreckle
    Desifreckle Posts: 110 Member
    The only thing that changed was I drank a lot more water (i was replacing water with soda before) and that has made me feel a lot better in many ways. However, I didn't quit soda all together and I never will. I drink it when I want to, but after slowly weaning myself off it I don't even drink it daily anymore. Sometimes not even weekly, and that is fine with me! I do however drink coffee and tea daily!

    If you do want to cut back on soda, then do it slowly. Eventually you wont crave it as often, in fact now the carbonation is almost too strong for my tastes. However, I really don't think it affects weight loss that greatly unless it causes you to eat/crave more for some reason. It's helped me keep from going over my calorie goal many times though.
  • mg1123
    mg1123 Posts: 69 Member
    Also, I am sure this is really silly question - but what does TMJ stand for??
    Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJ disorders) are problems or symptoms of the chewing muscles and joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull.

    It's why I gave up chewing gum several years ago. I don't miss it at all.
  • icjenn
    icjenn Posts: 1 Member

    Actually, many scientific studies have been done and they do show a correlation between artificial sweeteners and craving sugar. Also, artificial sweetener consumption and weight gain have a correlation. The above link compares many different legitamite studies. For years, I have gained and lost weight and never wanted to believe this was true. In January, I finally stopped with eating artificial sweeteners and it has made an unbelievable difference in my 'sweet tooth'. I still have a lot of weight to loss, but this has made a difference for me.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,039 Member
    Also, I am sure this is really silly question - but what does TMJ stand for??
    Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJ disorders) are problems or symptoms of the chewing muscles and joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull.

    It's why I gave up chewing gum several years ago. I don't miss it at all.

    Thanks for answering my question.

    OP I cannot see how drinking diet sodas or not drinking them would affect this disorder.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,039 Member
    I heard diet soda can give u cancer....

    I think you heard wrong.

    Try reading the sticky on this forum "Why aspartame is not scary"
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 415 Member
    I drink diet soda.. Every day. I spend 3-6 bucks on average buying soda from a drive through and drink what I have at home. I really want to quit but I'm having a hard time. *I have absolutely no will power and an extreme addictive personality* but eventually it will sink in.

    Anyhoo, you hear the stories about it being bad for you and yaddah yaddah but can you please share your experiences with quitting? Besides feeling less bloated has it changed the way you feel at all?

    I think it's contributing to my TMJ, has anyone noticed anything like that?

    I stopped drinking diet sodas and using artificial sweeteners about 2 months ago. I feel so much better. I am not as bloated or tired. Instead of requiring 12-13 hours of sleep to feel rested I only need 7-8 hours a day. Of course I also gave up soda, sweets and pastries at the same time too.