Calorie deficit question



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member

    I skimmed it. Didn't see anything that answered my specific questions. Besides, if you or someone else will take the time to post this link, just take the time to answer my specific question, huh?

    An aside on food selection

    I am a firm believer in moderation. However, if you're the type that can't have a serving of potato chips without eating two bags of potato chips then it stands to reason that you may not be able to practice moderation with potato chips. I concede that for some people, elimination of some things, even if temporary, could be a viable short term strategy while you learn to apply moderation. That being said, I think "most" people will do very well using a food selection strategy where somewhere around 80% of their diet consists of whole and nutrient dense foods with the other 20% consisting of whatever you prefer.

    Yes, health is important and you should be looking to consume a lot of nutrient dense foods in your diet. But this doesn't mean you can't also have a pop tart or some ice cream. Going from fat to not fat is very likely to significantly improve your health.

    This was actually in the link she provided. You said you skimmed over it and found nothing that answered your question. I found this and it was an answer to your question.

    Stop being ungrateful when people are trying to help you.


  • I skimmed it. Didn't see anything that answered my specific questions. Besides, if you or someone else will take the time to post this link, just take the time to answer my specific question, huh?

    Actually, that link is very valuable. The information it provides is how I've lost all of my weight so far.

    It also contains the answer to your question: "Eat the appropriate caloric (and macronutrient) intake for your goals and track intake accurately. I think eating mostly nutrient dense and whole foods while still allowing some "treats" is a reasonable starting point/guideline."

    In other words, to lose weight, you need to eat at the appropriate calorie deficit. To meet your body's nutritional requirements, aim for a balanced diet, and don't be afraid to leave some room for treats. That link will also tell you exactly how to determine what your body's caloric and nutritional requirements are for your goals.

    Actually, that doesn't answer my question of whether certain foods will slow down weight loss despite still having a calorie deficit. Also it's just one person's opinion, as he admits, and I'm interested in getting multiple opinions and perhaps even personal experience hence why I posted on this FORUM.

    If this thread annoys you so much because part of the questions raised here were very summarily answered in that one post, you don't have to open it.

    I'm not annoyed. People are posting here because they're trying to help you.

    I gave you my personal experience, and I gave you my answer to your question. Which is: to lose scale weight, all you need is a calorie deficit. If you're concerned about body composition, then nutrition matters (and that information is explained and linked to in the sexypants link). But to elaborate here, the macro breakdown of your diet, along with your exercise program, will have an effect on your body fat percentage and your lean body mass.

    It's not about which specific food items are good or bad. It's about finding the balance of macro nutrients that both helps you adhere to your diet and helps you meet your nutritional needs with regard to your weight and fitness goals.

    Thank you all for your "help." It's very "helpful" for multiple people to post the same link after I've said that I read it and I wasn't satisfied. If your contribution to this thread (and I don't mean you specifically) is to copy and paste stuff from a thread I have already said that I've read and then you get uptight that I'm still not satisfied, it's not helpful. Why can't I ask for other opinions? Why can't I ask for personal experiences?
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I wouldn't expect too much help from anyone going forward after the way you've behaved in this post.

  • I skimmed it. Didn't see anything that answered my specific questions. Besides, if you or someone else will take the time to post this link, just take the time to answer my specific question, huh?

    Way to disregard one of the most helpful posts on MFP. Why would someone take the time to restate something that has already been stated so well when they can just give you the link? No one here owes you anything so either show some gratitude for someone's honest attempt to help you or keep it to yourself.

    I'm not disregarding it as I've already read it. I never said anyone owes me anything - you all responded on your own accord. Why should I show you gratitude? I keep saying I want others' opinions and you all keep posting the same link.

    If you don't have anything helpful to contribute or supportive to say, don't respond. You all are the ones name calling. It's uncalled for.
  • I wouldn't expect too much help from anyone going forward after the way you've behaved in this post.

    I'll reserve my future questions for the motivation/support thread. Seems like this forum should only have one thread and no chance to ask your own questions if everyone who hangs around here is just gonna direct you to the same thread. I don't mean to be rude, but it's quite ridiculous that I have to keep defending my right to seek other answers.
  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    If you don't like the link then try a little experimentation. One week fill up your diet with pure crap while maintaining a deficit and the next eat healthy whole foods and proteins. You can answer your own question and stop wasting everyones time that's trying to help you.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member

    I skimmed it. Didn't see anything that answered my specific questions. Besides, if you or someone else will take the time to post this link, just take the time to answer my specific question, huh?

    Way to disregard one of the most helpful posts on MFP. Why would someone take the time to restate something that has already been stated so well when they can just give you the link? No one here owes you anything so either show some gratitude for someone's honest attempt to help you or keep it to yourself.

    I'm not disregarding it as I've already read it. I never said anyone owes me anything - you all responded on your own accord. Why should I show you gratitude? I keep saying I want others' opinions and you all keep posting the same link.

    If you don't have anything helpful to contribute or supportive to say, don't respond. You all are the ones name calling. It's uncalled for.

    Literally no one has called you names.

  • I skimmed it. Didn't see anything that answered my specific questions. Besides, if you or someone else will take the time to post this link, just take the time to answer my specific question, huh?

    Way to disregard one of the most helpful posts on MFP. Why would someone take the time to restate something that has already been stated so well when they can just give you the link? No one here owes you anything so either show some gratitude for someone's honest attempt to help you or keep it to yourself.

    I'm not disregarding it as I've already read it. I never said anyone owes me anything - you all responded on your own accord. Why should I show you gratitude? I keep saying I want others' opinions and you all keep posting the same link.

    If you don't have anything helpful to contribute or supportive to say, don't respond. You all are the ones name calling. It's uncalled for.

    Literally no one has called you names.

  • If you don't like the link then try a little experimentation. One week fill up your diet with pure crap while maintaining a deficit and the next eat healthy whole foods and proteins. You can answer your own question and stop wasting everyones time that's trying to help you.

    Actually your experimenting idea is not something mentioned in sexypants. Imagine that! But really, if I wanted to experiment I wouldn't have asked the question. If I'm wasting your time, stop posting here.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member

    I skimmed it. Didn't see anything that answered my specific questions. Besides, if you or someone else will take the time to post this link, just take the time to answer my specific question, huh?

    Way to disregard one of the most helpful posts on MFP. Why would someone take the time to restate something that has already been stated so well when they can just give you the link? No one here owes you anything so either show some gratitude for someone's honest attempt to help you or keep it to yourself.

    I'm not disregarding it as I've already read it. I never said anyone owes me anything - you all responded on your own accord. Why should I show you gratitude? I keep saying I want others' opinions and you all keep posting the same link.

    If you don't have anything helpful to contribute or supportive to say, don't respond. You all are the ones name calling. It's uncalled for.

    Literally no one has called you names.


    Again, no one has called you any names. Saying that you're being ungrateful is not only demonstrably true, it's an attempt to help you to change your attitude so that maybe you can get the advice you're looking for.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I wouldn't expect too much help from anyone going forward after the way you've behaved in this post.

    I'll reserve my future questions for the motivation/support thread. Seems like this forum should only have one thread and no chance to ask your own questions if everyone who hangs around here is just gonna direct you to the same thread. I don't mean to be rude, but it's quite ridiculous that I have to keep defending my right to seek other answers.

    You can ask whatever you want from whomever you want. But you posted in the General Diet and Weight Loss board, not the Motivation/Support board, which implies that you're looking for general diet and weight loss help and not motivation or support.

    I think most of us are quoting the sexypants link not because we're trying to be unhelpful to you or irritate you by repeating the same information, but because we have all had success with the information in the sexypants link and know that it has worked for lots and lots of other people. We're sharing that information with you because that information is our answer to your question. Unless you have a specific medical condition, there's no reason why those same guidelines won't also work for you.
  • ketoambahh
    ketoambahh Posts: 67
    It does help. My body burns about 2450 calories a day with my activity level. I set my calories at 2000 cai/day and am usually around 200-300 calories below that. Gives me leeway.

    I tend to eat foods that fill me up faster, like fat/protein and fiber rich carb sources. When I eat those delicious cakes and cookies I end up not feeling satisfied and my calories shoot way too high for my liking.

    So whether or not you're on keto, low carb, low fat or long as you're below that maintain point even without exercise you should be okay. :)
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member

    I skimmed it. Didn't see anything that answered my specific questions. Besides, if you or someone else will take the time to post this link, just take the time to answer my specific question, huh?

    Way to disregard one of the most helpful posts on MFP. Why would someone take the time to restate something that has already been stated so well when they can just give you the link? No one here owes you anything so either show some gratitude for someone's honest attempt to help you or keep it to yourself.

    I'm not disregarding it as I've already read it. I never said anyone owes me anything - you all responded on your own accord. Why should I show you gratitude? I keep saying I want others' opinions and you all keep posting the same link.

    If you don't have anything helpful to contribute or supportive to say, don't respond. You all are the ones name calling. It's uncalled for.

    Literally no one has called you names.

    being ungrateful

    Using an adjective to describe someone's actions is much different than "calling someone" said adjective. Name calling looks like this:


  • I skimmed it. Didn't see anything that answered my specific questions. Besides, if you or someone else will take the time to post this link, just take the time to answer my specific question, huh?

    Way to disregard one of the most helpful posts on MFP. Why would someone take the time to restate something that has already been stated so well when they can just give you the link? No one here owes you anything so either show some gratitude for someone's honest attempt to help you or keep it to yourself.

    I'm not disregarding it as I've already read it. I never said anyone owes me anything - you all responded on your own accord. Why should I show you gratitude? I keep saying I want others' opinions and you all keep posting the same link.

    If you don't have anything helpful to contribute or supportive to say, don't respond. You all are the ones name calling. It's uncalled for.

    Literally no one has called you names.


    Again, no one has called you any names. Saying that you're being ungrateful is not only demonstrably true, it's an attempt to help you to change your attitude so that maybe you can get the advice you're looking for.

    This is plain rude and again, uncalled for. Because I don't find one post helpful I am "demonstrably" ungrateful? You don't need to respond as now you're making it personal and I'm just looking for answers to my specific questions so I can reach my fitness goals.

    I've thank those who have responded with helpful comments so you can hardy say I've been ungrateful, just because I didn't find helpful a post that many of you find helpful.

    I won't be responding to these off-topic comments again.
  • I wouldn't expect too much help from anyone going forward after the way you've behaved in this post.

    I'll reserve my future questions for the motivation/support thread. Seems like this forum should only have one thread and no chance to ask your own questions if everyone who hangs around here is just gonna direct you to the same thread. I don't mean to be rude, but it's quite ridiculous that I have to keep defending my right to seek other answers.

    You can ask whatever you want from whomever you want. But you posted in the General Diet and Weight Loss board, not the Motivation/Support board, which implies that you're looking for general diet and weight loss help and not motivation or support.

    I think most of us are quoting the sexypants link not because we're trying to be unhelpful to you or irritate you by repeating the same information, but because we have all had success with the information in the sexypants link and know that it has worked for lots and lots of other people. We're sharing that information with you because that information is our answer to your question. Unless you have a specific medical condition, there's no reason why those same guidelines won't also work for you.

    This comment sheds some light. Unfortunately, no one who has referred me to sexypants has attested to the fact that the sexypants guidelines on the topics I was specifically asking about have helped them personally. It just came off as how dare I post this question when it has so definitively been addressed in sexypants.
  • silverteacup
    silverteacup Posts: 46 Member
    It is true that when it's all said and done it's about the number of calories you take in and how many you burn. BUT! If you are trying to seriously lose weight I would say don't waste valuable calories on anything junky. Eat healthy food that will nourish and keep you strong. I am sorry but McDonalds burgers and chocolate bars are not going to offer the kind of nourishment you need to be healthy. Once in a while might be okay but are setting yourself up for poor health. :smile:
  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    If none of us are telling you what you want to hear you can visit a nutritionist. Instead of telling each individual that responds that we failed to answer your question, the polite thing to do would be to scroll past it and ignore it.
  • If none of us are telling you what you want to hear you can visit a nutritionist. Instead of telling each individual that responds that we failed to answer your question, the polite thing to do would be to scroll past it and ignore it.

    Well I would have liked to do that but after I explained the first time that the post was not helpful to me, everyone jumped down my throat and I really couldn't just "scroll past" it.
  • It is true that when it's all said and done it's about the number of calories you take in and how many you burn. BUT! If you are trying to seriously lose weight I would say don't waste valuable calories on anything junky. Eat healthy food that will nourish and keep you strong. I am sorry but McDonalds burgers and chocolate bars are not going to offer the kind of nourishment you need to be healthy. Once in a while might be okay but are setting yourself up for poor health. :smile:

    Thank you :)
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    Words matter. Given your assertion that you have suffered from name-calling, I would have expected to have seen several nouns used in lieu of your name or the term OP. However, as mentioned before, the one word you could cite, ungrateful, is indeed an adjective. It is a descriptor, not a substitute for a person, place or thing.

    Also, from your profile, I see you mention you are going to follow Weight Watchers and not log on here. If this is the case, then what is the purpose of your post in the first place? If it is idle curiosity, fine. But remember (and this is really important, so you might want to read this an least twice) - you posted in a public forum. Which means we can respond however we want as long as we comply with the terms of service of MFP.

    I have seen no violation of the terms of service. I think it might well be time for you to get over yourself and move along.