Putting on too much bodyfat, not nearly enough muscle...



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.

    It's most likely water weight.

    I thought so too but a caliper wouldn't change based on water weight.

    Actually, yes it can.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    For reference, I'm a 5'7" 133-136 (fluctuating) lb female, 21 years old.

    Been eating 1,530+ calories as opposed to my regular 13-1400, adjusted my macros to what my trainer specified, and I am pretty sure I am just getting fat. My body feels softer, my face looks fuller, my boobs got bigger (a sure sign!) and my clothes still fit but feel "off"... For the first time in at least a year!!

    My most recent scan said my body fat went up several percentage points and my muscle mass increased to pretty much nothing. When I voiced my concerns my trainer said gaining body fat is inevitable with building muscle mass, and my problem was probably that I wasn't lifting heavy enough or moving quickly through the exercises, which makes sense.

    My question is, is there a way I can limit how much more fat I'm gonna put on during this process? My weight has only gone up by 3 pounds but I feel so bloated and gross. I asked if I should have begun cutting more first but she insisted bulking is the best way to start for me since I am not overweight/overfat and will make cutting easier and faster for me.

    Also, how can I push myself to move faster/work harder in the gym? I always start on a good note but I find myself getting distracted or slowing down by the end?? Any little motivational tips (besides the obvious "you won't put on as much bodyfat if you work hard!") would be super great .:sad:

    UPDATE: I spoke to my trainer who stated she knows 1500 is not enough to put on muscle. (I figured as much)

    She wants me to work on form and pushing myself before adding more calories to ensure I put muscle on properly!

    Honestly, get rid of the trainer, she is giving you bad advice. You do not have to first gain fat and THEN build muscle. And you most certainly do NOT have to stay that low calorie. Lift as heavy as you can right NOW and up your calories.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    if you were underweight, maybe it's healthy to put on a few fat percentage points but lifting heavier will put more muscle on you, and as long as you pay attention to how your body feels while you're lifting; if you start shaking or feel dizzy, you need to stop and eat, but if you feel fine, heavier seems like the way to get you where you're going.

    that old school bulking and cutting thing has no biology behind it that i've been able to find - just pseudo science or people who do it because it's always done that way.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    For reference, I'm a 5'7" 133-136 (fluctuating) lb female, 21 years old.

    Been eating 1,530+ calories as opposed to my regular 13-1400, adjusted my macros to what my trainer specified, and I am pretty sure I am just getting fat. My body feels softer, my face looks fuller, my boobs got bigger (a sure sign!) and my clothes still fit but feel "off"... For the first time in at least a year!!

    My most recent scan said my body fat went up several percentage points and my muscle mass increased to pretty much nothing. When I voiced my concerns my trainer said gaining body fat is inevitable with building muscle mass, and my problem was probably that I wasn't lifting heavy enough or moving quickly through the exercises, which makes sense.

    My question is, is there a way I can limit how much more fat I'm gonna put on during this process? My weight has only gone up by 3 pounds but I feel so bloated and gross. I asked if I should have begun cutting more first but she insisted bulking is the best way to start for me since I am not overweight/overfat and will make cutting easier and faster for me.

    Also, how can I push myself to move faster/work harder in the gym? I always start on a good note but I find myself getting distracted or slowing down by the end?? Any little motivational tips (besides the obvious "you won't put on as much bodyfat if you work hard!") would be super great .:sad:

    UPDATE: I spoke to my trainer who stated she knows 1500 is not enough to put on muscle. (I figured as much)

    She wants me to work on form and pushing myself before adding more calories to ensure I put muscle on properly!

    How long have you been lifting for?

    What does your lifting routine look like?
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    Time ! Actually your height and weight are comparable to mine. Gaining muscle is not an easy task for ectomorph body type/.female. It has literally taken me years.. I bust my butt to lift heavy- down to 5-6 rep ranges even. Its inevitable to put on some body fat and you are not going to be putting on much if you always eating at deficit. I am 5'9 I am currently cutting for a figure show and goal weight is around 125-`127 otherwise I am fine going up to 145 hopefully 150 after this year. I will eat low during a cut 1200-1400 but when off I am up to 2000-2200. But I very carefully track macros during a cut. Alos you need good food source for you body to grown- lean proteins, good sources of carbs veggies, sweet potatoes oats rice etc.
  • rosesandsuch
    rosesandsuch Posts: 39 Member
    For reference, I'm a 5'7" 133-136 (fluctuating) lb female, 21 years old.

    Been eating 1,530+ calories as opposed to my regular 13-1400, adjusted my macros to what my trainer specified, and I am pretty sure I am just getting fat. My body feels softer, my face looks fuller, my boobs got bigger (a sure sign!) and my clothes still fit but feel "off"... For the first time in at least a year!!

    My most recent scan said my body fat went up several percentage points and my muscle mass increased to pretty much nothing. When I voiced my concerns my trainer said gaining body fat is inevitable with building muscle mass, and my problem was probably that I wasn't lifting heavy enough or moving quickly through the exercises, which makes sense.

    My question is, is there a way I can limit how much more fat I'm gonna put on during this process? My weight has only gone up by 3 pounds but I feel so bloated and gross. I asked if I should have begun cutting more first but she insisted bulking is the best way to start for me since I am not overweight/overfat and will make cutting easier and faster for me.

    Also, how can I push myself to move faster/work harder in the gym? I always start on a good note but I find myself getting distracted or slowing down by the end?? Any little motivational tips (besides the obvious "you won't put on as much bodyfat if you work hard!") would be super great .:sad:

    UPDATE: I spoke to my trainer who stated she knows 1500 is not enough to put on muscle. (I figured as much)

    She wants me to work on form and pushing myself before adding more calories to ensure I put muscle on properly!

    Honestly, get rid of the trainer, she is giving you bad advice. You do not have to first gain fat and THEN build muscle. And you most certainly do NOT have to stay that low calorie. Lift as heavy as you can right NOW and up your calories.

    She hasn't said any of those things though??

    She isn't telling me to stay that low, we are increasing my calories gradually and ensuring proper form with (relatively) smaller weights before moving up/increasing calories because I am sort of recovering from a VLCD I was on long ago that I had no idea was bad, so my metabolism was damaged.

    She also didn't say I had to gain fat before muscle, she just told me putting on some fat while putting on muscle is inevitable. Which is true, I thought?
  • rosesandsuch
    rosesandsuch Posts: 39 Member
    For reference, I'm a 5'7" 133-136 (fluctuating) lb female, 21 years old.

    Been eating 1,530+ calories as opposed to my regular 13-1400, adjusted my macros to what my trainer specified, and I am pretty sure I am just getting fat. My body feels softer, my face looks fuller, my boobs got bigger (a sure sign!) and my clothes still fit but feel "off"... For the first time in at least a year!!

    My most recent scan said my body fat went up several percentage points and my muscle mass increased to pretty much nothing. When I voiced my concerns my trainer said gaining body fat is inevitable with building muscle mass, and my problem was probably that I wasn't lifting heavy enough or moving quickly through the exercises, which makes sense.

    My question is, is there a way I can limit how much more fat I'm gonna put on during this process? My weight has only gone up by 3 pounds but I feel so bloated and gross. I asked if I should have begun cutting more first but she insisted bulking is the best way to start for me since I am not overweight/overfat and will make cutting easier and faster for me.

    Also, how can I push myself to move faster/work harder in the gym? I always start on a good note but I find myself getting distracted or slowing down by the end?? Any little motivational tips (besides the obvious "you won't put on as much bodyfat if you work hard!") would be super great .:sad:

    UPDATE: I spoke to my trainer who stated she knows 1500 is not enough to put on muscle. (I figured as much)

    She wants me to work on form and pushing myself before adding more calories to ensure I put muscle on properly!

    How long have you been lifting for?

    What does your lifting routine look like?

    Not long, at all. And my routine isn't all weights, there are also a lot of body weight resistance exercises/bosu ball/etc. that I am doing as well. I can't lift heavy at all, the most I can squat is 40 lbs, I've worked up from 20 so I know I have to have gotten a little stronger?

    I don't spend more than an hour in the gym, usually around 45 minutes when I'm on top of things and the equipment is available right away.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I also am shorter than you , as other ladies posted...and I start losing around 1700. I'm 5'3. I lift VERY heavy, I got pretty strong in the short time I was training for powerlifting when I started and now kb sport..but the muscle building is much longer. Rome wasn't built in a day! Lift HEAVY.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    that old school bulking and cutting thing has no biology behind it that i've been able to find - just pseudo science or people who do it because it's always done that way.

    What do you mean biology? you mean science to show that it's the most efficient?
    because all that makes me say is

    its' done that way because it works.
    Science is really far behind the curve of how we train and people have been bulking and cutting because it is the single most efficient way to put on size and reduce body fat. Recomping is terribly inefficient and slow and really only works well under certain conditions.

    not trying to start a big ole fight- but what's is your alternative and for which end goal??
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    if you were underweight, maybe it's healthy to put on a few fat percentage points but lifting heavier will put more muscle on you, and as long as you pay attention to how your body feels while you're lifting; if you start shaking or feel dizzy, you need to stop and eat, but if you feel fine, heavier seems like the way to get you where you're going.

    that old school bulking and cutting thing has no biology behind it that i've been able to find - just pseudo science or people who do it because it's always done that way.

    Agree that lifting heavy is the way to go, on a 250 calorie excess over your needs per day. That includes eating your exercise cals back. You may want to cut again after.

    The rest of the statement here is an opinion not based in experience.

    I've done recomping and it helped me lose weight and get good at lifting.

    The bulk and cut I did this year (kicking and screaming the whole way about fat gain I may add) was on another level. I couldn't believe how good things got, and after a sloooow cut I'm at an athletic, but curvy and strong place. It's fantastic.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.

    This is why you're gaining weight… Because you restricted your calories too much in the past which led to a damaged metabolism. It can take up to a year to reset metabolism.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Are you trying to bulk?

    I guess, I don't want to be super ripped or anything, but I know the calories are far too low for that anyway. I just want more lean muscle, but building ANY muscle requires you to put on fat too, I know that... :\

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.

    This is why you're gaining weight… Because you restricted your calories too much in the past which led to a damaged metabolism. It can take up to a year to reset metabolism.

    I disagree.

    When you up your calories, you gain weight through : more food and waste in the gut, more water, more glycogen in the muscle.

    You can put up to 5lbs plus of this weight on without gaining fat.

    OP is still below her TDEE. There's no way she is gaining fat if her calorie counts are correct.
  • stuart160
    stuart160 Posts: 1,628 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.
    get a bod pod done it's the only way to really know what's going on

    It's most likely water weight.

    I thought so too but a caliper wouldn't change based on water weight.
    get a bod pod done it's the only way to really know for sure
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.

    This is why you're gaining weight… Because you restricted your calories too much in the past which led to a damaged metabolism. It can take up to a year to reset metabolism.

    I disagree.

    When you up your calories, you gain weight through : more food and waste in the gut, more water, more glycogen in the muscle.

    You can put up to 5lbs plus of this weight on without gaining fat.

    OP is still below her TDEE. There's no way she is gaining fat if her calorie counts are correct.

    I said she was gaining weight. Not gaining fat. It's 3 lbs of water weight. Besides, she's bound to put on a couple pounds since her muscles are inflamed and swollen with fluid retention from recently beginning lifting.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.
    get a bod pod done it's the only way to really know what's going on

    It's most likely water weight.

    I thought so too but a caliper wouldn't change based on water weight.
    get a bod pod done it's the only way to really know for sure

    Hydrostatic testing is the only way to know for sure.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I don't really see metabolisms as being "damaged"
    The metabolism responds to the circumstances it is dealing with.....

    So the fact that she can still use food for energy means the metabolism is working fine.....
    It is just slower.....

    Back off the calories for a bit, see how you respond....
    Then up them again in a few weeks.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.

    This is why you're gaining weight… Because you restricted your calories too much in the past which led to a damaged metabolism. It can take up to a year to reset metabolism.

    I disagree.

    When you up your calories, you gain weight through : more food and waste in the gut, more water, more glycogen in the muscle.

    You can put up to 5lbs plus of this weight on without gaining fat.

    OP is still below her TDEE. There's no way she is gaining fat if her calorie counts are correct.

    I said she was gaining weight. Not gaining fat. It's 3 lbs of water weight. Besides, she's bound to put on a couple pounds since her muscles are inflamed and swollen with fluid retention from recently beginning lifting.

    It's good to be clear though.

    I'd be reluctant to diagnose someone as having a damaged metabolism though just because they are gaining weigh from upping their calories. It happens, to everyone that has been under eating. It happens when you eat more.

    Damaged metabolisms....mmmm... I'm not so sure this is as ubiquitous as people make them out to be.
  • jrodri0105
    jrodri0105 Posts: 91 Member
    You did not damage your metabolism, this is really a myth. ( Look at all those African kids) You lost weight.

    Now that you upped your calories to barely 1500 calories. You're getting fatter because of three lbs? I highly doubt that.

    You started lifting weights. This is new ? Right, means you are retaining the water glycogen into those muscles.

    How did they measure your body fat? You are not going to bulk on 1500 calories. You are not going to gain muscles at 1500 calories either. If you want to gain muscle do a surplus ( lift heavy so you can have minimal fat gain & if you want to lose weight ( fat plus muscle) do a deficit ( lift heavy in order to maintain the muscle you have & limit muscle loss). I say eat more, lift heavy!. Than when you feel like you had enough muscle, start losing weight again. Make sure you are measuring everything !!! Not estimating.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Would make sense that your weight went up, but you're nowhere near a bulk, so just keep eating higher and ride out the water weight storm. Think about people who are recovering from EDs -- they have to endure months of edema from upping their calories. On a much smaller scale, but I think it's a similar feeling.

    I gained weight when I increased calories, after 2.5 years of eating near my BMR (lost 60lbs that way). After a few weeks, my weight dropped back to normal, but weight on the barbell increased. You'll be fine.