poll- treat day/ treat meal

XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
Just wondering out of curiosity what people find works better for them I know everyone is different and take different approaches to what suits them but wondering,

Do people prefer to fit treats daily in to their calorie goals or do they cut back a little through the week to have a treat meal or treat night. Or do some not cut back and have their treats night/meal regardless if going over weekly cals?

I normally have a treat day and cut back through week but thinking of just having one treat meal the night of my weigh in as the treat days are just that full of treats which really im just eating for sake of it becuase its a "treat day" lol


  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I have small treats on some days (i.e. a Hershey Kiss or an Oreo). I find it easier to have one here and there than to restrict myself. I usually always have the treat after I workout, so I've "earned it."
  • kristinhowell
    kristinhowell Posts: 139 Member
    Everything in moderation! It works better for me than cutting it out altogether.

    That being said, counting calories has made me more aware of what's going into my body and I have noticed myself naturally going for things that are healthier for me than I have in the past. But, if I want a brownie, I'm going to eat that brownie if I've got the calories (noms).

    The only thing I have to set a limit on is fast food, or I'd make myself sick eating it every day.

  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    I eat ice cream every day but in moderation and I make it fit. I've lost 110 pounds.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I plan my day to include my nightly dessert, and if that puts me over occasionally I don't worry about it. It's about consistency not one night or one day over.

    This weekend I knew I was going away and will be over almost every day, so I did try during the week to be a little lower than normal. But again I don't worry about it too much, weekend away I will enjoy it, come back on Monday and go on with what I was doing.
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    I eat a small treat any day that I really "need" it. I don't reward my good eating with bad food, it gives food false power (emotionally speaking).
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    A little of both, when you account for exercise calories. If you looked at my diary you'd see a small amount of chocolate or a biscuit here and there most days, which fit into my daily allowance (or might send it over slightly on the days I don't exercise). However, when I exericse I don't tend to eat back all of my extra calories, as long as I net enough cals I don't feel I need to as my daily goal is pretty high (things would be different if I was only on 1200!). At weekends I've been going 200-300 over my allowance which I guess puts me round about maintenance or slightly higher on those days BUT the deficit from the exercise days seems to balance out the weekends, even with the odd little treat worked in every day as well, if that makes sense?

    Sorry, quite a long winded way of saying I'm not very good at being super-strict with myself and only having one cheat meal/day!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    I can eat treats everyday, in moderation. If I do not eat them is fine.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    What I do is have a low cal chocolate bar every day like a cadburys fredo frog then I tend to have 1-2 drinks from work vending machine so cappuccino. But then on a Saturday I just gaze on treats throughout so I will have a Mcdonaldz milk shake a higher cal chocolate bar like a mars bar, make fajitas that night and also some vodka diet colas, im just thinking maybe its better to have things as and when I want them as long as in calorie goal rather than saving all these cravings for the weekend.

    Im going to try it anyway stick to my 1600 daily add more treats in as and when I want them then Friday night have one treat meal to the value of 500! Shall see how it works 
  • alexuh
    alexuh Posts: 108 Member
    I've worked quite hard to create the mindset that if I want a treat whatever the day I can have it very easily if it slips into my calorie goal. However, that obviously means less of the other food I would have had that day and it usually puts me off. I could have salmon and lots and lots of yummy roasted veggies or I could have a chunky chocolate bar and probably feel tired and lathargic afterwards. 90% of the time I go with the meal. But knowing I truly have a choice in the matter has made me much more successful with sticking to my goals. I used to be incredibly strict - 'NO WAY can I have chocolate or chips on a weekday!!!!' it was totally the all or nothing mentality and totally the wrong mindframe to have. :flowerforyou:
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Ice cream or chocolate nearly every night, depending on how many calories I have left.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    good point and good way to look at things im hoping this way will work better for me too :) x
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's better to fit what you like in your days, if at all possible.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    I cut back threw the week, so I can have a cheat day or cheat weekend.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Everyday is Treat day!
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    Make your treats fit daily! You deserve them!
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Its so hard on the weekends for me I drink every weekend that an extra 500 cals on a bottle of wine x
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I allow myself small "treats" pretty often...a couple of times a week, but not every night. It is easy for me to get in the habit of eating too few calories and then having a surplus of 300-500 in the evening and making some sort of coffee mug brownie or going out for ice cream after logging some calories for exercise. I don't think that's the worst thing, but I don't wanna do it every night!!

    As for "treat day" - Saturdays are usually my treat day. Not a cheat because I still fit everything into my calories. Generally I do give myself more leeway when it comes to my macros though...more likely to have a restaurant meal that puts me over on sodium and/or fat. My husband and I take a lot of road trips and do sight-seeing, and when we're not on a road trip we pack in TONS of walking and hiking or biking. So we have a lot of extra calories to "spend" on Saturdays on food that we don't normally eat Sunday through Friday. It's our time to embrace all of the crazy delicious food that's out there...pad Thai, banh mi, cupcakes from a fancy place...we look forward to it and it works for us.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I follow IIFYM, and if you look at your weekly goals as well as daily you can fit in a few treats!
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    I'm dieting the way i want to: by stuffing my fat face with whatever i want in moderation. Want some jack in the box? Fit it in my calories. Want a bowl of ice cream? Fit it in my calorie budget! When i live like this, i never feel like i'm sacrificing anything. I have what i want all the time so why eat more? I stick to my calories most of the time. BUT...

    ...There are times when you just want to eat more and you can't simply stick to your tiny calorie budget. Sometimes there'll be a barbecue or a special event. Or thanksgiving! Oh god thanksgiving. I swear...if you don't stuff your face on that day of all days, you're doing it wrong. I make a rule for myself:i can eat at maintenance once a week (which for me is 3,000 calories) At least if i eat at maintenance, i can't feel that bad because it's not like i'm going to gain any weight from eating that day. At worst, i pause my progress for only 1 day. Which for me, makes it worth it. I usually don't give myself this 'treat day' because i don't feel like i need it, but it's good to have that option.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    This is why I consider mfp method and buying. A good polar HRM because the weekend I burn most calories and eat the most but with my tdee I have been losing weight at 2lb-1.5lb so I think I might be jus twisting my money, I beat myself up when I go over calories on weekend sometimes so a HRM would probably put my mind to rest hmmm tough one! X