Men: how much does a woman's weight really matter?



  • dropdeadgreggie_
    dropdeadgreggie_ Posts: 166 Member
    Weight doesn't matter as much as appearance does. So many men get fooled by the outer packaging then they wake up and are like "What the hell did I marry?" I have tons of guy friends that fall for it every time, and come crying to me, the ordinary, plain, tomboy. They've been crying on my shoulder over 20 years, but because I don't give so much time to outer displays, I'm overlooked. And btw, when I was 138 lbs. I had an A-hole tell me I should have skin surgery!
    It's sad but the airbrushed world takes precedence, but it is what it is. There are nice people in the world, and lots of fools. When you buy a product, you should buy into the quality of the product, not the packaging. I am the generic, plain, box with a quality product, but since I don't advertise, it's hit and miss.
    I yam what I yam, and rather be alone that deal with a fake world. I'm authentic and rather be happy than fake.

    You sound bitter and your male friends sound shallow. Any guy who marries based on just how she looks and not what she's really like is a fool.

    You are the one showing off your abs? Isn't that advertising? How about being an intelligent person beyond your body?

    Take a look at her ticker. She has earned the right to show her abs to whomever she wants.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I PREFER a 12. I My range is 6-20, although the sweet spot is 10-14.

    I hope you're talking about sizes and not ages.

    Ha! Of course. I don't think too many pedophiles also like 20-year olds. If I wan't married though, I'd be looking in the 27-45 range.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I PREFER a 12. I My range is 6-20, although the sweet spot is 10-14.

    I hope you're talking about sizes and not ages.

    Ha! Of course. I don't think too many pedophiles also like 20-year olds. If I wan't married though, I'd be looking in the 27-45 range.

    You are incredibly specific, if only more people were like you, online dating would be easier.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    From personal experience most of the men that I know could care less about size. My best friend from high school, who knew me at my smallest of 125 to now at 165 says that I still look great. The boyfriend who also knew me at 125 and now at 165 says that my size doesn't matter to him. He enjoys our time together and he is with me for my personality, level head and logic. (Apparently I'm not some emotionally driven, touchy-feely, mushy girlfriend and he's not that type of boyfriend either)

    So the men I know don't really care about size. They both said that weight and even looks will change with age but what truly matters and what will keep the relationship going is not what's on the outside.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Not a man, but perhaps your confidence level is what is making the difference. I am pretty sure that most men wouldn't even notice the difference between a size 12 and a size 14 unless they were looking at the tag on your jeans.

    SOOOO much this. I am sure it's your confidence level, not the size. If you said like size 20 vs 8, then yeah it's probably the guys prefer a thinner body type. But the fact that you're noticing a real difference between basically the smallest of plus sizes and largest of non-plus sizes sounds more like a mental roadblock on your part. People (in all situations, not just dating) pick up on your self-confidence by how you carry yourself and behave.
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    I couldn't tell you what a size 6, 8, 12, or 75 means nor do I care....

    What do I care about?

    You're attractive to me
    You're a good person
    You're not an idiot

    You will not find a one size fits all answer (no pun intended).

    Edited because pun is a very difficult word to spell apparently

  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Oh, BTW, as that chick on Louis pointed out, it's the guys who aren't confident that worry about dating women who are not thin. Yes, some people just have preferences they can't change (I could not be with a size 0 or someone morbidly obese, but normal to "regular" obese are ok), but in general, guys are attracted to a wider range of women than they consider socially acceptable to date, depending on how much they care about what other people think. I used to care what other people think, but I don't give a (*&^) anymore.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Let's be honest, weight isn't an issue until you take a vacation to some place exotic and you have to ride in one of those tiny propeller planes. You know, the ones where the have to weigh the luggage before you get on it. That's when you're going to wish you'd been a little pickier picking out your partner. Just my two cents. YMMV.

    Or if you don't have a car and plan on picking up your date in a rickshaw.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Weight doesn't matter as much as appearance does. So many men get fooled by the outer packaging then they wake up and are like "What the hell did I marry?" I have tons of guy friends that fall for it every time, and come crying to me, the ordinary, plain, tomboy. They've been crying on my shoulder over 20 years, but because I don't give so much time to outer displays, I'm overlooked. And btw, when I was 138 lbs. I had an A-hole tell me I should have skin surgery!
    It's sad but the airbrushed world takes precedence, but it is what it is. There are nice people in the world, and lots of fools. When you buy a product, you should buy into the quality of the product, not the packaging. I am the generic, plain, box with a quality product, but since I don't advertise, it's hit and miss.
    I yam what I yam, and rather be alone that deal with a fake world. I'm authentic and rather be happy than fake.

    You sound bitter and your male friends sound shallow. Any guy who marries based on just how she looks and not what she's really like is a fool.

    You are the one showing off your abs? Isn't that advertising? How about being an intelligent person beyond your body?

    This is just bizarre. Are you saying that you can't present yourself well (including your hard work on a fitness site) AND be intelligent and interesting? I certainly beg to differ.
  • Tla0126
    Tla0126 Posts: 207 Member
    I've been overweight my whole adult life and some dates work out and some don't. The same can be said of thin girls. I'm sure you aren't turning off every guy you go out with because you're overweight. You're a pretty girl and if you have confidence, I'm sure you'll find a guy who can't keep his hands off of you. Dating takes time, be patient and have fun :o)
  • hicksang121
    hicksang121 Posts: 19 Member
    Someone who isn't attracted you just isn't attracted to you - that's ok. Are you attracted to every guy you meet? Also you miss that "we just noticed eachother" thing you get when you meet someone in person rather than online or on the phone for the first time. I'd encourage you to try to meet people doing the same things you like to do - that's who you'll be most compatible with. Doesn't hurt to try something new too - like a co-ed intramural kickball team - smile. Best of luck!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I PREFER a 12. I My range is 6-20, although the sweet spot is 10-14.

    I hope you're talking about sizes and not ages.

    Ha! Of course. I don't think too many pedophiles also like 20-year olds. If I wan't married though, I'd be looking in the 27-45 range.

    You are incredibly specific, if only more people were like you, online dating would be easier.

    Well, specifically non-specific. And yeah, when I was online dating I dated women of insanely different shapes and sizes. I actually was super into a girl who was fatter than I ever would have considered dating because she was so awesome. I happened to then meet my wife and fall madly in love and she was more or less the type I had to begin with, but whatever - she's not perfect and I don't care. Life is too short.
  • KevinE22
    KevinE22 Posts: 1
    Image is important. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to convince themselves, or they have an agenda. But, a lot of other comments here are correct... different people will find different things attractive.

    I met my wife via online dating... and I went through a LOT of dates to find her.

    One of the biggest pet-peeves I had about online dating was that every woman seems to post pictures that are 5 years or 50 pounds ago on the site. Maybe they did that just to convince a guy to go on a date with them, and hope that once he met her he would fall in love with her anyway... but it always just proved to me they lacked self-confidence and probably had other issues going on I just didn't want to waste my time with.

    Just make sure you are advertising yourself truthfully. If you only post recent "glammed up" head-shots, or your body shots are back from when you were a size 6 or 8... then show up on the date as a size 14... he's going to notice, despite whatever your girlfriends tell you. He'll smile and laugh during the date and play nice... but then you'll never hear from him again once the evening is over.

    But, if you post recent pictures that show who you really are today... you might not have as many responses to your profile, but the responses you do get will be quality ones you can expect a second date from. Honesty goes a LONG way...

    Best of luck to you!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Weight doesn't matter as much as appearance does. So many men get fooled by the outer packaging then they wake up and are like "What the hell did I marry?" I have tons of guy friends that fall for it every time, and come crying to me, the ordinary, plain, tomboy. They've been crying on my shoulder over 20 years, but because I don't give so much time to outer displays, I'm overlooked. And btw, when I was 138 lbs. I had an A-hole tell me I should have skin surgery!
    It's sad but the airbrushed world takes precedence, but it is what it is. There are nice people in the world, and lots of fools. When you buy a product, you should buy into the quality of the product, not the packaging. I am the generic, plain, box with a quality product, but since I don't advertise, it's hit and miss.
    I yam what I yam, and rather be alone that deal with a fake world. I'm authentic and rather be happy than fake.

    You sound bitter and your male friends sound shallow. Any guy who marries based on just how she looks and not what she's really like is a fool.

    You are the one showing off your abs? Isn't that advertising? How about being an intelligent person beyond your body?

    Perhaps you should start a topic titled "Men: how much does a woman's mental baggage really matter?"
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I'm sorry I can't give you any advice about online dating. I'm married to someone who picked me up the old fashioned way (by being drunk and lecherous in a pub) but for me personally, I mostly don't care. I've dated fat and thin men and women both. I might not find someone attractive based on their picture, what they've written, or both, but it wouldn't be their weight.

    The advice people have offered about taking a good picture seems a good idea though.
  • shutch2112
    shutch2112 Posts: 236 Member
    Not a man, but -- When I first started dating my boyfriend I was just starting to try to lose weight from my heaviest point (About a size 14, too) I was a little nervous when we first started to get more intimate because of my weight but at every turn he complimented me and assured me it was not a big deal to him. When I joined MFP, he was actually a little afraid I was trying to lose weight to please him, which was not the case (he's so cute).

    I guess what I'm trying to say is don't worry too much about it, because if he's right, he won't care and if he care's, he's not right. :)
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    I'm a size 16 and I pull more men than my friends who are 4's and 6's. Confidence, a sense of humor, and smiling goes a long way with most men I've encountered. Don't stress your weight too much or you'll never be happy with yourself. <3
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I have NEVER cared about the weight of a woman I've dated. Now, I'm not trying to give the impression that I'm some sort of "great guy" that can overcome lack of physical attraction for a big brain or a great sense of humor. All I'm saying is I don't give a s**t about numbers (scale/sizes/etc). If a woman has a nice build, curves in the right places and is confident with herself; she's good to go in my book.
    but basically you are saying she has to have a certain LOOK.

    And thats wrong because.....???

    Lets not be fools..the whole "its on the inside that counts" load of crock is..well, a load of crock.

    thats not to say that ALL people are attracted to a wide range of body types..(and not the super buff Hugh Jackman types, not the lean VS model only)..but physical attraction IS the starting point..IME, for a relationship. there has got to be something, physically, that draws you to that person...THEN the bonds of a relationship can form..that is the "inner" beauty we speak of.

    THAT is how the relationship sustains.

    In my relationships, Ive always had the most success in meeting someone in an activity I a common interest and something we could share together...that is why online dating is kinda weird to me...personally.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Let's be honest, weight isn't an issue until you take a vacation to some place exotic and you have to ride in one of those tiny propeller planes. You know, the ones where the have to weigh the luggage before you get on it. That's when you're going to wish you'd been a little pickier picking out your partner. Just my two cents. YMMV.

    Or if you don't have a car and plan on picking up your date in a rickshaw.

    Or, as part of a romantic weekend away, you visit a tiny village that was decimated by the plague in the middle ages and you take it in turns to see if you can fit in the stone medieval coffins in the church and one of you can....but the other can't.