

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member

    SW: 335 on 4/28/2014
    CW: 297.2
    GW: 222.6 then 240

    Shooting for getting to 222 well within a year from my start date.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Hi - 50+ woman

    SW - 180ish
    GW - anything lower than I am now, as long as I am fit and it reduces my A1C (over 6.)

    I have finally had success since April with workouts thanks to Pilates and home yoga and long walks, which is helping me not gain weight, but I am afraid I have to reduce the portions a little more to avoid going on diabetes meds.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    SW: 210.2 (1/1/12)
    CW: 158.0 (7/9/14)

    I've come to realize that I don't have a goal weight, as in a number. I would like to weigh 145, but I still have a lot of stomach fat to lose and I don't think getting to that number is going to make it magically disappear. My GOAL is to start lifting more weights and hopefully that coupled with a healthy diet will help transform my physique. I don't want to be super ripped or buff or a body builder. I just want to be 100% comfortable and confident in my body. I'm learning to love the body that I currently have though, because it's gotten me this far and I can't wait to see what is still to come.
  • Dofflin
    Dofflin Posts: 127 Member
    sw 140
    dropped to 115
    Cw 125 - now I'm trying to just eat really clean and become a long distance runner and at least lift my own weight in the gym.
  • rachelilly
    rachelilly Posts: 62
    I'm 5'5", 29 years old.

    SW: 177 lbs (as of May 1st when I recommitted, was 205 lbs at the end of my last pregnancy in 2012.)
    CW: 166 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs at most

    I want to hit my goal by mid October before my husband comes back from deployment. 26 lbs in 3 months. Yet I haven't budged a lb. since late May... My body seems to be happy at 166 but my head is not.
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Age: 33 ( In 10 days )
    Height: 5'6 1/4
    SW (On MFP): 226lbs (My highest weight was around 246lbs - 254lbs)
    CW: 163.6lbs
    GW: 140lbs by the end of the year. My UGW is anything I feel confident and happy with. However, I would like to keep myself under 140lbs no matter what happens in life.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,691 Member
    Age, 40; height 5'7.5

    SW: 160
    CW: 138
    GW: originally 150, then 145, then 140, now 135. Who knows where I'll stop - 130 would be pretty thin for me.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    female, 26, 5'5

    GW-currently maintaining here.
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    SW= 210lb
    CW= 190.2 lb
    GW= 160lb
    UGW= 130lb

    I joined in april, but didn't get serious until June hit. I take the 18th of june as my start date (when I was 200lb) because I took my first weight loss pic then. I would like to be 130lb by June 18, 2015. A year from the beginning. I also have a never ending goal of being healthy, fit, stronger, and just better in health really.

    Oh, I'm 5'2. Shorties unite! :')
  • 0smiile0
    0smiile0 Posts: 22
    SW: 112
    CW: 94 (not my lowest)
    GW: I know it's cliche, but happy. I've put my body through a lot and i'm working to restore it to a point where I'm happy and it's functioning properly
  • grannykaren57
    Height : 5' 3"
    Age: 57

    SW 210
    CW 205
    GW 130

    Im not sure when I will hit my goal weight... Right now I am just trying to stick with this.. :)
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'3''
    SW: 220lbs
    CW: 200lbs
    GW: 170lbs by Christmas, but 130-140lbs is my ultimate goal
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'6" (168cm)
    HW:100-110kg(stopped weighing)
    SW:88.6 (Aug 2013)
    GW: 65 but really just the weight I look good in a bikini in, no need for a flat stomach in my books.
  • thenerdmommy
    thenerdmommy Posts: 16 Member
    Age: 29 Height: 5'5"

    SW: 225
    CW: 215
    GW1: 180 by Christmas
    GW2: 150 by next summer
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    Age : 18 Height: 5''5.5

    SW: 183lbs (January 2013)
    GW: 110

    It's low because I have a very small frame, extra weight shows up on me easy :p that being said, this is the first time in my life I've ever been sorta slim xD going for those vanity pounds baby
  • Erilynn93
    Erilynn93 Posts: 256 Member
    Age: 21 Height: 5"3'

    SW: 226 (possibly higher) 2011
    CW: 193

    GW1: 140 and then I'll see how I feel. Lowest I'd let myself get is about 115.

    I've been trying for some time now, as you can see. Late 2012 early 2013 I made it down to about 180 even, but I had to stop for a bit because I started to develop unhealthy habits and eating-disorder symptoms (I've had some minor struggles with possible EDNOS over the years, so I try to be very cautious.) I'm determined to succeed this time, not only to look good on the outside, but to feel good on the inside. I would like to get down to 175 by the end of August, but I wonder if that's possible going at a healthy rate.

    By 2015 I'd like to be down to at least 155 :) I'm feeling very hopeful.
  • mrschains
    mrschains Posts: 12
    Female 5'7" 34 years old

    SW: 168
    CW: 130
    GW: Well, it was 135, but when I hit that and still had an actual body fat measurement of 29%, it changed. My goal is 18% body fat. According to my nutritionist, in order to get to that, I will probably end up right about 118 lbs.

    I'm losing weight because I have medical issues that were causing me to be on entirely too many medications. Also, I was really unhealthy. At 168 lbs, my body fat was actually 54%. I was considered morbidly obese. That was terrifying and a major wake up call for me. I've lost 38 lbs by cutting calories. I've just started going back to the gym. I do the 5:2 plan and have been on it since January 18th. My ultimate goal is to be at 18% body fat before Christmas. I want to be healthy and sexy. I want to FEEL both of those things. I have a lot to work on mentally to get me to that point, but I think I'm well on my way to achieving it.
  • LittleLazySheep
    LittleLazySheep Posts: 15 Member

    SW: 147lb (1st June 2013)
    CW: 141lb (19th April 2014)
    GW: 126lb

    As you can see I'm only slowly loosing weight (against my hardest protests XD) so I don't have a goal date, ideally get as low as possible by 22nd September when I start uni :)
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    Age: 37
    Height: 6'3''
    SW: 346lbs (April 2012)
    CW: 306lbs
    GW: 230lbs (Dec 2015, may be) I am a long term project!

    I have been at my current weight for few months now but still trying my best.

    Best thing that I have achieved to date is finishing half marathon in 3 hours and 33 mins last month.
  • purplenurse711
    purplenurse711 Posts: 29 Member
    SW: 245

    CW: 225

    GW: 170

    Started again in June 2014