When to weigh yourself?



  • healthymelisa
    healthymelisa Posts: 166 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning after I pee and I'm always naked.
  • mikebooker1
    mikebooker1 Posts: 148 Member
    First thing in the morning for me!
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    Shouldn't really matter when you weigh yourself as long as you weigh yourself at around the same point in time every day. Right when I wake up is generally the easiest, for me. Clearly it would be a bad idea to compare weights on one day in the morning, and the next day immediately after eating a big dinner. Long story short, whenever is easiest for you to do regularly.

    Agree with this ^

    However, most people find it more rewarding to weigh in the morning. You've fasted all night (while sleeping), and thus you are probably at your lowest weight for the day.

    Good luck!
  • veephil31
    veephil31 Posts: 53 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, though as long as you are consistent about the time of day you weigh yourself, it really won't matter.
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    Once a week
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    Once a week, Friday morning, before I step into the shower. I find that even the day to day changes drive me bonkers, so once a week evens out those ups and downs.
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    If you decide to change to mornings and go with the lower weight, be sure to adjust your goals!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    :heart: Weight – So many things can affect weight, because of this it shouldn’t be the only way you track your progress. Things to keep in mind:
    :drinker: Always use the same scale – Different scales can show different weights. You will get the most accurate number for tracking when using the same scale.
    :drinker: Don’t move the scale – Carpet, uneven flooring, different types of flooring…can all affect the weight on the scale. So when you weigh, you want it to be approximately the same spot for the most accurate number for tracking.
    :drinker: 3500 calories – To gain 1lb of fat you need to be over maintenance by 3500 calories.
    :drinker: Muscle Repair – Muscles will hold onto water to repair, because of this it is not uncommon to see a gain for a little while after a workout. This weight comes right back off when they are done repairing.
    :drinker: Sodium – Can cause you to retain water. This can also be amplified if you don’t drink enough to flush it out of your system. This is also another reason for temporary weight gain.
    :drinker: Water – Not drinking enough water can actually cause you to retain water. Recommended amount is 8 cups or 64oz. I drink 64 oz to 128 oz of water a day. It doesn’t have to be plain water either. I like to flavor mine with crystal light or tea.
    :drinker: Time of day – Your weight can fluctuate throughout the day. So for the most accurate tracking, you want to weigh at around the same time.
    :drinker: Frequency – This is up to you, but if small fluctuations bother you than only weigh once a week or less.
    :drinker: Lightest Weight – Will be naked, first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom
    :drinker: Multiple times a Day – Don’t Do It. As I said before, your weight will fluctuate throughout the day. What you eat, what you’re wearing, ect will all affect weight.
    :drinker: Clothes – If you weigh with clothing on, keep in mind that the scale will show your weight plus the weight of your clothes. (Jeans are heavy)
    :drinker: TOM - A lot of women will retain water around their TOM, but its just temporary and will go away.
  • janellyf
    janellyf Posts: 74 Member
    I not only weigh myself at the same time of day (morning after getting ready and going to the bathroom etc) wearing the same clothes (my uniform), but I always use the same scale. Scales can really be different and if you are accurately trying to track loss, use the same scale.

    I also weight myself only once a week. For me, this is vital. Otherwise I find myself getting consumed in the day to day fluctuations.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member

    :drinker: TOM - A lot of women will retain water around their TOM, but its just temporary and will go away.

    For the ladies who are post-menopausal and no longer get that TOM, if you still have your ovaries, you are still producing small amounts of the hormones that can cause cyclic water retention. It is not nearly as much as it is when you are still fertile and get less and less as you get older (I get a pound or two pretty much monthly, but not the 4 pounds or so I used to add)
  • nmarasa
    nmarasa Posts: 1 Member
  • fkahlo117
    fkahlo117 Posts: 1
    Thanks so much for the contributions. I'll start doing this in the morning. :smile:
  • sirena192005
    sirena192005 Posts: 13 Member
    I weight each morning after bathroom, naked. I only log once a week, on Thursdays. The scale I use is an EatRight Precision, and I also have access at work to one of the physicians scales with the bar that you slide and the weights, so a couple times a month I come into work early and use it to make sure my scale is accurate. On these mornings, I weigh normally, then weigh with my clothes on so I know what they weigh. I think my coworkers would frown upon me stripping down naked in the hallway at the office. :-)

    Occasionally if I've had a SUPER busy day and haven't had time to eat/haven't drank very much I'll weigh when I get home just out of curiosity and that can sometimes be my lightest weight because then it'll have been close to 24 hours since my last meal, but I try not to do that often. Unfortunately, the nature of my job is that sometimes I just don't have time to stop and eat.
  • alanandmarcia
    That's how I feel better about my weight. Currently working out though lol
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I weigh myself after I wake up and use the bathroom. Normally naked or in underwear...
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    I weigh myself whenever I want, sometimes I do it once a week sometimes I'll do it everyday. It's always after I wake up and pee. I use my wiifit board (literally the only thing I use my wii for :laugh:) and I do it nude that way I know for sure what I weigh. My clothes vary in weight.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    The truest weight, in my honest opinion, is first thing in the morning AFTER VOIDING, and wearing nothing but a smile (or frown depending upon the number you see)... Honestly, I like to weigh daily BUT weekly weights are better indicators of progress. Also, realize, due to differences in hydration, etc., the "truest weight" is only true within a reasonable error of measurement. We cannot totally eliminate this error because of sodium intake and hydration variables, as well as regularity of bowel movements, etc. But the WORST time to weigh is late evening because you have all the intake of the day still being processed.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    When you get up, after you've been to the toilet, naked and standing on one leg *nods*

    ETA one of those is not true
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member