Can anyone over 200lbs run for over 5mins???



  • RachelAngel01
    RachelAngel01 Posts: 77 Member
    I am 223 and just ran a mile for time today! Fastest ever, 10:38! I was super proud of my accomplishment. I started with Galloway intervals. Run 30 seconds, walk a minute. I finished a half marathon in March that way. This year, I can run 1 minute, walk 1 minute for my half marathon, and will run my first 5K straight through. Just go slow! You will naturally increase in speed and endurance if you start slow!
  • huntermaz
    huntermaz Posts: 37 Member
    I started a C25K three months ago at over 300 pounds and just finished my 5K race last week at around 290. Completed it in 32 minutes. Anyone can do it, start slow and follow the program, learn how to breath also that helps a ton.
  • GibbsGirl13072
    GibbsGirl13072 Posts: 156 Member
    This thread makes me want to dust off the c25K app again in the worst way!
  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    When I was over 200 I could still run... basically as long as I wanted to. But you can't do distance and sprints at the same time... try going for a nice slow jog. Start off jogging at almost a walking pace and then speed up to whatever's comfortable. You might be surprised how long you can go.
  • Murphy0126
    Murphy0126 Posts: 84 Member
    I currently weigh 315 pounds, and can run non-stop for about 2.5 hours. Or around 20km.

    I'm training for my first marathon in the Fall. I will most likely be in 290's by that time, and that is just over 42 km.

    Don't let a number on a scale dictate what activities you can partake in.
  • freshstart180213
    freshstart180213 Posts: 170 Member
    My heaviest was 201 im not 180 and started jogging three days ago and altho I do mile I cant run for 5mins I have to jog then do a brisk walk then jog some more no idea when I will be able to jog the whole mile but I perserve as it early days
  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    I started at about 260lbs and could only run for about 30 seconds. So I walked for a couple months to build up strength. Then I was able to start the C25K program. I am mid way through it and can now run 5 minutes intervals. (run for 5, walk for 3...) The program builds slowly adding run time each week.

    I plan to run a 5K in Sept; assuming all goes well I will have gone from almost not being able to run at all to running 3.1 miles in 6 months. I am also down to 240lbs now.

    If I can do it; you can do it also. Just start real slow. The point is; You have to start.
  • Blufae
    Blufae Posts: 21
    You guys are amazing and inspiring!!
  • I am at about 268/270 and I can only run for intervals of 1 minuet run 1 minuet walk, etc. I run out of breath pretty easily but I've concetrated mainly on weight loss and muscle building, endurance is something I want to gain but right now it is a lesser priority of mine,
  • emzilee
    emzilee Posts: 96 Member
    I'm over 200lbs and I'm asthmatic.

    The furthest I've run without stopping is 6.4 miles / 80 minutes and I regularly 3-4 times a week run 5k.

    I completed Couch to 5K at about 215lbs so you definitely can too!

    I've also found that my asthma has improved a lot since I started to run. I tend to take my inhaler before I set out on a run and then I don't really need it during my run. If I feel my chest getting unbearably tight, I slow down or even stop for a minute or so if I really need it.

    I've been lucky not to have had problems with my knees, ankles or with shin splints but it's worth having a read up on ways to avoid them :)
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