So what are you doing with those clothes 1 size too large?

Hi 17 very proud kg down and I've gone from a size 16NZ (US 12) to an NZ 10 (US 6) and I wondering what all you maintainers out there have decided to do with the clothes that are just a size, or wee bit more too large? I've given the much bigger stuff away to friends and charity shops but I'm hesitating over the one size too big things. Somehow keeping them, even tucked away under the bed, seems as if I'm subconsciously saying "one day you will creep back up" I have every intention of maintaining this weight and shape for ever - I love the the new me but a tiny part of my miserly streak is saying "keep them .. you won't want to buy new" What have others done?


  • Emeryeon
    Emeryeon Posts: 61
    wear them
    i like loose clothes
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I keep 1 size bigger, just for period bloat. lol I donate 2 sizes and larger though
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I keep wearing clothing that is just a few sizes to big. Reason being - I am not made of money. When the clothes are over-sized to the point of making me look bigger...then I usually just bag them up until I get a chance to donate them.
  • DecemberPsalm
    DecemberPsalm Posts: 97 Member
    Thank god for sewing machines! I re-size everything :)
  • rosnz
    rosnz Posts: 91 Member
    I keep 1 size bigger, just for period bloat. lol I donate 2 sizes and larger though
    ah .. past that reason ;-P so I have no valid excuse
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    When I started using MFP May 2013, my goal was to lose 33 pounds to get back into my size 6 clothes, all of which fit me well. It turns out that I lose 44 pounds, which makes my clothes much looser. I wear a loose 6 and and a comfortable 4 now. I love my looser fitting clothes too, so I'm keeping them. :smile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I keep 1 size bigger, just for period bloat. lol I donate 2 sizes and larger though
    Thank you menopause, I'm so glad I'm over that! :bigsmile:
  • rosnz
    rosnz Posts: 91 Member
    I keep wearing clothing that is just a few sizes to big. Reason being - I am not made of money. When the clothes are over-sized to the point of making me look bigger...then I usually just bag them up until I get a chance to donate them.

    yes it's mostly trousers - some are now falling off and while I have altered a few pairs DecemberPsalm I'm not that skilled at redoing waistband etc. I've overlocked in the sides of quite a few tops and they look OK
  • upcycle them! Turn your oversized shirts into cute halters, tunics, or skirts, and jeans can be turned into purses and such.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I donate them. Some consignment stores will give you a store credit, if the garment is in good condition.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    ...When the clothes are over-sized to the point of making me look bigger...then I usually just bag them up until I get a chance to donate them.

    Basically this. And when it comes to one size larger, that is not usually an issue for me with pants and dresses. One size up is still all right most of the time.

    I'm in a 12 currently and have everything in my closet from 10-14 that fit. The 15-16s though just fall off or make me look weirdly shaped (saggy bum and such) so it's an easy decision to get rid of them!!

    As for sizes like S, M, L...I pretty much just have L/XL that fit the same way. 1X or larger cut XL shirts look bad and weird on me so I donate. Going back up in size is not an option.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    If it's super huge, I give it away to thrift stores.

    If it's just baggy, I still wear it.
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    With the exception of new underwear: I'm wearing the 1 size too large stuff: Just cinched up the belt a notch. Could not deal with loose underwear :)
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Wearing them.

    Growing up poor (and still being poor pretty much) has taught me frugality. I literally don't get rid of clothes until they cannot be worn at all anymore lol

    I just use belts for jeans, and I like my shirts loose sometimes anyway.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Well, most of my clothes were 7 sizes too large, and I gave those away to charity. I still have a couple of too-big shirts because they still look nice if a bit baggy. I have one pair of jeans that's a couple sizes too big that I wear over my gym clothes when it's cold out (I walk to my gym).
  • I'll keep mine. That way I can wear them when I go visit my family. Since they don't want me to lose anymore weight. :grumble: That way I'll look bigger than I actually am and they can stop nagging me.
  • joepage612
    joepage612 Posts: 179 Member
    pack them away. i myself am a clothes-hoarder. so i wont tell you to get rid of them. but if they are laying around and you have something to wear after gaining a few pounds back that could be bad. its better to have none of your clothes fit and alert you that you need to cut back on calories. wearing your old heavy clothes can turn into an option rather than losing weight.
    I understand the voice in your head that you may need them so you can just box them up and put them out of site. garage, storage locker. friends house. basement. attic. keep them but keep them out of sight and out of your wearing cycle.
  • combatbunny
    combatbunny Posts: 42 Member
    Alter them, or have them altered to fit you properly again.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I bought 2 pr. of black sweatpants at WalMart during the winter of 2012-2013. I bought them without trying them on. They are size small, petite length. They did not come in extra small.They have always been too large for me AND too long. I sleep in them. Someone bought me a pair of the exact same pants for Xmas that season, except dark-blue, also size small but regular length. I sleep in them. I bought a cute pair of gray cargo capris at a thrift store in 2013 in a size 6. I should have known better -- but they were so cute--and I thought the fact they had a drawstring in addition to the button and zipper closure, that I could pull them tight enough to wear them. Nope. I needed a button for another pr. of pants so I removed the button from those and stitched it on to the others. Notice I said stitched, not sewed, because I don't know how to sew. Perhaps someday I'll win Publishers Clearinghouse and be able to have the gray cargos altered to fit me.
  • rugrat1mi
    rugrat1mi Posts: 23 Member
    I donate them at Goodwill and shop there for something new (to me).