Is this okay?

JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
There was a new guy at the gym this morning. Usually my time at the gym is peaceful enough. I am usually the only female, but that's not a problem for me. I am in my zone, do my thing get in, get out and get on with my life. The new guy this morning was grunting and moaning loud enough that I could here him from 40 feet away with my ear buds in. That's fine. Some people are more vocal than others and so I just block it out. Everything was fine until new guy struts over to me while I am doing incline chest presses, gets my attention and says, "On your next set you should turn your elbows in a little more to change the lift and work on your lats. That would give you that sexy, straight V in the back." I didn't even know what to say and it kind of irritated me. Was this guy out of line or am I being too sensitive?


  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    I'd say the guy was a bit out of line.
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    Personally I wouldn't make too much of it. Maybe he was trying to offer you a bit of advice or maybe he simply wanted a reason to talk to you lol.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    <pull out an earbud, smile> Oh...thanks for the tip...<replace earbud and carry on>

    Unless the stars are in alignment, so to speak, and you want to pick up what he's putting down, then how you carry on is up to you!
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Just say thanks and move on. Either take the advice or not.

  • siport
    siport Posts: 7,429 Member
    its a bit odd i guess especially as you havent even said hi yet. if he wanted to make convo with you though maybe that was his starting point talking to you about something you were doing rather than making you think he was hitting on you.

    however io dont ever disturb someone who has their ears in unless i have good reason and know them
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    There is one of two things going on here.
    1) Guy thought you were sexy and would be impressed with his vast knowledge of the proper way to workout.
    2) Guy is *kitten* and figured he should tell you that you are doing your workout wrong.

    Either way, I feel it was a bit out of line. You workout here, more than once, it ain't your first go around. So where does this guy get off giving you "advice" on how to do it "right". I'd probably have made some smart *kitten* comment back, but that's just me.
    More than likely he was trying to impress... but as most douchers go, they overcompensate and realize that women don't want some **** head know it all.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    I might be annoyed but not offended. Free advice, maybe give it a try. Guys certainly say much worse things to pick women up :D
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I'd say the guy was a bit out of line.

    Why??? Jeez. Now they're not even allowed to talk to us?
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Some people just need to stroke their ego. Just ignore it. I'm thinking he thought you were hot and just wanted to use the word "sexy" in a sentence. He used all of that grunting on his brain power to come up with a legit sentence. :laugh:
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I'd say the guy was a bit out of line.

    Why??? Jeez. Now they're not even allowed to talk to us?

    I wouldn't dare speak to a woman of your standing and status. :laugh:
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Just say thanks and move on. Either take the advice or not.


  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I'd say the guy was a bit out of line.

    Why??? Jeez. Now they're not even allowed to talk to us?

    I wouldn't dare speak to a woman of your standing and status. :laugh:

    LOL I am extremely approachable. Unless you're a creep. lol
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    Thats not how this works, that not how any of this works ...........
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I'd say the guy was a bit out of line.

    Why??? Jeez. Now they're not even allowed to talk to us?

    I wouldn't dare speak to a woman of your standing and status. :laugh:

    LOL I am extremely approachable. Unless you're a creep. lol

    I'm pretty sure I went beyond creep years ago. :bigsmile:
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I've always thought it weird that people get stressed about social contacts. People seem to imagine these invisible walls around themselves and then get upset when someone walks right through them. If you want to be alone than don't go out in public. If you go out in public you are no longer alone.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yup, just say thanks for the tip and move on. I'm sure he was just trying to be helpful.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    That is one thing I will never do. I might take a mental note of what someone could change in the form but I would never approach someone and say hey change this. Unless it is my one friend telling me but he gets a bye since he is way stronger than me. Random people need to just keep there mouth shut.

    Now people have ask me questions and then I can put in my input of what I did see.
  • twiggypal
    twiggypal Posts: 439 Member
    next time you see him....go over.....offer him some advice....

    tell him his arms wouldn't be so small if....... ;-)

    he wont be back