Friends request?

prism1968 Posts: 121 Member

I've been here about a month and am down 6 lbs. (could be more if I would quit BINGE eating, ugh!)... Learning a lot from all the forums, but most enjoy getting to know folks on the news feed. The friends feature has been so helpful for motivation, inspiration and support... I'm so impressed by what folks accomplish!... would love to have some more :)

I live about 40 mins north of Nashville, TN (from Detroit originally, lived in Georgia 20-something years, too)... have 2 grown children and will be 46 this week. I have about 35 lbs left to lose and I try to log daily. I'm doing C25K, Jillian's 6 week 6 pack and just finished my first week of PiYo.

I'm a teacher and about to go work in my classroom today, but would love for anyone that will to add me!
Thanks in advance, and hope everyone has an awesome week :)



  • Adriana673
    Adriana673 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Sending you a request. I've also been on for over a month now but I'm struggling and looking for some supportive friends with the same goals. I've started going back to the gym again (Yay!) but keeping motivated is always a struggle. I'd love to have some others to share the experience with in a positive place :wink:

    Let's do this!

  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you!
    We will help each other :)
  • Jenniwren83
    Jenniwren83 Posts: 19 Member

    friend request on it's way. I've been here about 45 days (give or take a few after I lost my streak early on when i didn't understand how it worked!). I've lost around 12lbs so far and have about 26 left to go. Am 30, 31 in October, no kids (apart from the 37 year old man I live with who may as well be haha) work in local goverment in the UK. I definitely need help holding myself accountable and have to designate binge days once every 2 weeks (straight after 2 weekly weigh in for minimal impact on weight loss - gives me 13 days to undo any damage!!) because when I've tried to lose weight before without letting myself go every now and then I've quit the first time I've lost control and binged. Not good.

    I love the friend feature on MFP, it keeps you up to date with others progress which helps to keep yourself going. Am delighted to be friends with anyone genuine because you can't have too many friends :)
    Jen x
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    Sending you a friend request now. I just turned 44 so we 40-somethings need to stick together for encouragment. :smile:
  • Sent friend requests to you both, so we can support & motivate one another :)
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    Great! Looking forward to seeing y'all and what progress we all can make :)
  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    Hi! I am sending you a friend request! I love meeting new people and having others to help motivate and support me. The more the merrier! :-)
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    Someone, maybe you, Jen? just sent me a FR and I happily clicked 'add' before realizing there was a message attached lol... so, whatever was written, I missed :(
    But, happy for the addition!
    REALLY leaving for work now ;)
  • ahowie86
    ahowie86 Posts: 5 Member
    I'll add you! I'm a fellow teacher and looking to build up some supportive MFP friendships. I need a "cheerleader" to stay motivated and I'm happy to cheer you on! We can do this! :)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    hi all...feel free to add me as well...44 always happy to make new friends!!
  • Hello

    Can you add me? i need some motivation! i keep binging too! im officially down 17lbs however according to MFP im only down 8.5lbs because i dont know how to change my start weight to my heaviest point?

    if anyone knows how please help :)

    please add :)
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Howdy y’all, I too am a 40 something although my profile states I’m 99 that’s just because I’m wise beyond my years. I log daily, am self-motivated and enjoy motivating others as well. So if you want to feel free to send me a FR.
  • trevorhamlett
    trevorhamlett Posts: 3 Member
    Everybody add me! I'll add all of you guys for support and motivation!! Keep pushing!
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    I added the folks that posted requests and accepted those who sent FR... I appreciate y'all! About to go run now ...well, MY version of it, I'm on week 3/day 1 of C25K and at my fastest parts only go 5 mph ;)
    Hope all of you are meeting YOUR goals today, too :)

  • icu814me2
    icu814me2 Posts: 212 Member
    FR On the way!
  • Im brand new here and looking for friends as 49 and have a min of 100 lbs to lose, so will be here a while....anyone pls feel free to add me:)
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    Welcome! I just added you :)
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Congrats on your success so far, WAY TO GO! :happy: Same with me I just signed up last night and have no clue. I started at 184lbs and got down to 157 however I dont know how to adjust the numbers on this scale. BTW how do you add the box to your profile posts? :smile: LOL I'm not FabulousFanta It's Supposed to be FabulousFantasticFifty (My Goal by my birthday :bigsmile: )
  • dollbud40
    dollbud40 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Angela! My name Is Ranae, I am 47 and full of positive energy and support! I slipped for a lil bit as well and now I am trying to get my groove back on! I am on week 4 day 1 of C25k and I would love to be your friend! :smile: I am sending aFR
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Hi Angela, am sending you a friend request. I am 40 next week. I live in Ireland and like running (slowly) and kettlebells/gym. I've got two energetic boys in primary school. I only joined MFP a few weeks ago but am finding the support a big help. It gets me off the sofa and up on my feet!