Does Herbalife Really Work?



  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Herbalife is hi-quality nutrition at junk food prices. It's way more than just reducing bad/excessive fats, carbohydrates, sugars, calories's about giving our body the right balance of quality vitamins, minerals, fibers, complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, proteins, etc

    I've used Herbalife everyday for over 20 years - saving money on poor quality nutrition from restaurants and supermarkets! As you know good nutrition is expensive - a meal at McDonald's ($6) a meal at seafood restaurant ($15) Now ask yourself did my body get a complete balanced meal at these 2 restaurants --- the is NO

    Find out why Herbalife has success in 88 countries - answer: the results from the products --- the products are amazing - hope you can benefit from them immensely and don't base your future on the opinions of those that never try it or try it and failed - but listen to those that have succeeded with Herbalife. Listening to successful people is a good tip and it also applies to any other goal you will be wanting to achieve in your life.

    Love and Light ...

    Strong first post; do they sell food in those countries too? Seriously, the reason most people gain weight back AFTER dieting or using supplements or buying the hype from these products its it is tool/habit/strategy missing. Losing weight without these companies and their products is possible, or so I've read in countless success stories on here. Best of luck OP but I'd recommend slow and steady, IIFYM, learn habits for life, tools you can use, and strategies to encourage yourself others to be like minded.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Eat like a real person.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Bought a three day trial pack. In day two, I felt nausea, and had to take time off work. I figured, it must have been something in the vanilla meal replacement meal, that didn't agree with me. The beaker has been used, regularly though, with my whey and protein powder, which I decided to take instead of herbalife. A natural transition, as I like the idea, of having a meal for breakfast, in a shake. To get my daily vitamins, I take brewers yeast, and a multi vitamin, with no side effects.
  • Travelbug1955
    Travelbug1955 Posts: 61 Member
    I used it for 1 month and lost 8 pounds. The shakes and supplements detoxed my body nicely. My arthritis stopped hurting in my hands. When I stopped using it, the arthritis came back worse than before. I wish I could afford to use it again.
  • Rhonda21km
    Rhonda21km Posts: 90 Member
    I tried years ago it and it will work for a while, but as others have mentioned, it is
    not realistic as a permanent lifestyle. Everyone has to find their own permanent solution, but drinking shakes
    and popping pills was not for me. Just eat real food and exercise - there are no short cuts.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    I've used Herbalife everyday for over 20 years - saving money on poor quality nutrition from restaurants and supermarkets! As you know good nutrition is expensive - a meal at McDonald's ($6) a meal at seafood restaurant ($15) Now ask yourself did my body get a complete balanced meal at these 2 restaurants --- the is NO
    Supermarkets do not have poor quality nutrition and I cannot take anyone seriously who believes this.

    Supermarkets have the best and the worst food available: it is up to the consumer to make an educated choice. It is not the supermarket that is at fault if a person chooses to eat Cheeze-its and Kool-aid over healthy nutritious food on a regular basis.

    This is one of the most half-witted comments I have ever seen on this site. I am really hoping that you meant something else by this: PLEASE tell me you meant to say something else.:noway:
  • Emmalize
    Emmalize Posts: 3
    If I Pay for something and receive the merchandise from the company and have 30 days to try or return, hows that a scheme. Soda destroys your bones, Hot Dogs cause cancer, plus all the junk food chain stores selling processed chemically meals targeting our children calling this a Happy Meal, wasnt it McD's selling fake nuggets ? How about your everyday cereal box commercials Loaded with Sugar yet your told Its Great and add a toy, Must I add your OJ juice also filled with Sugars, , Now that is a scheme Specially that it Targets Kids that will Nag & kick to get whatever a commercial tells them they need. Wake Up World and start Learning of the stuff targeting children ! I dont think a child will go online to purchase Herbalife or any type of health plans! Do you work forsomeone 9-5 its a pyramid youll never own the company, have u played into the Dollar and the Dream Scheme ? How many dollars ? So many are quick to complain about No my gym didn't help me loose weight or I got hurt at gym, did it occur to invest in a personal trainer? From what ive read Herbalife directs you to a distributer if someones pushy or overcharging wouldnt it be common sense to contact the company directly to ask questions. We are living in the Information age has your Iphone fallen and broken ? And so on if something doesnt work for u Perfect then get out of it, I Rather have Herbalife and Not cigarettes and coffee thats what Herbalife Did For Me it replaced my craving for Cigarettes which causesLung Cancer & Coffee which I loaded with Sugar. THANK U HERBALIFE FOR EXISTING I LOVE HERBALIFE AND WOULDNT CHANGE THE USE, I buy from someone for 15 years Im not pushed or pulled into Nothing. Grow Up America & quit the Wining, if u are Fat then when u get tired or sick then maybe youll have a chance Maybe Not who knows.
  • Emmalize
    Emmalize Posts: 3
    The distributer is suppose to guide u. Mine has and for a long the company directly they will help you contact a distributer in your area. I love Herbalife its an Amazing product but must be used correctly with correct measurements & water.
  • Emmalize
    Emmalize Posts: 3
    Yes, it does and so do their skin products : )
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Thank you for making it clear no one should ever use \it
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Boss at food service job is trying this and losing more sanity than anything else. It's another starvation diet when done as directed so she's (likely unknowingly) started "making sure the food is fresh" more. She'll drop weight until the sanity loss hits threshold and I find her at her desk mowing down on a large order of cheese curds, which might not be the worst thing for her to mow down on as she's about that age where calcium gets bumped up on the priorities list. Prepackaged diets don't teach people how to make food choices that help them continue to be at a lower weight.
  • Just bought the membership and already regretting it. The lady who pressured me into it didn't show me any of the prices for the powder, and pretty much told me that I would only eat protein shakes. Called the company and haven't even gotten my money back.
  • begley2015
    begley2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Its a good short term weight loss program. Long term not so much. I love their shakes but thats pretty much it. I have you my Fitness Pal for a little over a year now and I've lost over 77 pounds so far, and that's proof you don't need to pay for any diet program to lose weight just have to watch your calories and go out and actually be physical whether you go to the gym or you just walk around.

    Ask yourself do you want to pay $400 for a 30 day exercise plan from herbalife, or use a free app like myfittnesspal to lose weight. The only money you spend is your weekly food, whether that is $50 for 2 to 3 hundred dollars if you and family
  • denise31992
    denise31992 Posts: 51 Member
    My aunt did this for a very long time and she had to be hospitalized. Are the 2 things related, maybe...maybe not?
    But as everyone is saying, its just a quick fix.
  • SaraLily
    SaraLily Posts: 30
    I really don't see the point.
    My SIL follows this diet and has lost weight, yes.
    But she has to pay 100$ a week for the pills, shakes, everything.

    Meanwhile, I went to see a dietitian, that was covered by my insurance, in the end, I didn't pay anything. I was showed how to properly eat and lose weight at a normal, healthy pace.

    To me, Herbalife is not worth it.
  • pixiegymer
    pixiegymer Posts: 1
    Used to be huge. I mean when i was16 i weighed 90kg's no muscle just fat. I started in herbalife 6 months ago. No pills at all just the herbalife 24 shake for breakfast and lunch and gymed at night for about 45 minutes in the beginning. Costs me 300 rand a month. Very important that you buy the protein powder to have with your shake (takes the hunger away) and aim now17% body fat and 62% muscle. Am happy look great got tons of energy. And dont think I'm saying all this to make money because i don't sell it, i just buy, HERBALIFE REALLY WORKS! You don't have spend thousands just need listen to your coach
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    Sure it works...

    It works at taking your hard earned money out of your pocket.

    There is no magic pill. They have you on a deficit and it works. but its not sustainable. Starting out eating right and sticking with it IS sustainable and gives you the tools for healthy living. and costs you nothing for Placebo pills, and shakes.

    Any deficit works. Although im not familiar with how it works im pretty sure its like the million other products that are out there. These people want to make money, they really dont care if you suceed or not. Think about it, if you have a plan where you can lose X amount of weight in X amount of time, with fast results, be it a shake, soup diet etc. Thats great in the short term, maybe not healthy, but if you dont start with what you need to schieve a healthy lifestyle, you probably wont stick with it, and you will rebound. I speak from experience, I have tried many, with success and was up and down for years. It wasnt until I was 300lbs. that I was introduced to proper nutrition and followed it that I turned my life around. Saving thousands of dollars on fad crap. These companies pay there bills when you rebound, and the cycle continues.

    Bottom line.... There is no quick fix, there is no magic pill. Its all about staying with your daily calories, and thats it. Period.

    Save your money.
  • nbkp2ge
    nbkp2ge Posts: 39 Member
    It contains a lot of sugar!!!!
    And the reason why you might lose weight is because you are not eating!!! it's calorie controlled...thats all.
  • herbal life is a man-made natural product purposely for human being medication, or nutrition either liquid or solid and it derives from the sap or juice of plants with a natural nutrients that are useful for body health.
  • chadda123_123
    chadda123_123 Posts: 1 Member
    Does herbalife work for bowel problems I don't care about the weight loss although it would be a bonus I'm just sick of going to the doctors about my 'ibs' if that's what it is I feel I have intolerances my energy levels are low and I eat quite healthy although I do veg out now and then. Before I spend money on another scam am I better just sticking to protein shakes but bulking them with fruit and veg? my cousins just been diagnosed with crohns although I don't think that's what my problem is I've had trouble for about ten years now and will literally try anything at this point! Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)