So what are you doing with those clothes 1 size too large?



  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    My larger pants and shirts and stuff usually get donated, but I have a lot of dresses that I ADORE and can't bring myself to give up, so I'll be having all my favorites taken in. My only problem is closet space! I keep buying new pieces one by one as I lose, and that feels great, but.. it's starting to pile up a wee bit.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I give mine away. I stick the yuckier ones in those yellow clothing-donation drop boxes (since the closest Goodwill is an hour and a half away). And I've been keeping the nicer things to try and sell, but eBay is too much of a hassle with taking nice photos and all, and the second-hand shop near my work only does store credit. If I'm going to go to the trouble of taking the clothes somewhere, I want money for them! So I have been giving them to friends and acquaintances.

    I don't want clothes that are too big in the house. I don't have a lot of money but I like nice clothes that FIT so most of my disposable income is going towards clothes right now.
  • leadslinger17
    leadslinger17 Posts: 297 Member
    Big motivator to stay about the same size... save money and not have to go shopping lol. I'd still wear them because I need to save money.
  • purserlinda
    .A few years ago, I lost 65 pounds. I got rid of all my old clothes with the exception of clothes that were one size larger than what I was wearing. I gained back 45 pounds. This time, I have lost 30 pounds. When I clean out my closet, I get rid of all clothes that are too big for me. I think I get too comfortable when I leave a larger size in my closet. It seems like it gives me permission to gain a few pounds.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    I have one pair of my biggest pants and shirt to remind myself where I started. All the rest I donated to the local shelter, somewhere there is a well dressed large man with a complete wardrobe.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I hate the thought of Goodwill selling my $400 business suits for $10.

    I am the opposite, I guess...I hate the idea of Goodwill selling my $7 clearance rack at TJ Maxx Michael Kors top for $12.99 after I've worn it for a year and it's slightly ratty. Or the thrifted Coach bag in their glass case scratched and battered that was $60 five years ago at the selling for $50...they are overpriced as thrift stores go, lol
  • dlbredesen
    dlbredesen Posts: 122 Member
    We have several thrift stores in our area. All are over-priced except the Salvation Army Thrift Store. Savers and Goodwill have gone from nonprofit to for profit with huge price increases. We have a couple of local owned thrift stores with great prices. I still donate to Savers to get my 30% off coupon.
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    2. I refuse to give my Fat clothes to someone else....I will not help someone else be comfortable being would I wish obesity on anyone.

    3. I BURN THEM - Brought a garbage bag of clothes that are way too big for me now camping this weekend. It felt great to burn them in the fire one at a time!

    This is terrible and wasteful IMO.

    Everyone deserves to be comfortable regardless of their weight. And there are people out there of all sizes who desperately need clothes. In fact I worked in a homeless shelter for nearly a decade - and people in the very large sizes are probably more in need than anyone else.

    TedrickP - I understand and respect your opinion and do see how this is wasteful. But do keep in mind that i am in no way a selfish person, nor am I a stranger to charity. The main reason I burned them was for was quite empowering for me.

    I think many of us can be wasteful in some way shape or form. How many people on here do not do any of the following:
    - Not finish all the food on their plate
    - Throw out food
    - Let their car idle
    - Shower longer than necessary (not turn off the water when soaping up)
    - Gamble
    - Hey even burning wood in a campfire just to roast a few marshmellows is wasteful to the trees.

    But I do agree, me buring the clothes is me being a little selfish and wasteful but this is the only way that being like that makes me feel good......this I will do again. Look forward to the garbage bag of clothes that will be too big for me by next spring that i will be burning in my campfire first trip of 2015.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    upcycle them! Turn your oversized shirts into cute halters, tunics, or skirts, and jeans can be turned into purses and such.

    Me, too...I've snipped the seams out of the sides of Tshirts and tops, and threaded them with ribbon and laced them a bit tighter. You can also do an asymmetrical wrap front, which uses a surprising amount of material and can look really pretty. Pants...I turn into skirts or purses...if they are really good pants, then I take those to the tailor and just pay to have them sized.

    Halter tops abound here, well as some cute swing tops and dresses for my DD.
  • missemmibelle
    missemmibelle Posts: 100 Member
    1 size too large - keep the pricey or favorites in the closet, 2+ sizes too large - store the pricey or favorites boxed up in the garage.

    Normal clothes (like cotton T's that wear out every year anyway) toss or donate.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I host a clothes swap every few months. It's a potluck where my female friends and I all bring munchies, wine, and clothes we no longer want but are still in good condition.

    Lay all the clothes out, and people can just take what they want.

    Any thing that doesn't get taken goes to charity.

    It makes it much easier to get rid of the really cute stuff, since you get to see your cute friends wear it. Often times the same thing will go to a few people, which is really cool! No waste =)
  • xero2099
    xero2099 Posts: 49 Member
    I have been transitioning to smaller clothes I keep one or two larger items then donate the rest
  • WorkoutJunkie1
    I keep them because they motivate me. They remind me of the size I never want to be again. I'm a size 31 and all my clothes are 32 and 34.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm a bit confused by some of the replies. 1 size too large is not really that different from actual size. Just a little roomey. Why are people donating/burning/selling them?
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    I had some of mine altered to fit the new me. I don't want to go back to the old me.
  • Cherieb42
    Cherieb42 Posts: 12 Member
    I give all my clothes away that are too big. Having them around is a slippery slope for me!
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I kept one size too big for about a year until I "settled" at my happy weight, and then I gave them away. I don't want any excuse that it's "okay" to "grow" into them.
  • Marnie102
    Marnie102 Posts: 13
    I donate may clothing. Every time I go down a size, I buy myself a new pair of shoes.
  • lauriemueller9
    I donated clothes that got too big.