Food before running?



  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I eat about 3 hours before I run. I try and get in 100g carbs, 20g protein and a mix of different releasing things like oats, bananas, yoghurt, honey.

    It means getting up early and dozing after sometimes. I suppose if I HAD to run early I'd have a banana 30 mins before, but it wouldn't get me far as I run over lactate threshold and can't burn the body fat fast enough.

    I don't believe in over fuelling the night before. I try and run later in the day and pre fuel.
  • Ahrena
    Ahrena Posts: 44 Member
    I either run first thing or in the evening. I don't feel right in the mornings without food so usually have a cereal bar or a banana and a cup of coffee then head out, all within 30 minutes of waking up.

    I also tend to be hungry when I get in from work so I have the same. I'm always ravenous after a run, whether it's 3 miles or my longest so far (8), so I time it so I can have a good breakfast or dinner when I finish.

    So far I've felt fine but am increasing my distance so may need to change things at one stage. Having said that I don't normally run
    More than 4 miles in the morning as I don't really have time.
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Depending on the length of run I'm doing in the mornings depends on what I eat, under 4 miles, I'll just have a banana, greek yogurt or some nuts, over 4 miles, I'll look to have some porridge, over 10 miles I'll also take gels/banana's with me to start taking after 10 miles to keep my energy levels up, I prefer banana's as they keep me going longer, the gels once you start taking them you have to keep taking every 30-45min (or you crash, I've tried it and definately crashed)!!
  • ultrasteveg
    This has made really interesting reading for me. I'm training to beat a specific personal time in an 11km run in November. I feel like I've hit a brick wall in my pace and am thinking fuelling is the key to me beating that time. Lots of good tips here, thanks all!
  • ADMcNaul
    ADMcNaul Posts: 55
    I always exercise fasted. Just water for me.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    My run / walk combo at the moment is about 6.5km in 50 mins. I run at around 6.30pm and when I first get home from work at around 5pm I will have a bowl of rice crispies (30g) with some skimmed milk. Gives me the carbs but if light and doesn't lay heavy for my run. Usually, because of insulin resistance I try and link carbs with protein but this works ok for me just before a run.

    I think it's best to play around with foods / timings and see what works well for you.

    On a weekend if out early I just havea cup of coffee and I am good. But I usually have dinner around 8-9pm the night before so it's probably not an entirely fasted state.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    I normally run first thing in the morning (0530) so just a quart of water with a squirt of energy drink mix. If I have 2 to 2.5 hours before an event (half or full marathon), I'll usually have a 2 egg omellet with cheese.
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    I eat breakfast before running when I'm trying to train my stomach to be OK running full for a race. Any runs over 2 hours, I need to eat something before I head out - something carby like toast. Fueling my body well the night before has proven to be the most important factor, though, in having a great run. My best 5K time (23 minutes) was the morning after eating a pizza, LOL.

    I usually just drink a glass of water and go out the door, though. I feel lighter without a full stomach. Plus I think it's better for weight loss, since "fueling" adds a whole bunch of calories. I'd much rather have a bowl of cheesy pasta for lunch than a Gu gel during my run.
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    If it's less than six miles, I don't worry about putting food in me first (especially since I'm running at 6:30am). Over that, I have (gluten free) cinnamon toast about an hour or ninety minutes beforehand. I've had to play around with that a bit and everyone I know has a different "pre run" meal.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    A glass of cold black coffee leftover from the day before and I'm good to go.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    This has made really interesting reading for me. I'm training to beat a specific personal time in an 11km run in November. I feel like I've hit a brick wall in my pace and am thinking fuelling is the key to me beating that time. Lots of good tips here, thanks all!

    Read Matt Fitzgeralds Racing Weight. It will change everything!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Most of my runs (at least those under 90 minutes) are fasted. A cup of coffee & out the door.

    For my longer Sunday runs (when I'm ramping up for a race) my normal pre-run snack will be toast & peanut butter and a banana at least 1.5 hrs before running.

    In terms of fuel what you eat the day before a run has more impact, are you getting enough carbs?