Super obese, why isn't the weight falling off me?

I am 440 lbs. I have been sticking 100% to an 1800 calorie diet with 40% coming from carbs. No, I can't increase my calories, I've tried and just gain weight. I've been very sedentary so my metabolism is shot. I'm struggling to even lose a lb a week.

My dr is pushing very hard for weight loss surgery but I don't want it. She doesn't understand why the weight isn't melting off someone my size and frankly I don't know either. Going from a fast food and pizza diet to a restricted calorie lean meats and vegetable diet should drop weight. Do I have to go low low carb in order for this to work?

I also struggle with painful arthritis in my knee which limits activity. It's painful for me to even walk much. I don't have access to a pool. I am so determined to lose the weight this time and have been so good weighing, measuring and tracking all my food, why isn't this working??


  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring everything?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Open your diary. We can give you great advice.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I started at 335 and have been losing about 3.5 pounds a week on 1700-1800. I walk, too, but my understanding is that the supposed calorie burns are very exaggerated. If you are truly eating 1800 and not losing, it sounds like there's something else going on.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    If you are not strictly weighing and measuring your food, you may be eating more than you think.
    Also high salt foods will cause you to retain water.
    Please keep going! You will find what works best for your body and be very pleased with the results!
    You CAN do this without surgery!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I am sorry to say that at your weight it could be a whole host of thinks. The fat could be putting pressure on and disrupting the function of your internal organs. And I wouldn't be surprised if you had a thyroid issue at the moment.

    As much as I hate to say it surgery may be the better option in your case. As it may alleviate some of the more extreme effects of all the weight you are carrying around. Hell even the ability to walk around would do you a tremendous amount of good right now. As if you are completely sedentary and your internal workings aren't moving right you may not even be burning 1800 a day anyway.

    I have every sympathy with you as my weight got pretty big myself not at the stage you where at. But enough. And Honestly I think you are beyond conventional methods of weight loss. It's time to consider more drastic solutions. As the longer you are sedentary the more your muscles will atrophy. And the more mobility you will lose. You need to realize that you need something that works now. You don't have time t o be patient and wait the process out.

    I hope I don't scare you and I sincerely wish you the best.
  • VTRutz
    VTRutz Posts: 52 Member
    Have you been tested for thyroid and endocrine disorders? I have an endocrine disorder and I have to be extremely specific about what I eat or no matter how low my calories are, I never lose weight.

    Hang tight, you can do this and it WILL start to melt off!!!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Here's some information that might help

    Log your food accurately and honestly. Go for 80% good choices the other 20% don't worry so much about. I eat lots of delicious food and have consistently lost. Keep it simple find a REASONABLE deficit:

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Find an activity you enjoy doing - I found I love to ride my bike and lift heavy stuff :)

    Here are 2 more threads that will help take the time to read them:'re+new+here
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I am sorry to say that at your weight it could be a whole host of thinks. The fat could be putting pressure on and disrupting the function of your internal organs. And I wouldn't be surprised if you had a thyroid issue at the moment.

    As much as I hate to say it surgery may be the better option in your case. As it may alleviate some of the more extreme effects of all the weight you are carrying around. Hell even the ability to walk around would do you a tremendous amount of good right now. As if you are completely sedentary and your internal workings aren't moving right you may not even be burning 1800 a day anyway.

    I have every sympathy with you as my weight got pretty big myself not at the stage you where at. But enough. And Honestly I think you are beyond conventional methods of weight loss. It's time to consider more drastic solutions. As the longer you are sedentary the more your muscles will atrophy. And the more mobility you will lose. You need to realize that you need something that works now. You don't have time t o be patient and wait the process out.

    I hope I don't scare you and I sincerely wish you the best.
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring everything?

    More than likely, you are eating more than you think you are.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    The key is walking, baby steps first.
    Just counting calories is not enough.
    (by walking, I even mean from the front of your house to the back of your house)
    This is not a diet it is a life style change.
    We are all here to help you, do not give up.
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    I am sorry to say that at your weight it could be a whole host of thinks. The fat could be putting pressure on and disrupting the function of your internal organs. And I wouldn't be surprised if you had a thyroid issue at the moment.

    As much as I hate to say it surgery may be the better option in your case. As it may alleviate some of the more extreme effects of all the weight you are carrying around. Hell even the ability to walk around would do you a tremendous amount of good right now. As if you are completely sedentary and your internal workings aren't moving right you may not even be burning 1800 a day anyway.

    I have every sympathy with you as my weight got pretty big myself not at the stage you where at. But enough. And Honestly I think you are beyond conventional methods of weight loss. It's time to consider more drastic solutions. As the longer you are sedentary the more your muscles will atrophy. And the more mobility you will lose. You need to realize that you need something that works now. You don't have time t o be patient and wait the process out.

    I hope I don't scare you and I sincerely wish you the best.

    You are not a doctor. Trying to convince someone you've never met and know nothing about to have major surgery is a very reckless move.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Have you been tested for all the thyroid and endocrine issues? Do you know if you are insulin resistant (which could mean that lowering carbs will help)?

    I know it's tough to put yourself out there, but opening your diary could allow us to see something. There are some tricks to logging.

    It certainly does seem like the weight should be coming off.
  • kimbux
    kimbux Posts: 154 Member
    I am sorry to say that at your weight it could be a whole host of thinks. The fat could be putting pressure on and disrupting the function of your internal organs. And I wouldn't be surprised if you had a thyroid issue at the moment.

    As much as I hate to say it surgery may be the better option in your case. As it may alleviate some of the more extreme effects of all the weight you are carrying around. Hell even the ability to walk around would do you a tremendous amount of good right now. As if you are completely sedentary and your internal workings aren't moving right you may not even be burning 1800 a day anyway.

    I have every sympathy with you as my weight got pretty big myself not at the stage you where at. But enough. And Honestly I think you are beyond conventional methods of weight loss. It's time to consider more drastic solutions. As the longer you are sedentary the more your muscles will atrophy. And the more mobility you will lose. You need to realize that you need something that works now. You don't have time t o be patient and wait the process out.

    I hope I don't scare you and I sincerely wish you the best.

    AGREE - WLS should be a last resort. Give yourself another month and stictly weigh your food and log everything that goes into your mouth. Also, you can do modified push-ups and crunches, bicep curls, etc that will help burn calories and not impact your joints. I know walking hurts, I have pain in my knees too, but my pain goes away when I exercise. Good Luck - you can do it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I am sorry to say that at your weight it could be a whole host of thinks. The fat could be putting pressure on and disrupting the function of your internal organs. And I wouldn't be surprised if you had a thyroid issue at the moment.

    As much as I hate to say it surgery may be the better option in your case. As it may alleviate some of the more extreme effects of all the weight you are carrying around. Hell even the ability to walk around would do you a tremendous amount of good right now. As if you are completely sedentary and your internal workings aren't moving right you may not even be burning 1800 a day anyway.

    I have every sympathy with you as my weight got pretty big myself not at the stage you where at. But enough. And Honestly I think you are beyond conventional methods of weight loss. It's time to consider more drastic solutions. As the longer you are sedentary the more your muscles will atrophy. And the more mobility you will lose. You need to realize that you need something that works now. You don't have time t o be patient and wait the process out.

    I hope I don't scare you and I sincerely wish you the best.

    You are not a doctor. Trying to convince someone you've never met and know nothing about to have major surgery is a very reckless move.
    As is telling them not to have major surgery, which folks have.
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member
    Here's some information that might help

    Log your food accurately and honestly. Go for 80% good choices the other 20% don't worry so much about. I eat lots of delicious food and have consistently lost. Keep it simple find a REASONABLE deficit:

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Find an activity you enjoy doing - I found I love to ride my bike and lift heavy stuff :)

    Here are 2 more threads that will help take the time to read them:'re+new+here

    People really need to stop posting these generic copy/paste messages on threads such as these.

    This is a person with 250 pounds or more to lose. 2 lb's a week on someone with that much to look is not "ideal". Any gastric doctor in the world would agree, such as his/hers, would expect much more per week.
  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    I am sorry to say that at your weight it could be a whole host of thinks. The fat could be putting pressure on and disrupting the function of your internal organs. And I wouldn't be surprised if you had a thyroid issue at the moment.

    As much as I hate to say it surgery may be the better option in your case. As it may alleviate some of the more extreme effects of all the weight you are carrying around. Hell even the ability to walk around would do you a tremendous amount of good right now. As if you are completely sedentary and your internal workings aren't moving right you may not even be burning 1800 a day anyway.

    I have every sympathy with you as my weight got pretty big myself not at the stage you where at. But enough. And Honestly I think you are beyond conventional methods of weight loss. It's time to consider more drastic solutions. As the longer you are sedentary the more your muscles will atrophy. And the more mobility you will lose. You need to realize that you need something that works now. You don't have time t o be patient and wait the process out.

    I hope I don't scare you and I sincerely wish you the best.

    You are not a doctor. Trying to convince someone you've never met and know nothing about to have major surgery is a very reckless move.

    Actually, while he may not be a doctor, it sounds like he has a certain degree of knowledge whether it be personal research or advice from a medical consultant. What he's said is food for thought---something that might reveal a major condition to the OP that he/she could bring up with a medical professional.

    While he should not advocate surgery, etc sometimes there are really no other options and it is important that the OP understands that.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring everything?

    More than likely, you are eating more than you think you are.


    I put OP's numbers in scoobys, guessed height as average (5'4") guessed age based on the '73 in her username (41), sedentary.

    3,181 to maintain weight.

    OP, please be honest with yourself. Get a food scale.
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member
    You're stuffing your face still. To maintain 440 lbs you'd need to eat around 2800 calories a day.

    Where does that # come from? I'm 80 pounds less than the OP and I have to eat 3700 calories to maintain.
  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    You're stuffing your face still. To maintain 440 lbs you'd need to eat around 2800 calories a day.

    Where did you get that number from? I'm 80 pounds less than the OP and I have to eat 3700 calories to maintain.

    ^^^^I concur. C'mon people, its time for math class.
  • Ivyzmama
    Ivyzmama Posts: 108 Member
    You have to add muscle. You absolutely, positively, have to add muscle. Ways to do that while possibly working with the knee pain: mat pilates, weight lifting, mini-cycling machines that you can use with your arms and later your feet (those mini machines are about $99). If you join a gym and get a free personal training session, or just sign up independantly with a personal trainer to come to your home, they can probably think of more exercises that you can do that won't hurt your knee too much. You may also get to the point where you decide to take painkillers for your knee so that you can do additional exercises, such as a stationary bike. You'll have to look for one that can hold your weight, consider buying a used gym-quality spinning bike. I bought mine for $450 off a dealer's ad I found on Craigslist and love how stable it is compared to the cheap stationary bikes. The used dealers also often service the bike, so if something on your bike breaks, the dealer you bought it from will come to your house to fix it (for a fee, of course). It's worth getting the best possible bike, you're going to use it the rest of your life.

    Here's what the Spinning website says about max bike weight:
    What is the maximum weight for a person riding a Spinner bike?
    Our Spinner Blade, NXT, NXT-SR, Pro, and eSpinner bikes have a max user weight of 350 lb. and the Spinner Aero, Edge, Sprint, PACE, FIT, and Sport have a max user weight of 250 lb. Product design testing includes a 4 Times Load Testing procedure, which means we take four times the maximum user weight and load it on different parts of the bike, such as the pedals, seat and handlebars, to ensure that the product will not fail. So although the max user weight is 350 lb for the Blade, NXT, NXT-SR, Pro, and eSpinner, we have actually loaded them with 1,400 lb. Similarly, the Spinner Aero, Edge, Sprint, PACE, FIT, and Sport have actually been loaded with 1,000 lb.

    Count on it taking a while to build up enough muscle to see results. You're starting from a point of not only very low muscle mass but also your aerobic capacity is probably shot. I would expect it to take 3 - 4 months AT LEAST, if not a year, for your aerobic capacity and muscle mass to build up enough for you to see results. It depends on how active you're willing to get with your bad knee.

    But it's worth doing. If you will keep working out and limiting calories, even while you're not seeing results, and making your workouts longer and more frequent as soon as you can, and PUSHING YOURSELF within reason - get breathless, push yourself an extra 10% every day, there will come a week when you step on the scale and it's not just lower the first day but it reads lower every day for a week and you'll look better in the mirror and you'll know you are finally on track. Once you're on track, nothing but injury or illness will derail you. Good luck and feel free to friend me if you want a pushy but encouraging friend.