So exactly when does all the bad stuff happen?



  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    From looking at your diary you're eating more than you think, and your calorie burns aren't as high as you think. I see you taking the fitbit adjustment and logging exercise.

    So you aren't on a very low calorie diet.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Your diary for the last week shows you eating 1300 - 1600 calories per day. It looks like you are not doing an extreme diet. I believe the "bad stuff" happens when you restrict calories BELOW what is healthy for that individual. You know, the people that are netting 300 - 600 calories a day.

    I have been at 1500 - 1600 calories - give or take - for 2 and 1/2 years. I'm fine too. Because I meet my macros, meet my calories. So, what is the point of this post?
    The OP wrote that she has been at , "...a fairly substantial deficit and/or negative net at the end of the day about 90% of the time." Negative net. You don't think that's extreme?

    That is extreme, though looking at her diary, if she's not weighing her food, then she's eating more than she things. Also, pretty sure those burns are estimates that come from MFP - which we all now are incredibly high. So while OP thinks she's been on an extreme diet, she probably hasn't really been.

    I am weighing my foods/liquids and am getting a close to accurate burn number.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Your diary for the last week shows you eating 1300 - 1600 calories per day. It looks like you are not doing an extreme diet. I believe the "bad stuff" happens when you restrict calories BELOW what is healthy for that individual. You know, the people that are netting 300 - 600 calories a day.

    I have been at 1500 - 1600 calories - give or take - for 2 and 1/2 years. I'm fine too. Because I meet my macros, meet my calories. So, what is the point of this post?
    The OP wrote that she has been at , "...a fairly substantial deficit and/or negative net at the end of the day about 90% of the time." Negative net. You don't think that's extreme?

    That is extreme, though looking at her diary, if she's not weighing her food, then she's eating more than she things. Also, pretty sure those burns are estimates that come from MFP - which we all now are incredibly high. So while OP thinks she's been on an extreme diet, she probably hasn't really been.

    I am weighing my foods/liquids and am getting a close to accurate burn number.

    This is weighed?

    Pb2 - Peanut Butter, Powdered, 0.2 tablespoons
    Pb2 - Peanut Butter, Powdered, 2 tablespoons
    Peaches - Raw, 2 small (2" dia) (approx 5 per lb)
    Quick Added Calories, 70 calories
    Generic - Nuts - Almonds, One Almond, 2 almond
    Generic - Fresh Pineapple Chunks, 0.5 cup

    Those are just a few but you get the idea

    ETA: With your calorie burns you are logging your exercise on MFP and still taking your fitbit adjustment so you are double dipping on the burns. Your Zumba for example that will log steps on Fitbit so you are inflating your calorie burns
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    For me it happened when I switched to maintainance.
    I didn't gain all my weight back but it was a very difficult struggle. I don't want to eat a severely restricted diet calorie wise and at my size and activity level, I shouldn't have to.

    Plus I'm in the you likely overestimating your calories burned group. It doesn't really matter to me either way.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    The Adaptive Thermogenesis thread has about 15-20 people commenting on their own "crash and burn" experiences and the medical literature clearly identified a hysteresis effect to weight loss - the path you follow affects metabolism. So much for information.

    Whether you want to believe it or not - your business.

    Are you really keeping a significant cut now?
    Having lost 50 lbs your metabolism has shifted because, with weight loss, one needs a lot less to move around, etc... What you thought was a significant deficit is probably no longer that.

    If you are losing less than 2 lbs a week you are not in a "huge" deficit or you've impacted your metabolism.
    So unless you are planning to lose those remaining 7 vanity pounds in two or less weeks, I'm going to suggest that your significant "cut" isn't as large as you think it is.

    When was the last time you recalculated your TDEE?

    Now, if you really want to see what your max TDEE has been at different weight as you lose - run this:

    Then post the image of the TDEE and TDEE vs Weight graphs and we can discuss if your TDEE has not changed over time.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Your diary for the last week shows you eating 1300 - 1600 calories per day. It looks like you are not doing an extreme diet. I believe the "bad stuff" happens when you restrict calories BELOW what is healthy for that individual. You know, the people that are netting 300 - 600 calories a day.

    I have been at 1500 - 1600 calories - give or take - for 2 and 1/2 years. I'm fine too. Because I meet my macros, meet my calories. So, what is the point of this post?
    The OP wrote that she has been at , "...a fairly substantial deficit and/or negative net at the end of the day about 90% of the time." Negative net. You don't think that's extreme?

    That is extreme, though looking at her diary, if she's not weighing her food, then she's eating more than she things. Also, pretty sure those burns are estimates that come from MFP - which we all now are incredibly high. So while OP thinks she's been on an extreme diet, she probably hasn't really been.

    ETA: Okay, OP says she weighs her foods and believes the calorie burn...

    So OP, just wondering the point of the post? If you are netting in the negative are you trying to promote this to other people? You want to find out when the 'bad' stuff happens, no one can give you a timeline. You'll know though if your hair starts falling out, your nails become brittle and if you have an EKG and it shows something is off with your heart. Not saying any of this is going to happen, but stay on a VLCD long enough and it will...along with other stuff.

    Nope, not promoting anything at all. Just looking to gain some personal perspective based on real life experience. Thanks.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Whether you have 'ruined' your metabolism won't be apparent until you start eating at maintenance... that's kind of the point.
    If you're eating at maintenance, how will your "ruined" metabolism manifest itself?

    Well I used OP's word 'ruined' - I don't actually think it 'ruins'. From what I understand your metabolism slows down when you are eating at a massive deficit and it makes weight loss harder and then gives you a 'false' maintenance level because you 'gain' weight at a level you would normally maintain it. Maybe that's some broscience but seems feasible enough to me.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Your diary for the last week shows you eating 1300 - 1600 calories per day. It looks like you are not doing an extreme diet. I believe the "bad stuff" happens when you restrict calories BELOW what is healthy for that individual. You know, the people that are netting 300 - 600 calories a day.

    I have been at 1500 - 1600 calories - give or take - for 2 and 1/2 years. I'm fine too. Because I meet my macros, meet my calories. So, what is the point of this post?
    The OP wrote that she has been at , "...a fairly substantial deficit and/or negative net at the end of the day about 90% of the time." Negative net. You don't think that's extreme?

    Sadly, I missed that part. I have revised my answer. Need more coffee, obviously.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Your diary for the last week shows you eating 1300 - 1600 calories per day. It looks like you are not doing an extreme diet. I believe the "bad stuff" happens when you restrict calories BELOW what is healthy for that individual. You know, the people that are netting 300 - 600 calories a day.

    I have been at 1500 - 1600 calories - give or take - for 2 and 1/2 years. I'm fine too. Because I meet my macros, meet my calories. So, what is the point of this post?
    The OP wrote that she has been at , "...a fairly substantial deficit and/or negative net at the end of the day about 90% of the time." Negative net. You don't think that's extreme?

    That is extreme, though looking at her diary, if she's not weighing her food, then she's eating more than she things. Also, pretty sure those burns are estimates that come from MFP - which we all now are incredibly high. So while OP thinks she's been on an extreme diet, she probably hasn't really been.

    I am weighing my foods/liquids and am getting a close to accurate burn number.

    This is weighed?

    Pb2 - Peanut Butter, Powdered, 0.2 tablespoons
    Pb2 - Peanut Butter, Powdered, 2 tablespoons
    Peaches - Raw, 2 small (2" dia) (approx 5 per lb)
    Quick Added Calories, 70 calories
    Generic - Nuts - Almonds, One Almond, 2 almond
    Generic - Fresh Pineapple Chunks, 0.5 cup

    Those are just a few but you get the idea

    ETA: With your calorie burns you are logging your exercise on MFP and still taking your fitbit adjustment so you are double dipping on the burns. Your Zumba for example that will log steps on Fitbit so you are inflating your calorie burns

    Yes. Weighed and measure... and all make up the ingredients I put into my 5.3 oz yogurt.
    I keep my Fitbit connected but I delete the adjustment number it gives me throughout the day so I can see my net w/out the fear of double dipping. I also manually round down the number that MFP gives me for any given calorie burn. I also round down the number of minutes of each work out to ensure if nothing else, a lower burn number.
  • ametolie
    ametolie Posts: 13 Member
    You're not eating VLC. You are perfectly within your maintenance calories. Being 5'0'' the most I can eat is 1600 or I gain. VLC for you would be 800. All that eating back workout calories and starvation mode is bull. I was struggling listening to these forums and what worked for people. I met with a nutritionist who explained that if you want to lose weight, you find your maintenance calories and deduct from there. Never eat back workout calories. And don't listen to me or anyone on these forums. Find what works for you and go.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I am weighing my foods/liquids and am getting a close to accurate burn number.

    Tough to say. Buy I'm willing to bet the days you logged only 74 calories, multiple quick added calories, and the days where you have nothing logged at all... you in fact ate much more.

    That, or the fact that taking the average calories back in early July of what you had logged is about an average of 1400 calories per day.

    Also, how are you coming up with 1,000 calorie burns each day?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Your diary for the last week shows you eating 1300 - 1600 calories per day. It looks like you are not doing an extreme diet. I believe the "bad stuff" happens when you restrict calories BELOW what is healthy for that individual. You know, the people that are netting 300 - 600 calories a day.

    I have been at 1500 - 1600 calories - give or take - for 2 and 1/2 years. I'm fine too. Because I meet my macros, meet my calories. So, what is the point of this post?
    The OP wrote that she has been at , "...a fairly substantial deficit and/or negative net at the end of the day about 90% of the time." Negative net. You don't think that's extreme?

    That is extreme, though looking at her diary, if she's not weighing her food, then she's eating more than she things. Also, pretty sure those burns are estimates that come from MFP - which we all now are incredibly high. So while OP thinks she's been on an extreme diet, she probably hasn't really been.

    I am weighing my foods/liquids and am getting a close to accurate burn number.

    This is weighed?

    Pb2 - Peanut Butter, Powdered, 0.2 tablespoons
    Pb2 - Peanut Butter, Powdered, 2 tablespoons
    Peaches - Raw, 2 small (2" dia) (approx 5 per lb)
    Quick Added Calories, 70 calories
    Generic - Nuts - Almonds, One Almond, 2 almond
    Generic - Fresh Pineapple Chunks, 0.5 cup

    Those are just a few but you get the idea

    ETA: With your calorie burns you are logging your exercise on MFP and still taking your fitbit adjustment so you are double dipping on the burns. Your Zumba for example that will log steps on Fitbit so you are inflating your calorie burns

    Yes. Weighed and measure... and all make up the ingredients I put into my 5.3 oz yogurt.
    I keep my Fitbit connected but I delete the adjustment number it gives me throughout the day so I can see my net w/out the fear of double dipping. I also manually round down the number that MFP gives me for any given calorie burn. I also round down the number of minutes of each work out to ensure if nothing else, a lower burn number.

    Your diary says a different story. It shows you taking burns for zumba, situps and fitbit adjustment on multiple days.

    And how do you weigh out 70 quick add calories or .5 cup? that's not a weighed entry... but good luck to you
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I doubt you are even doing VLD, looking at your burn calories more than likely you are only burning a few hundred and not 1000 calories. :yawn:
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I feel like this post is less about 'the bad stuff' and more about seeking validation for what you're doing.

    I could be wrong though.

    I'm just going to say that netting low or negative amounts is not healthy in anyway, whether it's apparent to you or not. Also, are you doing this under doctor supervision? If not.... you should.

    ETA: I also think your burns are way overestimated and your logging is less than stellar. Sunday you had a 74 calorie day? Probably not.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Your diary for the last week shows you eating 1300 - 1600 calories per day. It looks like you are not doing an extreme diet. I believe the "bad stuff" happens when you restrict calories BELOW what is healthy for that individual. You know, the people that are netting 300 - 600 calories a day.

    I have been at 1500 - 1600 calories - give or take - for 2 and 1/2 years. I'm fine too. Because I meet my macros, meet my calories. So, what is the point of this post?
    The OP wrote that she has been at , "...a fairly substantial deficit and/or negative net at the end of the day about 90% of the time." Negative net. You don't think that's extreme?

    That is extreme, though looking at her diary, if she's not weighing her food, then she's eating more than she things. Also, pretty sure those burns are estimates that come from MFP - which we all now are incredibly high. So while OP thinks she's been on an extreme diet, she probably hasn't really been.

    I am weighing my foods/liquids and am getting a close to accurate burn number.

    This is weighed?

    Pb2 - Peanut Butter, Powdered, 0.2 tablespoons
    Pb2 - Peanut Butter, Powdered, 2 tablespoons
    Peaches - Raw, 2 small (2" dia) (approx 5 per lb)
    Quick Added Calories, 70 calories
    Generic - Nuts - Almonds, One Almond, 2 almond
    Generic - Fresh Pineapple Chunks, 0.5 cup

    Those are just a few but you get the idea

    ETA: With your calorie burns you are logging your exercise on MFP and still taking your fitbit adjustment so you are double dipping on the burns. Your Zumba for example that will log steps on Fitbit so you are inflating your calorie burns

    Yes. Weighed and measure... and all make up the ingredients I put into my 5.3 oz yogurt.
    I keep my Fitbit connected but I delete the adjustment number it gives me throughout the day so I can see my net w/out the fear of double dipping. I also manually round down the number that MFP gives me for any given calorie burn. I also round down the number of minutes of each work out to ensure if nothing else, a lower burn number.

    Your diary says a different story. It shows you taking burns for zumba, situps and fitbit adjustment on multiple days.

    I agree there are lots of big fitbit adjustments ie 750 on the days you did other exercise...looks like a double dip to me.

    I also see lots not weighed. Quick adds etc.

    If you were in fact burning that much and eating that little you wouldn't have 7 vanity pounds left.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Your diary for the last week shows you eating 1300 - 1600 calories per day. It looks like you are not doing an extreme diet. I believe the "bad stuff" happens when you restrict calories BELOW what is healthy for that individual. You know, the people that are netting 300 - 600 calories a day.

    I have been at 1500 - 1600 calories - give or take - for 2 and 1/2 years. I'm fine too. Because I meet my macros, meet my calories. So, what is the point of this post?
    The OP wrote that she has been at , "...a fairly substantial deficit and/or negative net at the end of the day about 90% of the time." Negative net. You don't think that's extreme?

    Sadly, I missed that part. I have revised my answer. Need more coffee, obviously.
    I hear you. The most brutal impact of my calorie cutting has been the loss of my morning Dr Peppers.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    15 months and you have only lost 8 lbs? Does that really sound right to you?
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Your diary for the last week shows you eating 1300 - 1600 calories per day. It looks like you are not doing an extreme diet. I believe the "bad stuff" happens when you restrict calories BELOW what is healthy for that individual. You know, the people that are netting 300 - 600 calories a day.

    I have been at 1500 - 1600 calories - give or take - for 2 and 1/2 years. I'm fine too. Because I meet my macros, meet my calories. So, what is the point of this post?
    The OP wrote that she has been at , "...a fairly substantial deficit and/or negative net at the end of the day about 90% of the time." Negative net. You don't think that's extreme?

    Sadly, I missed that part. I have revised my answer. Need more coffee, obviously.
    I hear you. The most brutal impact of my calorie cutting has been the loss of my morning Dr Peppers.

  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    You're not eating VLC. You are perfectly within your maintenance calories. Being 5'0'' the most I can eat is 1600 or I gain. VLC for you would be 800. All that eating back workout calories and starvation mode is bull. I was struggling listening to these forums and what worked for people. I met with a nutritionist who explained that if you want to lose weight, you find your maintenance calories and deduct from there. Never eat back workout calories. And don't listen to me or anyone on these forums. Find what works for you and go.

    Thank you for the thoughts and words based upon your own personal experience. I appreciate it.