Why Skinny-Fat people are generally ignored???



  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    I agree with what's been said above. When you're skinny fat, you really have to ignore the number on the scale. Use it as a means to gauge progress, but don't use it as a goal to shoot for or a final number to aim for. Aim for changing body composition which can be done by lifting heavy weights and doing bulking-cutting cycles. Also, keep in mind that the process takes a looooong time (since for women especially it's very difficult (but not impossible) to put on significant muscle mass). You also have to mindful of what you're doing (lifting heavy and eating enough protein) in order to retain as much muscle as possible when you cut. I bulked from Jan-June and gained 10 lbs. Now I'm cutting for a bit before I do another bulk in a couple months. In general, if your body fat % is around 22-26% you should cut to get down to around 17-20% before you bulk.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    ...we do want to have perfect body same as you!
    I think that's the issue. Most people here are under no delusion that they're ever getting a 'perfect body'. We want a healthy BMI.

    We see you young girls with 'perfect weight' thinking you're going to diet down to a 'perfect body' and we try to warn you. Even bikini models don't have perfect bodies. You're chasing a unicorn.

    There is no such thing as 'skinny fat', just thin and unhappy with your body composition or shape.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Skinny fat people are not ignored, you just aren't being told what you seem to want to hear. If you are skinny fat, as in are at a healthy weight for your height but have a high body fat percentage, focusing on the number on the scale isn't the right way to go. Your goal is less about losing weight and more about body composition, in which you reduce your body fat while retaining your lean muscle.

    In order to do that, you need to eat at a slight deficit, about 0.5 lb loss per week, so that you will be losing fat and not muscle. Lift heavy weights, do a little bit of cardio, eat lots of protein to feed your muscles. You probably won't see much movement on the scale, but your measurements will shrink and you will be smaller and tighter.

    ETA: You can see changes within four weeks, but you are not going to see a massive overhaul in that time. The process takes time, but it's worth it to get the body you want.

  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    ...we do want to have perfect body same as you!
    I think that's the issue. Most people here are under no delusion that they're ever getting a 'perfect body'. We want a healthy BMI.

    We see you young girls with 'perfect weight' thinking you're going to diet down to a 'perfect body' and we try to warn you. Even bikini models don't have perfect bodies. You're chasing a unicorn.

    There is no such thing as 'skinny fat', just thin and unhappy with your body composition or shape.

    Bikini models don't have perfect bodies, they just have perfect Photoshop. :laugh:
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Skinny fat people are not ignored, you just aren't being told what you seem to want to hear. If you are skinny fat, as in are at a healthy weight for your height but have a high body fat percentage, focusing on the number on the scale isn't the right way to go. Your goal is less about losing weight and more about body composition, in which you reduce your body fat while retaining your lean muscle.

    In order to do that, you need to eat at a slight deficit, about 0.5 lb loss per week, so that you will be losing fat and not muscle. Lift heavy weights, do a little bit of cardio, eat lots of protein to feed your muscles. You probably won't see much movement on the scale, but your measurements will shrink and you will be smaller and tighter.

    ETA: You can see changes within four weeks, but you are not going to see a massive overhaul in that time. The process takes time, but it's worth it to get the body you want.

    though im inclined to think that "skinny-fat" people should start out by bulking to get a good muscle base before cutting.
    if you cut then bulk, you will end up gaining a decent amount of fat in the process, and since skinny-fat people by definition dont have much muscle mass they cannot afford to lose any before bulking, as well as the fact that at a lower muscle mass you burn less calories so your eating is more restricted. if you bulk and then cut you may lose some of the muscle that you gained in the bulking process however it will be easier to cut down the fat at a higher weight with more muscle

    Where in the weight loss process do you think it is appropriate to do a bulk? I'm not trying to argue the bulk vs recomp issue, I think both have their place and both can be effective depending on the individual. I'm honestly curious because I think there are a lot of people who are either struggling with vanity weight/ more fat than they would like, or who are frustrated at trying to lose those last few pounds, but do not consider the idea of bulking until they hit goal weight.
    it really depends on your goals and where you started out to begin with. for myself, i started out with a pretty good muscle base from sports and whatnot, so im not going to try for a bulk until i hit my goal weight. for someone who wants to gain muscle, ive always thought bulking first is the best option

    im personally against recomps, bulk/cut cycles are faster and give a little more leeway in terms of diet

    ETA; this may sound mean or whatever, but also mental strength. many people cant handle the idea of putting on weight when their end game is too look better, its a little counter intuitive
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I see this a lot on this site. "You're already in the healthy weight range for your height, why do you want to be smaller?" Or people who seem to think that since they are 100 lbs over weight, someone who is 10lbs over weight shouldn't worry about it. If you want a smoking body and are willing to put in the work (diligent with consumption and macros, lifting heavy) more power to you! Do it right and get it done. Do you need attention from people to lose fat? No.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    hmmm... I'm skinny fat right now due to injuries in the past few months. I'm still skinny and somewhat fit, look good in clothes and bikinis. Label cans ,not people.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    I see this a lot on this site. "You're already in the healthy weight range for your height, why do you want to be smaller?" Or people who seem to think that since they are 100 lbs over weight, someone who is 10lbs over weight shouldn't worry about it. If you want a smoking body and are willing to put in the work (diligent with consumption and macros, lifting heavy) more power to you! Do it right and get it done. Do you need attention from people to lose fat? No.

    It's not that 10lbs isn't worth worrying about it's the people that tend to be the ones worrying about it and how they go about it. The "Oh my god I need to lose 10lbs club" is full of 18 year old girls who are convinced that losing 10lbs by eating 1000 calories a day worth of kale and tic tacs to squeeze in to a slightly smaller bikini is going to change their entire life.

    I'm guilty of ignoring those, it's heartbreaking what these girls do to themselves.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    As above?? Why if we want to lose weight and are not happy with our bodies-general we are told we look good and have to accept that! Why should I accept or be happy with arm bigger than my head and having bulks on my hips that stick out of my jeans. Why should I accept my cellulite and that my swimsuit doesn't fit properly?:(

    Why if I geneui don't feel ok with ,myself can't even say a word to be ignored by skinny people or laughed at by obese?? I know some people wish they could go as low but geez.. do I need to weight 100kilos to be heard and not ignored??
    I am tired of fact that people don't understand what I am going through.,, well skinny girl will tell'' just accept yourself'' or ''you fine''
    I dont want to be fine! I want be able to put bodycon dress to work without having bulks on my hips or put jeans on without having excess stomach hanging out!

    I realised we generally being ignored... laughed at or called ridiculous or that we have mind problem... do we really need to be depressed or have mental issues - can people accept the fact we are genuinely not happy too???

    I received few very useful advises on this forum but along with that many saying accept yourself or you are not fat, you fine or you will tone up etc.

    Yeah but I am trying to lose within 4 weeks not 6 months.. and yes I am not happy with my body, neither have eating disorders or depression! I eat to little because i don't know what to eat, i dont know how to exercise because instead of people giving me valuable advises they prefer to tell ''im fine'' (people in general -not in this forum etc) I am reading google- one site says eat this- other says don't eat that. One site say exercise this and this much -other says this is wrong!! I am confused and really dont know what to do.

    Please accept Skinny-fat people and treat them like others.. we dont need to hear-accept yourself or you fine- we not and dont want accept -we do want to have perfect body same as you!

    I can so relate to your sentiments especially when I never needed to lose weight but wanted to drop a few vanity pounds. At the same time, I know I will never accept my body but I'm not looking for perfection either. My whole goal in my journey is health and fitness. It's hard when you hear someone tell you to accept yourself the way but letting it go in one ear and out the next is a good skill :wink:
  • Why worry about being ignored? If you want to change your body (safety) you have to do for yourself, you don't need validation from others.

    If you are complaining about your weight to people then they will say you look fine because they think you look fine. We are all our own worse critic, you probably look great to them. They may also be genuinely worried about someone of normal weight wanting to go on a diet. Don't feel angry if people are concerned about you it means they care. Maybe it would be better to look at this as "I want to get healthy and strong" Not "I'm skinny fat and I need to lose weight" then the response should be more positive.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    it really depends on your goals and where you started out to begin with. for myself, i started out with a pretty good muscle base from sports and whatnot, so im not going to try for a bulk until i hit my goal weight. for someone who wants to gain muscle, ive always thought bulking first is the best option

    im personally against recomps, bulk/cut cycles are faster and give a little more leeway in terms of diet

    ETA; this may sound mean or whatever, but also mental strength. many people cant handle the idea of putting on weight when their end game is too look better, its a little counter intuitive
    Pretty much this.

    I'm coming from a high weight so my goal is to get to as low a body fat percentage as seems reasonable, while preserving as much muscle as I can. Once I get to that point, my next goal will be to figure out what maintenance is for me. Right after that, it will be to go 250 or so over maintenance and start putting (mostly muscle, hopefully) weight back on.

    A lot of what I've read suggests that putting weight back on can be more mentally taxing than taking it off was.
  • kiekokay
    kiekokay Posts: 101 Member
    ...we do want to have perfect body same as you!
    I think that's the issue. Most people here are under no delusion that they're ever getting a 'perfect body'. We want a healthy BMI.

    We see you young girls with 'perfect weight' thinking you're going to diet down to a 'perfect body' and we try to warn you. Even bikini models don't have perfect bodies. You're chasing a unicorn.

    There is no such thing as 'skinny fat', just thin and unhappy with your body composition or shape.

    This!!! Stop sriving for some unattainable, undefined "perfect" and shoot for whatever feels healthy and right for you! Why does it need a label or validation from others?
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I'd rather be ignored than gain attention from being overweight. Just saying.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I see this a lot on this site. "You're already in the healthy weight range for your height, why do you want to be smaller?" Or people who seem to think that since they are 100 lbs over weight, someone who is 10lbs over weight shouldn't worry about it. If you want a smoking body and are willing to put in the work (diligent with consumption and macros, lifting heavy) more power to you! Do it right and get it done. Do you need attention from people to lose fat? No.

    It's not that 10lbs isn't worth worrying about it's the people that tend to be the ones worrying about it and how they go about it. The "Oh my god I need to lose 10lbs club" is full of 18 year old girls who are convinced that losing 10lbs by eating 1000 calories a day worth of kale and tic tacs to squeeze in to a slightly smaller bikini is going to change their entire life.

    Agreed, there is not a shortage of those on this site, either.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Skinny fat people are not ignored, you just aren't being told what you seem to want to hear. If you are skinny fat, as in are at a healthy weight for your height but have a high body fat percentage, focusing on the number on the scale isn't the right way to go. Your goal is less about losing weight and more about body composition, in which you reduce your body fat while retaining your lean muscle.

    In order to do that, you need to eat at a slight deficit, about 0.5 lb loss per week, so that you will be losing fat and not muscle. Lift heavy weights, do a little bit of cardio, eat lots of protein to feed your muscles. You probably won't see much movement on the scale, but your measurements will shrink and you will be smaller and tighter.

    ETA: You can see changes within four weeks, but you are not going to see a massive overhaul in that time. The process takes time, but it's worth it to get the body you want.

  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Why do they get ignored?

    Two main reasons:
    1. When overweight people see a genuine skinny-fat person they see someone who looks fine and doesnt have the same plight as they do. Many obese/overweight people see a skinny fat person as someone who is already skinny and dismisses their whines. It is like the smart kid in school who routinely gets a 95% but whines he cannot get a perfect score. The dumb kids who get low scores just roll their eyes!

    2. Many of the people who consider themselves skinny-fat look very, very, very good and their pleas for help come off as a desperate plea for attention. Not just on here, but also on other SM sites like FB and whatnot where you have people who look very good but whine how they are fat or whatever. Much of it is from low self esteem people secretly seeking validation of how good they look.
  • Aniqana
    Aniqana Posts: 95
    Everyone has different perception of ''perfect''.

    Where I am asking, I have wrote I want to have body like a MODEL??? Some of you are just so rude its unbelievable!
    For me perfect body-means get rid of the bulks on my hips -so lose 4inches! Thats all I need.

    I do appreciate some advises but again- i have proved my point- some of you just came here with your no needed opinion!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Your feelings are valid and don't let anyone sway you different. I too may not need to lose as much as someone else but where I feel good, comfortable and all around healthy is my choice and not anyone else's.

    I do urge you to start this journey on a positive note and share some of your NSV's, the people here are great and would love to stand up and cheer with you.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    You fine. Accept yourself.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Skinny fat people are not ignored, you just aren't being told what you seem to want to hear. If you are skinny fat, as in are at a healthy weight for your height but have a high body fat percentage, focusing on the number on the scale isn't the right way to go. Your goal is less about losing weight and more about body composition, in which you reduce your body fat while retaining your lean muscle.

    In order to do that, you need to eat at a slight deficit, about 0.5 lb loss per week, so that you will be losing fat and not muscle. Lift heavy weights, do a little bit of cardio, eat lots of protein to feed your muscles. You probably won't see much movement on the scale, but your measurements will shrink and you will be smaller and tighter.

    ETA: You can see changes within four weeks, but you are not going to see a massive overhaul in that time. The process takes time, but it's worth it to get the body you want.

    This wins the thread. No need for other answers.