so i think people are lying



  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    I hear what you're saying...but, I can honestly say that I haven't been hungry since I started the plan. I upped my calories to 1300 to see if it helped my lose weight faster, but for the first month I ate 1200 calories or less. And, I was never hungry. Occasionally I'd crave sugar/chocolate, but not because I was hungry...just because I was addicted.

    But, I think it's all about your food choices. Post a sample of your days and maybe it'll help people give advice for being fuller.

    I think I am not hungry because I hardly ever waste any calories on "empty calorie" items. I am not a carb person at all (other than my sweets addiction), so I don't really have any chips or pasta or rice or bread and any of that. I eat lots of fiber, which is filling. And, try to eat a decent amount of protein, healthy fats, etc.

    So, my daily breakfast might be scrambled egs w/ low-fat cheese. Or, huevos ranchers (beans, egg, and lettuce on a corn tortilla). Or a fiber one bar. All are very filling. Startin the day off full helps me make it through the day.

    Try taking a daily sugar-free metamucil supplement. The 8 ounces of water + fiber will help you stay fuller and help you get your fiber in. It's not medicinal, just fiber...
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    at first i thought this was a rude statement but then i thought about it and i totally agree. i don't understand how we all became overweight, obese, and then some if it was SO HARD to get to 1200 calories. obviously we all were used to eating above and beyond that. i started in an almost healthy weight range and i was STARVING at 1200 calories. when i went to bed my stomach would growl and i couldn't fall asleep and i was eating healthy food that was filling. i don't quite get how people find it so difficult to get to that 1200.
    I dont think being obese is always related to over eating or consuming too many calories...for myself it was plain laziness and lack of excercise choosing high fat foods in bulk meaning I would eat once a day BUT it would be my full 1200 on one sitting by eating McDonalds or something and to top that off I have underactive Thyroid which I never knew about...just my opinion and experience of course
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I think it depends on the person and day. Yesterday I had a hard time netting 1200 calories. It wasn't because I did eat, I ate. You could even check my food journal if you like. I exercised and earned 314 calories. I ate 1461 calories but I only netted 1146. I wasn't hungry and didn't want to force myself to eat.

    It also matters what you eat. I ate fruit, veggies and fiber. I was over my recommended fiber by 15.

    I don't eat like that everyday. There are days I feel like I could eat all day long and it's a struggle "not" to eat all my calories. and then some.
  • AmandaR910
    I think it depends on what type of food you are eating, how much you are working out and also the amount of water/liquids you are drinking.

    I don't feel hungry after 1200 calories. I eat a lot of fruits, veggies, and lean meats.
    I also drink 12 glasses of water at least.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    I get what you are saying...I dont know if anyone should do 1200 calories long-term. And, certainly there are times when your body needs/wants more than that. (Especially during time of month, etc). But, I think that the people here are speaking the truth. Everyone is different. There's not much incentive to lie, I don't think.

    Normally, when I diet in the past, I'm always's always misery. For some reason, this time it's not been much of a challenge. I just think it's because I'm in the right place and I never was before. My perspective of it is different. My perspective of many things in my life is different. Whereas I used to feed my hunger with food, now I"m trying to feed it with things I love and that make me happy....literature, amazing music, poetry, and on and on. Just rediscovering passion in life that isn't related to food and working on personal growth!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    "so I think people are lying"..

    Because 1200 calories is too low for you, others are lying? Everyone is different. Age, height, activity level, body shape, etc.
    Just b/c you don't understand how someone can be full doesn't mean they are lying.

    Congrats on your weight loss! :flowerforyou:
  • skynyrdchick
    My Daughter tells me I "cheat" because if I am close to my 1200 and I am starving, I'll do more exercise so I can eat more. Whether you wanna call it cheating or whatever, it works for me because I lost 5 lbs. already...LoL I swear it doesn't matter what I eat, I never feel full, even after drinking 10 cups of water a day!!
  • mariamxo
    no i actually don't feel hungry when i eat 1200. in fact i feel satisfied. there are plenty of low cal foods that can satisfy you so i do that rather than eating very high calorie foods that make you feel hungry within an hour. it just depends on what kinds of things you are eating to be perfectly honest because when i eat 1200 calories, i don't tell myself i'm not hungry, i really do feel satisfied.
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    I agree... I can't believe that people can be at 800 calories and "not hungry" or "its a lot of food"

    Ummm.... if that is the case how did they get over weight? It doesn't make sense and I complain to my husband about it because I just had to raise my calories form 1200 because I am SOOOO HUNGRY
  • tonyodell
    Where is this magical 1200 number coming from?

    @ one of the posts above mine - if you're in Calorie deficit for an extended period you're body will also go into fat store mode and store everything it can from what you eat. Your body will do the same thing if you consistently eat more calories than it needs (my number is somewhere around 600 in a sitting)
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I keep hearing this " I'm at 1200 calories and I'm not hungry....I don't know what to do!" I think people are so entranced with the idea of a perfect plan that when they hit 1200 they telll themsleves they are not hungry no matter what. I'm saying that when I work out hard, I don't have a hard time eating more cuz I am starving!!! The 1200 calorie thing baffles me because I feel like no matter what, I can do something to hit my calorie mark. I love food and food loves me....

    I've read this many times.... and it's fantastic that these people have made changes to the point where they have cut back so much and feel that way at times, but in reality I think if they had problems eating that much food they wouldn't need to lose weight in the first place! Eating that little long term, or exercising daily to the point where you can't meet the 1200 calorie goal will certainly prove to be difficult for them eventually :laugh:
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    "so I think people are lying"..

    Because 1200 calories is too low for you, others are lying? Everyone is different. Age, height, activity level, body shape, etc.
    Just b/c you don't understand how someone can be full doesn't mean they are lying.

    Congrats on your weight loss! :flowerforyou:

    I'm not talking about the occasional day here, I'm talking about the people who say it every day. And I realize there's no reason to lie and maybe lie was not the right word. I guess I'm saying either these people are not eating a balanced diet or they are just telling themselves they are full so they have an excuse to stay under 1200 calories. I don't think it's healthy or practical long term to get into the habit of eating less than 1200 calories a day. Now and then, yeah I get it you're not always hungry, but every day and you risk becoming malnourished.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ok Ive been following the thread here and its a bit off track from what i originally read.... originally the post was regarding people "at" 1200 now its regarding people "under" 1200..maybe Im confused....per your last post ** "I guess I'm saying either these people are not eating a balanced diet or they are just telling themselves they are full so they have an excuse to stay under 1200 calories. I don't think it's healthy or practical long term to get into the habit of eating less than 1200 calories a day. Now and then, yeah I get it you're not always hungry, but every day and you risk becoming malnourished. "**
  • Caesar4less
    I wish I wasn't hungry ... I have food urges all day - which kills me ... and many of my friends do not help because they keep bringing me food all the time ... I work in a school and many of my female co-workers are excellent bakers - always bringing me in goodies - which kind of stinks - because - number 1 - I love food and to eat ... and 2 - I don't want to hurt their feelings - so I tend to eat everything ... not cool ... I need better self control :( ...
  • MrsChasteen
    MrsChasteen Posts: 48 Member
    I think it depends on what I am eating. I am at 1200 calories and if I eat only fruit, vegetables, whole grain then I am stuffed, but if I eat fast food, processed foods, or high fat food then I have to limit my quantities more and I cannot eat enough to be full. Before I began this diet I was just eating the wrong foods.
  • IG30
    IG30 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a newbie at the 1200 per day and really sticking to it. Its been about 1 week and all I can say is that the thinking you're hungry or starving when you're really not, is all mental,all in the head. Its your mind telling you you're hungry not your belly. I have actually been told that Im eating less than 1200 and I've been ok I actually try to see what else I can eat. I don't feel hungry. My stomach is not growling, I don't have migraines. Smaller meals throughout the day and you're good. You can easily be able to do 1200 a day. Now I am not giving out advice at all, just saying my own personal thought. It may bite me in the butt, but for now I am just trying to get used to the new way of thinking and fitting it all into my life before I worry so much about how much weight Im losing just yet. I'm really excited to go through this journey with you all. Good Luck!
  • momtodeshawn
    momtodeshawn Posts: 54 Member
    I eat 1200 calories (except on days I exercise..then I eat more) and I have no problems. I think the key for me has been to be sure I'm eating every 2-3 hours. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. As long as I stick to something close to that, I'm fine and not hungry. When I skip snacks (which I sometimes do), I get hungry for meals earlier. Sometimes I will think I'm hungry, but I know I'm not (usually cause I just ate), so I chew a piece of gum and that helps.
  • Lauz_88
    Lauz_88 Posts: 29
    I think sometimes we're so used to eating what we want. when we want we forget what it's like to be hungry! I've been sticking to 1200 calories a day and although I do get a bit hungry between meals it's not so bad that I can't wait until the next meal.
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    I have got to say, when I swim for an hour, I am FAMISHED by the time I get home, but it's totally cool, because I've earned myself over 500 calories! :happy: YAY!
  • dilemmadale86
    I've not been on here and actually eating healthily for long, but what I've found is although I get a bit hungry towards the end of the day (I have to save some calories for an evening snack every day), it's far, far preferable to the feeling of lethargy and bloating that I used to get! I never thought I'd have this much energy and feel so good while on a diet! And it's all thanks to MFP :)