The Biggest Loser show seems to contradict what were taught



  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member
    No, the reality is much simpler. Nutrition is bullsh*t.

    My 3 month old daughter needs only milk to thrive and have the energy to get through the day, and the contestants, and anyone else with that level of bodyfat...

    Will use the stores of fatty acids on their body as food. So long as essential vitamins and minerals are ingested, along with essential amino acids, you don't need to eat.

    There was a 400 pound man in the 70's who fasted for 380 days under doctor's supervision. Couple missteps in refeeding him, but he got to 180 or something like that, and to this day he's slightly overweight, not obese like he used to be.

    What we NEED for nutrition is only what this magnificent machine requires.

    Most of the starvation mode, eating to fuel, it's all hype.

    Coma patients exist on protien powder with added carbs and fats, in a shake, fed through a feeding tube.

    I mean, honestly, the fact that we all haven't woken up to this realization before now is astounding. At least, I can't speak for everyone, but I'm ashamed of myself for not following common sense.

    ETA: eat for your body. Eat what you like. And if you start to gain fat, change your diet slightly, and find what works for you. If you want to lose weight for a boxing match or to look thinner, the principles are the same. You are what you eat.

    Interesting thoughts.

    Not sure I agree, but interesting none the less...
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member
    I agree completely, I think we should adhere to the rules of the show instead, don't you?

    On an unrelated note, I was watching this show called Game Of Thrones, and I saw dragons flying around. Doesn't this go against everything we've been led to believe? I am going to pray to the old gods and the new to send me some damn dragon eggs, that seems like the right thing to do in this case. I'll lose weight super fast, be ripped and I'll have some awesome dragons to boot.

    I laughed.

    But yeah, real people losing real weight albeit in an unhealthy way, is definitely comparable to dragons and gods and so forth.

    You got me.
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member
    It's incredibly clear that the majority of people who replied to this thread didn't actually read the entirety of the original post.

    Never did I say that it was healthy, or smart, or the right thing to do. I simply pointed out results that happened that seem to contradict what we are told would NOT happen.

    But hey, flame on ;)
  • bevers1948
    bevers1948 Posts: 14 Member
    I wish The Biggest Loser would have more on the preparation of their foods.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    That's not the point. Bringing back success stories is a no brainer but how quick would they be to bring back people who experienced negative effects as a result?
    It's been on for 10 years with hundreds of contestants. No one's been hurt badly enough for the show to be taken off the air for hurting people or for people to quit clamoring to get on it.

    I'm sure there have been a lot of negative effects, and a LOT of unmaintained losses, just like in any weight loss group. I think overall it's probably done way more good for human health.

    Not that I watch it. They treat the people too much like circus freaks for me.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    It's incredibly clear that the majority of people who replied to this thread didn't actually read the entirety of the original post.

    Never did I say that it was healthy, or smart, or the right thing to do. I simply pointed out results that happened that seem to contradict what we are told would NOT happen.

    But hey, flame on ;)

    To be fair, it's not even necessarily unhealthy. With exercise and adequate protein, you can push your weight loss pretty far when you're as big as those contestants, oftentimes with no real health consequences. You could even argue that hitting a healthy weight more quickly is better for your health, given the health consequences of morbid obesity. The reason you see people advocating less aggressive weight loss guidelines is largely because attempting to imitate those results on your own is a bad idea for a lot of reasons. Not that you couldn't do it, potentially even in a healthy fashion, given the right diet and exercise routine (it would be pretty miserable though), but the more likely case is that people would make themselves miserable and/or inadvertently damage their health.
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    My son lost 55 lbs in 14 weeks eating 1200 calories and exercising like the world was coming to a rapid end (which it kind of was for him since he was so unhealthy). Once he finished the program he went on to lose another 65 lbs on his own and has kept them off. I think that a quick program like that can get someone started in the right path. But yeah, ultimately is a show... More like a very long commercial for stuff like Subway and Britta.
  • edgeninja
    edgeninja Posts: 12 Member
    My mom is addicted to that show. Yet she actually doesn't follow any of the advice.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It's incredibly clear that the majority of people who replied to this thread didn't actually read the entirety of the original post.

    Never did I say that it was healthy, or smart, or the right thing to do. I simply pointed out results that happened that seem to contradict what we are told would NOT happen.

    But hey, flame on ;)

    You started out your post by saying the show contradicts what we were taught, and then used an all out myth in "starvation mode" as a fact we were taught.......who's flaming again?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    MFP does teach starvation mode. It's right in their software message. Or did they finally get rid of it?

    The weight loss shows do disprove most of the stuff you read here about steep deficits and 'net calories'. It doesn't really matter that a 'week' is 10 days or that they live in a gym. They're live people losing all that weight in a short amount of time. If it's dangerous for us to 'net' less than 1200, how come all their gall bladders haven't dropped out with 'nets' each day in the negative thousands for months on end?
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member

    Their food is mostly protein. It's a myth that you need as much protein as usually advocated to retain muscle mass. 500-600 calories of protein would be enough. Don't forget that these are people who work out for hours every day, people who didn't work out before, so you can expect some newbie gains too

    I think you are saying it wrong because 500/4= grams of protein.

    You are right, I did mean 125-150 grams, but I chose to use calories to put it into perspective that it is entirely possible to get enough protein on a 800-1200 calorie diet.

    Most women only need 40-60g unless you're an athlete. I lose about 2-3 pounds week sticking to 800-1200. I do light home strength training and walking. That's it.

    What you do and claim is working for you would not work for many women here and in general. Please don't use the term 'most women' when you're just using yourself as your evidence.
    The general rec for women is usually 46-50g.

    While I could argue that these numbers should be a bare minimum, not a goal, I will leave that for another thread. The contestants, including women, are anything but general. They are a specific group who participates in heavy physical activities 3-6 hours a day, not your average office worker.
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    MFP does teach starvation mode. It's right in their software message. Or did they finally get rid of it?
    Nope. Saw the "warning" three days ago.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    The human body is far more efficient and resilient than the average dieter seems to realize.

    How many Jews actually managed to survive during the Holocaust on water and porridge mixed with sawdust? There was an obese man medically fasted, i.e. no food, for around a year. Hundreds of millions of human beings around the world undereat, and many of them have done so for years and years.

    Our current dieting mentality is based off a lot of bullocks and alarmist fears. You have people thinking that missing a day of food is the end of the road, and that under eating for a couple weeks is going to permanently kill their metabolism.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Just a casual reminder that general protein recommendations are for your average sedentary person of average weight, not looking to lose or gain weight.

    And that need =/= optimal.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Okay okay I decided to find a free stream of two episodes of the Biggest Loser and watched them back to back. I must say that is one of the most obviously staged completely fake "reality" TV shows I have ever seen. How anyone can look at that and say "seems legit" especially after the personal trainers look directly at the camera and hold up some "Extra sugar free doublemint gum" to take the time to explain how Extra sugar-free gum (specifically the Extra brand) is a great way to lose weight (complete with smile and nod and holding up of the product) I do not know.

    It is editing smoke and mirrors mixed in with fake drama and product placement....

    but damn if it isn't entertaining. Might have to watch more of that.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I live every aspect of my life as if it were reality television.

    I live mine like a japanese game show.

    In - to see where this goes.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I may have posted this earlier in this thread, I can't remember. The final edited product does *seem* to contradict what we were taught, but the reality is - it doesn't contradict anything. The final product is a fantasy.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Never heard of it until i saw it on Netflix 2-3 years ago. Binge season 1 to 11 in a matter of weeks..All this while laying down going to town with potato chips.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Never heard of it until i saw it on Netflix 2-3 years ago. Binge season 1 to 11 in a matter of weeks..All this while laying down going to town with potato chips.

    watched a marathon while eating mcnuggets and icecream.