Newly Pregnant and learning about my nutrition needs



  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I just found out I was pregnant yesterday! Congrats to all that are too! I wonder if there's a group for us preggos on MFP?

    I'm 12 weeks, 4 days pregnant today. I've gained about half a pound between fluctuations. I'm no longer Obese after spending the past year losing weight, but I am still overweight. I'm shooting for no more than 25 lbs gain. I still track all the foods I eat on MFP, even though alot of days have been over. Cravings have been my pitfall, really. I ate pretty well before pregnancy, but since being pregnant, that pretty much went out the window. I can barely even look at raw meat let alone cook it to eat it. I've been having alot of processed foods and/or takeout. I just keep it within my calorie limit. I eat between 1800-2000 calories.

    I guess my point is, plan to eat well, but if you can't stomach it (aversions) or if you have cravings, it's okay to give in. Just do it mindfully, and when you get to the point where you CAN reintroduce those foods, then do it.

    Also, walking is great exercise. You may also want to think of taking a prenatal swim class, as it's also low impact. I did with my first and it kept me relatively active everyday (though back then I was in no way watching what I ate, so I gained like 40 lbs). There was also alot of sciatica work. I think it really helped alot for delivery.
  • artslady96
    artslady96 Posts: 132 Member
    Congratulations moms-to-be. Like OP, I am overweight and 8-weeks pregnant. My nutritionist has recommended a 1400 daily diet to encourage weight loss in the first trimester, but she also stressed that food quality and food balance (carbohydrate with a protein or a healthy fat) was more important than food quantity. She also told me that each day does not need to be perfect and that I should NEVER go hungry since that will make worse symptoms like fatigue and nausea. She also said that weight gain in the second and third trimester is healthy and inevitable unless I loose an unhealthy amount of weight. So, the take-away I got is to eat healthy and listen to your body. Eat if you are hungry, but do not eat for two merely out of perceived obligation. So far, I have lost seven pounds, but I should add here that I have two hormonal imbalances that contribute (though do not completely create) my weight issue and that pregnancy has helped my metabolism fix itself.

    Good luck everyone, and feel free to friend me so we can support each other on our journeys.
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm overweight (now) but I was obese with my son. My OB didn't recommend anything other than a balance diet. I don't want to gain as much as I did with my son though. It was too much. I've switched my diary settings to maintain for now and I don't think I can eat as much as it suggests. I'm going to try for 17-1800 for now and see how that goes (up from 13-1500). I'm still going to walk, jog and do some light aerobics as long as my energy holds out.
  • Patrick0321
    Patrick0321 Posts: 102 Member
    In for the tips to pass onto my wife (4 maybe 5 weeks pregnant)
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    Aww congrats Patrick!!
  • Amalthea8284
    Amalthea8284 Posts: 49 Member
    Congratulations! I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with my third, and I am contributing to this thread to say: EXERCISE! You have a very physically demanding task to do (labor and birth) in a relatively short amount of time. With my first, I was too tired and unmotivated to make exercise a priority. This was a huge mistake. Not only did I gain too much weight, my overall health suffered. An appropriate amount of exercise is essential for a healthy pregnancy. Regular exercise will decrease the physical pain you may experience as your belly grows. It will help you have the energy and stamina needed for labor and it will help you heal faster after the birth. Seriously, I cannot stress enough how important SOME exercise is.

    As far as amount goes, since you have not been doing any thing, yes, ease into it. What you need to focus on is perceived exertion. That is, how hard do you feel you are working? Can you breath? Don't work so hard you cannot carry on a conversation-remember you are breathing for two also. How hot are you? I never work so hard that I get too hot, I take breaks whenever I feel I need them. My activity of choice is the elliptical. I did not have a regular fitness routine until into my second trimester, but I made the effort every day. I worked for twenty minutes at a time a first, but at a very leisurely pace. I suggest you try the same, always making sure that you are paying attention to how you feel. Stop if you are in pain. Rest if you need to. I have worked my selfup to a moderate pace for up to an 90 minutes with breaks as I need them. And plenty of water! I know that I am stronger and experiencing less physical discomfort than with my other, less active pregnancies. I am hoping I can cope with labor better as well.! Good luck! I know you can do it!
  • sdsmart
    sdsmart Posts: 25 Member

    I am 30 weeks pregnant with my first baby and was about 5lbs above my goal weight at the start of pregnancy. I had gained 22lbs by 28 weeks and my OB referred me to a dietician because she thought I was gaining too much weight. . I've just done the test for gestational diabetes and have no problems there.

    The dietician put me on a high carbohydrate, low fat diet with 1200 calories a day. For the first couple days on that I felt really unwell, couldn't sleep through the night and started to get headaches. I decided that was not going to work for me so I have been back to tracking my food and making sure that I get lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and good protein. I've settled around 1600-1800 calories a day and my weight has been stable for the last couple weeks.

    I exercised regularly before pregnancy and have managed to keep that up. I do light resistance training with weights, spinning and yoga. I aim for 5-6 sessions a week.

    I was probably indulging in treats and second helpings a little too much beforehand which caused some extra weight gain. If you keep up with your food diary and tracking you probably won't have that problem!

    Good luck!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Congratulations! I'm sorry your OB was not very helpful on the weight issue? I think I'd bring up weight at your next meeting and see if you can't get her to refer you to an OB with specific experience with overweight pregnancy?

    I'm thinking that the nutritionist is keeping in mind risks with overweight pregnancies and has you on that eating plan in an effort to have you put on less than the usual weight a non overweight person puts on. Ask her. Directly. Call her tomorrow and without being accusatory simply ask..."I want to make a weight chart for my fridge and want to understand what we are achieving with my eating plan, am i meant to gain, maintain, or lose wieght during my pregnancy on this plan? At what rate".

    It's a legitimate question and once you are on the same page it will make more sense and she may have time to go into whatever her goals for you are. And whatever risks she may be trying to avoid.

    My sister had a difficult pregnancy second time and something diabetes related. She was overweight with both her pregnancies.

    That book you were recommended seems like a good one I had the standard version and found it very helpful.

    I also had a chart on my fridge to gain just the amount of weight recommended as I started out slightly overweight due to a surgery shortly prior to my pregnancy which put a little extra weight on me.

    As for the exercise generally the rule is that you can do whatever you were doing prior.

    If you were doing nothing, that is probably not a good goal so I think walking more and more each week seems reasonable.

    CONGRATULATIONS to all the pregnant ladies in this thread.

    Just for future reference MFP has in the database for foods breastfeeding calories accounted for so some new moms use that log to add extra calories to their daily allowance to allow for the breastfeeding they do.

    GOOD LUCK!:flowerforyou:
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    The dietician put me on a high carbohydrate, low fat diet with 1200 calories a day. For the first couple days on that I felt really unwell, couldn't sleep through the night and started to get headaches. I decided that was not going to work for me so I have been back to tracking my food and making sure that I get lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and good protein. I've settled around 1600-1800 calories a day and my weight has been stable for the last couple weeks.

    CONGRATULATIONS to you too!

    What is it with dieticians and nutritionalists and 1200 calories?! I don't think I could get out of bed on so little food LOL. Your plan seems a good one though and similar to mine at the moment. I'm averaging about 1900 calories and still losing weight, so going to speak to the midwife this week about it.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Congratulations! I'm sorry your OB was not very helpful on the weight issue? I think I'd bring up weight at your next meeting and see if you can't get her to refer you to an OB with specific experience with overweight pregnancy?

    I'm thinking that the nutritionist is keeping in mind risks with overweight pregnancies and has you on that eating plan in an effort to have you put on less than the usual weight a non overweight person puts on. Ask her. Directly. Call her tomorrow and without being accusatory simply ask..."I want to make a weight chart for my fridge and want to understand what we are achieving with my eating plan, am i meant to gain, maintain, or lose wieght during my pregnancy on this plan? At what rate".

    Thanks for the advice! I'm dumping the nutritionalist as I am not convinced of her competence. When I had a really proper look through everything there was lots of things that pregnant women shouldn't eat on her plan - dippy eggs, sea bass, salmon too often etc.

    This week I should get to see the midwife for the first time, rather than the GP so hopefully she will be much more helpful and will better understand pregnancy.
  • sdsmart
    sdsmart Posts: 25 Member
    What is it with dieticians and nutritionalists and 1200 calories?! I don't think I could get out of bed on so little food LOL. Your plan seems a good one though and similar to mine at the moment. I'm averaging about 1900 calories and still losing weight, so going to speak to the midwife this week about it.

    I KNOW! I don't think I could have eaten 1200 calories prior to pregnancy. It also just makes you really grumpy too (my poor husband). Good luck !