Women: How much does a guy's height really matter?



  • shanyna01
    shanyna01 Posts: 12 Member
    A guy's height isn't important to me. Most of the guys I have dated have been way shorter than me, I am 5'7", and the shortest guy I dated pretty much came up to my shoulder and he was even shorter when I wore heels. He had no problem and loved it when I wore heels. The only thing that would make it uncomfortable is if the guy is always trying to make me wear flats. If they are that self conscious, then they shouldn't date a taller chick!
  • Svanel
    Svanel Posts: 6,255 Member
    Personal preference...tall, dark and handsome :) I like when a guy is taller than me.
  • moniduh
    moniduh Posts: 100
    Prefer 6'0 or taller. I just love being hugged and cuddled by someone who is tall because I feel so tiny lol. I've dated guys undet 6ft tho so it's not mandatory it's just nice.
  • UnitedBoy_83
    UnitedBoy_83 Posts: 221
    Prefer 6'0 or taller. I just love being hugged and cuddled by someone who is tall because I feel so tiny lol. I've dated guys undet 6ft tho so it's not mandatory it's just nice.

    How you doin'?! :wink: :tongue:
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Prefer 6'0 or taller. I just love being hugged and cuddled by someone who is tall because I feel so tiny lol. I've dated guys undet 6ft tho so it's not mandatory it's just nice.

    How you doin'?! :wink: :tongue:

    how YOU doin':wink:
  • ProfessorOwl
    ProfessorOwl Posts: 312 Member
    6'3" guy checking in. Just sayin' :wink:
  • GuineaPiglet
    GuineaPiglet Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'1, so short is okay by me. Too tall is just awkward for me and much to the delight of all my shorter former flames I'm not a high heels sort of gal. My husband is 5'7. I guess that's the equivalent of someone 5'6 dating a 6 footer though. I've never had the opportunity to date a guy shorter than me. I'm sure they're out there, but the range for me has been 5'4-5'9.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I posted earlier, but things have changed. Hope I get finished at the eye doctor's in time for body pump. She's testing me for a cataract and it takes a long time.
  • mizvandyk_82
    At 5'9 it use to always bother me but now that im older and wiser there are way more important things than his height. Ive dated guys an inch shorter than me all the way up to 6'7
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    It's not that important to me unless when we first me he takes advantage and talks only to my "girls".... that is a total turn off!
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    YOU can't counter the anthropologic heredity of a species... females will always look for the strongest most able suitor... and for LOTS of women that typically translates to Tall... however it can also translate in to older, younger, wider, smarter, fatter, you PICK the physical attribute and a woman somewhere is seeking "him" out. additional attractive features? Hands... feet, noses, eyes... hair etc... etc.... women in general have shopping lists... because their "needs" do not stop at procreation... Guys on the other hand... are genetically predisposed to procreate with as many women as possible simply to ensure their genetic code has the greatest chance of survival... As much as we might feel that opposable thumbs and the ability to stitch together clothes and cobble shoes and manufacture tools and implements places us above the rest of the animal kingdom... WE are in fact nothing more than just another species bent on survival...and that survival depends on our ability to successfully pass on our genetics...

    For a woman.. that means acquiring a mate willing to stick around with enough physical prowess to hunt, gather and protect...
    For a man.. it means... finding a woman...
  • softncudly
    softncudly Posts: 722 Member
    Height is not important to me. I would date someone shorter. (I'm 5 ' 3.5")
  • vegas1776
    vegas1776 Posts: 19 Member
  • blushpeonies
    blushpeonies Posts: 101 Member
    I have to be able to wear heels with the guy I'm dating. I mean - I suppose I would be okay with not doing that - but they absolutely cannot be shorter than me. I just like being able to do a little tiptoe action to get a kiss.
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    I'm not picky about height. I've dated guys that from 5'8 to 6'8" (I'm 6 feet). I'll be honest, since I'm bigger now, I prefer the taller guys solely because I feel self conscious, but normally it's not an issue at all.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    here's the thing. I like a man who I can feel safe with. Now, a man my height and frame, maybe, but i feel safer with men who are taller than me just because of that protectiveness they can provide with you tucking your head under their chin and their arms wrapping around you. Got to be taller.

    This :smile:
    this exactly

    What exactly am I going to be doing that I'll need to be physically "protected" by my mate? How do I know that just because he is tall that he has any skill what so ever at hand-to-hand combat?
    Or skill at armed combat. . . or the notion that one gender needs to physically protect the other, while both are simultaneously to be treated as equals and merely intimating that she would be LESS able to protect herself than he is sexist (or was the last time I took a class on the topic)?

    In general I do think that the average woman would be less able to protect themselves physically than the average man, and it's not necessary "sexist" to recognize. Men, on average are stronger and probably more aggressive than women. But yeah, in today's society physical protection is very rarely needed (if someone is going to assault us on the street that person would most likely have a weapon), and again height isn't a big factor in ability anyway (my 5'9" husband would probably do just fine).

    I am fascinated by the notion that stereotyping based on the sex of the persons involved ("sex" rather than "gender" is a deliberate distinction here) is somehow not sexist, given that it's practically the definition of "sexism".
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    ... their height made me feel feminine and protected as hugging/kissing a shorter person can be a bit awkward.

    Agree with this part of Ronnie's sentiment. I like to feel feminine. And I really like to feel feminine while wearing 4" heels.

    Plus my ex (who I was in a relationship with for 10 years) was 6'8. I think it'll be hard to date anyone under 6' after being used to a tall guy for so long.

    I'm 5'6 btw.
  • SwedishSarah
    SwedishSarah Posts: 4,350 Member
    In the grand scheme of things, height isn't that important. There are so many other factors, that height just adds into those.
    Personally, I find taller guys physically attractive, even though I'm quite short. Being 4'11'', I prefer guys at least 6', but I'm not opposed to dating shorter men.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I'm only 5' tall but love my heals so at least 5'9 works for me, however I do like'em tall! :)