Has anyone tried a fruit and veggie cleanse?



  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    I hate the word "cleanse" but I get what you're saying! A couple weeks of less calories and just veges (with vitamin supplements ) can do a body good! I've done it with veges before (NOT fruit) . I see no harm in trying to get your body into a healthy state, just re-adjust with appropriate calories and hit you fat and protein Macros after you feel 'cleaned out'!

    really now...what about protien? how would I get 125g in a day just eating veggies?

    How can just eating veggies do a body good? please explain....

    Don't get me wrong, I love and eat tons protein on a daily basis! Love a big steak for breakfast. I had a specialist in digestive issues ( MD doctor) put me on something similar to what she suggest (no dairy) and lots of supplements, including a source of protein and I felt wonderful after doing it a week. I was then able to add back in foods to see what MY stomach can handle. I'm not on her to argue and say do things MY way, this site is filled with so-called experts. I'm saying it worked for me! One week of cutting back has many benefits, I will continue to listen to my doctor over the know it alls on here!

    I was just asking the question which you didn't answer...how would I get 125g of protien in? and how does it do a body good?

    If this was recommened by a doctor surely they gave you the answers to this...

    I see no harm in getting a body into a healthy state but you haven't explained how this gets people to that point...you just got butthurt.
    For a week I didn't hit my macros! And shockingly my body didn't shut down and crumble onto the floor! Thanks for your concern!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    A week is fine, the OP is talking about doing this for life therefore the questions are relevant.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    I've seen a few stories online how people have said they've adapted it as a lifestyle and seen incredible results not just weight wise - but also in their eyesight, skin, energy levels, sleep levels, stress levels and as a remedy for depression.
    In other words, this "lifestyle" is the equivalent to snake oil.
    Please don't give me your concern, I'm smart enough to know that if I cannot function properly on what I'm doing that it's unhealthy.:
    You've already made mind up to take this "snake oil." Why did you post? Oh, you only want people to agree with you. Count only the hits. What willful confirmation bias!

    MFP is the wrong place for that.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I hate the word "cleanse" but I get what you're saying! A couple weeks of less calories and just veges (with vitamin supplements ) can do a body good! I've done it with veges before (NOT fruit) . I see no harm in trying to get your body into a healthy state, just re-adjust with appropriate calories and hit you fat and protein Macros after you feel 'cleaned out'!

    really now...what about protien? how would I get 125g in a day just eating veggies?

    How can just eating veggies do a body good? please explain....

    Don't get me wrong, I love and eat tons protein on a daily basis! Love a big steak for breakfast. I had a specialist in digestive issues ( MD doctor) put me on something similar to what she suggest (no dairy) and lots of supplements, including a source of protein and I felt wonderful after doing it a week. I was then able to add back in foods to see what MY stomach can handle. I'm not on her to argue and say do things MY way, this site is filled with so-called experts. I'm saying it worked for me! One week of cutting back has many benefits, I will continue to listen to my doctor over the know it alls on here!

    I was just asking the question which you didn't answer...how would I get 125g of protien in? and how does it do a body good?

    If this was recommened by a doctor surely they gave you the answers to this...

    I see no harm in getting a body into a healthy state but you haven't explained how this gets people to that point...you just got butthurt.
    For a week I didn't hit my macros! And shockingly my body didn't shut down and crumble onto the floor! Thanks for your concern!

    For a week, no, you probably won't do any damage. But it sounds to me, unless I've misread, like the OP is talking about doing this permanently.
  • biancaaar
    biancaaar Posts: 5
    I was planning on adding seafood in, because seafood doesn't make me feel ill. I also take iron supps
  • biancaaar
    biancaaar Posts: 5
    this is my first time posting, people really blow up - everyone just chill out
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    A week is fine, the OP is talking about doing this for life therefore the questions are relevant.

    Agree, I hope my point was made clear that while I did it for a week I still got protein. All my meals include meat(consume between 103-145 grams per day)but many vegetarians out there have figured out how to get protein in other ways! I didn't realize she wanted to do fruits / veges alone forever. When I hear people use the cleanse word I think short term.
  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    I recently spent a few days on an 80% liquid diet due to not feeling well. I got blood work done the next day. My glucose levels were very elevated compared to their usual, and my level was very close to being over the limit.

    In all honesty, the questions that come to mind for fruit, veggies, milk, and seafood are about digestion (how stinky are you willing to be?), happiness (that's a lot of fluid based food which can be overwhelming,) and electrolytes (back to the fluid, you will need to be careful to get enough sodium.)
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    I did the GM cleanse about a year and a half ago. its 7 days. It ranges with days you can only eat fruits and days you can only have veggies. there is a milk and banana day, a beef and tomato day. I lost 6 pounds but gained it back later on. honestly it wasn't worth 7 days of giving up legit meals.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    to be honest, i've been calling it a cleanse because that's what everyone else seems to call it.

    What I mean is, i guess, a trial. A trial lifestyle change, does that make everyone happy? :D

    You can call it however you see it!

    I can't help but laugh...

    Last week I was challenged to a full day of fruit. I...thinking that I could do this...said okay. One day...can't do much damage...or so I thought.

    I went to the market...bought a bag of fruit. Ate nothing but fruit up until about 3:00PM...then...I got hungry...really hungry. Went back to the market...got food that didn't have to be cooked...went home and...ate. Not 1 meal...but 2 meals...back to back...with only an ice cream bar to separate them.

    I stayed within calorie range but honestly...I like fruit...I will buy fruit again (as soon as I finish eating all the fruit that I still have from that ill planned challenge) but unless I am stranded on a tropical island and have no choice...I will not try that again.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yah still didn't get my questions answered but eh...guess that poster didn't know those answers.

    To the OP there is no reason to resort to this sort of thing even for a week unless there is a medical reason for it.

    Eat the foods you love and want but stay in a deficit and you will lose weight...for health look at your macros and get in adequate protien and fats. Carbs are good and supply lots of energy and vitamins...

    Extreme changes are not required...
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    this is my first time posting, people really blow up - everyone just chill out

    No one's blowing up, people just have to repeat this stuff over and over around here and it can become tiresome. Read the stickies provided at the top of each forum. There's no reason to restrict your diet. Restrictive diets can lead to binge eating and deficiencies.

    Your body cleanses itself. All you need to do is stick to a calorie goal and make sure you are meeting your macro goals. I personally only worry about protein, fiber, carbs and calcium, and I don't worry about not going over, I worry about meeting or exceeding my set goals.
  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    I do an all raw fruit and veggie detox (for lack of better words) and I HAVE YET TO NOT FEEL BETTER BY DAY 2 ... and OMG the water weight that comes off ... I urinate about 9 times in a 10 hr shift.

    I also do lemon water during this time ... I just finished one .. yet this time I did incorporate chicken breat and a lil salad dressing ... (STILL FELT GOOD) ... Its not about a quick fad , its just that we were designed to eat off the LAND ... Think about it this way ...

    Ok, let me know get biblical (God forbid, I have MFPals hitting me from every angle) ...

    ALSO, I do eat lots of nuts, coconut, and olive oil ... So Im getting a little protein and some good fats.

    I even did black beans in my salad this past time.

    I do it about once every couple of months! Look at my pics, you will see what I eat during those times.
    I know some things are MIND OVER MATTER ... and if you think it, it is ... and that a persons perception becomes their reality ... all those good things ...

    BUT , all I know is ... I go from sluggish to BURSTING with energy when I eat all natural.

    So you ask, why don't I do this long term, ONLY B/C it gets boring after awhile and I still have a LOVE affair with food ... So, I want an occasion sweet potato, some cheese, a bag of corn chips, some brown rice, etc ... So I end up going back to cooked foods.

    All Im saying is ... IT WON'T hurt ya ... Try if for a few days ( I always do at least 3 at a time ) ... stay close to a bathroom b/c you are going to urinate your butt off ...

    Inbox me when you're done and tell me how you feel and how much water weight you've lost ... NOW yes you will gain some of it back, especially if you go right back to eating processed foods, etc but I usually lose from 5 - 8 and I keep off about 2-3.

    I don't do it for the lost, I do it because your body needs to RELAX ... processed foods as well as MEATS are harsh on your body and hard to digest ... eating natural, fruits/veggies/nuts is they way to go!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    I was planning on adding seafood in, because seafood doesn't make me feel ill. I also take iron supps

    Ok, so this plan will consist of fruit, veggies, dairy and seafood now? And iron supplements?

    Couldn't do it myself but that doesn't sound too bad, I think you could cover most nutritional bases with combinations from those 4 groups.

    I mean, it isn't a cleanse or any other magical thing bit it isn't neccesarily too nutritionally deficient either
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    I find the "we're the only animals that . . ." argument in this thread just as silly as when it shows up in milk threads. Just because we're the only ones to do something, that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be done. We're also the only animals who drive and use computers.

    Also the fact that you can't stick to this "diet" is a testament to the fact that it isn't sustainable long term.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I was planning on adding seafood in, because seafood doesn't make me feel ill. I also take iron supps

    Ok, so this plan will consist of fruit, veggies, dairy and seafood now? And iron supplements?

    Couldn't do it myself but that doesn't sound too bad, I think you could cover most nutritional bases with combinations from those 4 groups.

    I mean, it isn't a cleanse or any other magical thing bit it isn't neccesarily too nutritionally deficient either

    I agree, that could be done. I wouldn't enjoy it. But it could work.

    OP if you do this please make sure you're getting enough fat. Seafood isn't particularly high in that macro.
  • nadamandar
    nadamandar Posts: 82
    I cleanse all my fruits and veggies before I eat them...

    Makes sense really...

  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    I do an all raw fruit and veggie detox (for lack of better words) and I HAVE YET TO NOT FEEL BETTER BY DAY 2 ... and OMG the water weight that comes off ... I urinate about 9 times in a 10 hr shift.

    I also do lemon water during this time ... I just finished one .. yet this time I did incorporate chicken breat and a lil salad dressing ... (STILL FELT GOOD) ... Its not about a quick fad , its just that we were designed to eat off the LAND ... Think about it this way ...

    Ok, let me know get biblical (God forbid, I have MFPals hitting me from every angle) ...

    ALSO, I do eat lots of nuts, coconut, and olive oil ... So Im getting a little protein and some good fats.

    I even did black beans in my salad this past time.

    I do it about once every couple of months! Look at my pics, you will see what I eat during those times.
    I know some things are MIND OVER MATTER ... and if you think it, it is ... and that a persons perception becomes their reality ... all those good things ...

    BUT , all I know is ... I go from sluggish to BURSTING with energy when I eat all natural.

    So you ask, why don't I do this long term, ONLY B/C it gets boring after awhile and I still have a LOVE affair with food ... So, I want an occasion sweet potato, some cheese, a bag of corn chips, some brown rice, etc ... So I end up going back to cooked foods.

    All Im saying is ... IT WON'T hurt ya ... Try if for a few days ( I always do at least 3 at a time ) ... stay close to a bathroom b/c you are going to urinate your butt off ...

    Inbox me when you're done and tell me how you feel and how much water weight you've lost ... NOW yes you will gain some of it back, especially if you go right back to eating processed foods, etc but I usually lose from 5 - 8 and I keep off about 2-3.

    I don't do it for the lost, I do it because your body needs to RELAX ... processed foods as well as MEATS are harsh on your body and hard to digest ... eating natural, fruits/veggies/nuts is they way to go!
    Why are you yelling?

    Back in the day planes didn't exist. So we were not meant to fly right? Are you against getting on a plane?
    Are you against watching TV or making a phone call?
    How about toilet paper? Should we use leaves?

    Don't let my caps offend you!! Im excited not yelling dear, BESIDES, Im only telling you that humans don't have to have meat to survive... I grew up vegetarian and most of my family and have NEVER suffered from Iron, B vitamins defecits etc .
    And if want to use leaves, be my guess... (advancements in technology really doesn't fit my msg) ... Do you know that you're not suppose to mix alkalines and acids when eating ? because they turn to poison in your stomach and intestines? ALTHOUGH nutrionists tell you to eat from all food groups at each or MOST meals ... BUT its been determined by Chemists in a lab (thats were I learned this from {organic chemistry}) you do not mix them together ... Thats carbs and meats ... they shouldn't be consumed at the same time.
    Listen, we can go around and around ... all Im saying is .. eating natural can be done and you will feel good... UNLESS you have some other issues like IBS, etc .
    Have a good day!
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