Where can I find some self-love.....



  • Censor76
    Censor76 Posts: 48 Member
    You're not alone...most of us are here because we have fallen off the wagon (way) more than once. It happens. Sometimes you need it to make you stop and take note of what is around you.

    The best thing is that there is a wagon to get back on. Eating bad today, tomorrow you promise yourself to stop that. A pulled calf muscle doesn't last forever. This is all temporary and part of the process.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You're not alone...most of us are here because we have fallen off the wagon (way) more than once. It happens. Sometimes you need it to make you stop and take note of what is around you.

    The best thing is that there is a wagon to get back on. Eating bad today, tomorrow you promise yourself to stop that. A pulled calf muscle doesn't last forever. This is all temporary and part of the process.

    Do not try and get on the wagon. That's impossible. Instead...only try to realize the truth.
    "What truth?" you ask?
    That there is no wagon.
  • Censor76
    Censor76 Posts: 48 Member
    Or that.
  • Celebrate every little victory. This is what I do.

    I pick a lower calorie option at my favorite fast food place... Go me!
    I take my girls for a walk around the neighborhood... Go me!
    I eat one brownie instead of a whole pan... Go me!
    I fall off the wagon for almost a week but I climb back on... Go me for not calling it quits!

    I'm still morbidly obese but I've lost 35 lbs. There are days I'm very disappointed with my self but when I start that negative self talk I think of how far I've come and all that I've accomplished. The best part is I no longer hate myself.

    If that fails, I remember the quote I once read. Its something about how out of millions of sperm you were the first to reach the egg so you were a winner before you were born.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    An attitude of grattitude. Do exercises and eat food you like. Inspire someone else. Be inspired. Be your own hero and look for nsvs. They get you through tough Times. And no matter what, keep going, u wilk be happy you did. GOOD LUCK:)
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Everybody's searching for a hero
    People need someone to look up to
    I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
    A lonely place to be
    And so I learned to depend on me

    Funny.. that's where my brain popped to, too.
    "No matter what they take from me
    They can't take away my dignity"
  • Everybody's searching for a hero
    People need someone to look up to
    I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
    A lonely place to be
    And so I learned to depend on me

    Funny.. that's where my brain popped to, too.
    "No matter what they take from me
    They can't take away my dignity"

    yes self love can never be taken EVER
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    Been there many times, my advice is to keep pushing, keep pushing, keep going, don't stop, if you fall pick yourself up! Try new things, new recipes, new exercise, read self help books, do something nice for someone else, but first do something nice for YOU.
    Ignore those nasty voices telling you that you are not worth it, repeat a mantra to yourself, whatever it is that inspires you, do it!

    Keep going, be consistant, baby steps work best. Don't stop, pray if you believe in it, keep trying and seek like minded people.
    I've tried all these things and some will work some won't, but trying will help you decide what works for you. I'm still in this struggle, in this for life and I'm not giving up, I've probably fallen off the wagon about 1,000 times in my life but this time I'm not giving up!!

    Good luck!!
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    Great thread...posting so I can find this later
  • KMiller880
    KMiller880 Posts: 21 Member
    Ok. I have been working on my attitude for a few days. It is definitely way too early to say "Oh it worked and I'm happy with myself now" but I am being much more aware of how I talk to myself. I've got Post-It Notes all over my house and I read them multiple times a day (I figured it wouldn't hurt for the hubby or daughters to read them every now and then too). I'm going to fake it until I make it. I'm going to start setting a few minutes a day aside, just by myself, to do a little meditation and check in with me and see whats going on.

    I'm trying to be much more aware of how I talk about myself in front of my daughters as well. I had never realized how much I talked down about myself out loud in front of my family. I definitely don't want my daughter going through this when she is older.

    Thanks to everyone who took a few minutes of their time to help and post suggestions.