newbie here in need of friends


Well today is my fist day here, and I just wanted to do this because I need support and listen to people who can understand what am going through right now.


  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome Julie. I hope I can be of support to you. :flowerforyou:
  • RhapsodyInC
    RhapsodyInC Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome Julie, feel free at add me! I'm not very good with the technical stuff but I can do motivational support :)
  • keshiaelise
    keshiaelise Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm also in need of support and friends, especially motivational ones lol. Please add me as I'm new to the whole adding friends and don't really know how to use this yet. Thanks! :)
  • K1980H
    K1980H Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my second day and I thought it was about time I looked for some motivational friends, I will get onto to adding a photo shortly (haven't got any of me on my work computer). Please add me.

    Thanks Kelly:happy:
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Moody oldie here, well 688days and counting so yeah I'm kind of a daily logger haha. Throw me a request if you fancy it.
  • Super_Mama
    Super_Mama Posts: 99 Member
    I am happy to support and be supported :) This is a marathon and not a sprint and I have found that motivation and support is key to the process!
  • mroo2014
    mroo2014 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello! I started about a week ago and am slowly but surely starting to notice myself changing... Long journey ahead but I'm amped for it!

    Feel free to add myself... Nothing wrong with some motivation stations ????
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Hi Newbies,
    I'm "sort of" a newbie...I've mostly been a lone ranger for a long time, lol...I joined MFP a long time ago, did the routine, lost some weight, then I let life get in my way (I let circumstances control me rather than me control my life) and I stopped logging in, stopped logging food, stopped paying attention to what I ate.

    So over a year later, I still have almost 100 lbs to lose. At 44 years old, I don't want to waste any more time being obese. My kids are almost grown and I resent the fact that I waddled my way through their childhoods, always getting winded, and setting a poor example for them when it comes to fitness overall.

    I want to be healthy for them in this next phase of their lives...but I also want to be healthy for my husband and for ME - I want to be able to do things I enjoy without stopping to catch my breath every 5 minutes, without hating how I look because I couldn't find clothing to fit me...without jiggling with every step I take. AND I WANT TO STOP WADDLING.

    Feel free to add me if you wish. :)
  • dizzylloyd
    dizzylloyd Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Hun

    Feel free to add me. I'm not a newbie.....back for my fourth day and newly motivated. I'm also looking for like minded people to keep me motivated. Have sadly put a bit of the weight I lost back on but have found a new enthusiasm for exercise so am making a fresh start. Need some support for this journey

    good luck1

    Jayne :smile:
  • mrsmarc01
    mrsmarc01 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm actually going to add a bunch of you too if that's okay. :) This is, hmm, I think my 4th time back to MFP and have never had much success. I just get SO hungry and never stick to it. I think some motivation would help. I really need to lose weight and don't want to give up again.
  • lippy1727
    lippy1727 Posts: 53
    Welcome Julie,

    Ive been on MFP for a while on and off but determined to make this work this time, all please feel free to add me and we can all support and motivate each other.
  • rachswann
    rachswann Posts: 27 Member
    Anyone, please feel free to add me!
  • allensteph1
    allensteph1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Anyone please feel free to add me as well!

    I'm 21, and this is the first time in my life I'm trying to lose weight the healthy way. I've never been obese, but I have always been at least a little bit overweight. This summer, the summer before my senior year of college, I've been working a full-time internship at a small company in Ohio and just looked around and realized how easy it is to continue to gain weight for the rest of your life. I wanted to change my ways!

    No more drinking six nights a week, no more making excuses to eat poorly at almost every meal. I've been tracking what I eat as consistently as I can, as well as working out 3-5 times a week. I'm finally starting to see some results, but I still have a long way to go for my goal! I need accountability buddies, and this app is how I'm trying to have them!

    Please anyone/everyone add me and we can continue our journeys to healthy lifestyles together! :smile:
  • Not a newb! But I welcome you all to add me. 341 days and counting! I have been a part of my fitness pal for about 2-1/2 years and LOVE IT. Motivation is definitely something that is needed...mainly self motivation! Would love to help any of you get going! Feel free to add me!
  • Hey everyone, feel free to add me as well... I'll help out any way that I can. Could use the motivation as well. Welcome to those who are new!

  • jenk7356
    jenk7356 Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome to all you new folks and hello to all the others that have been out there. I'm always here to support anyone throughout there journeys. Feel free add me if you would like.
  • Care_Mia
    Care_Mia Posts: 28 Member
    You're starting right ... and there's plenty of people here to help. Good luck on your journey!
  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    Heyy, Im new too!! Ive been using the app but never been on the website... Ill send you a friend request, anybody else on this post feel free to add me!!! xoxo :D

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Weightlossdude53
    Weightlossdude53 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello! I am new here too! I have been trying to,lose weight for years with varying degrees of success. I have also exercised on and off at home (yoga, free weights, resistance bands) also inconsistently. I recently won a one year membership/5 training sessions . I used to complain that I couldn't afford to join a gym unless it was free--so now I have no excuses. I am on my secind week of going to the gym and LOVE it!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Always happy to pick up a new friend..please feel free to add!!!