newbie here in need of friends



  • hello..newbie here as well and have a min of 100 lbs to lose, so will be here for the long haul...anyone pls feel free to add me
  • thebestpersoneverr
    thebestpersoneverr Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm new too.. please add me :)
  • cronly
    cronly Posts: 307 Member
    Anybody, feel free to add me!
  • i'm a 30 days old today. add me, anyone can! i post A LOT! (not on the forums, but on the newsfeed side).

    i log everyday, good and bad days. and i exercise 5 days a week (usually) for a min of 20 mins.
  • kristiekay87
    kristiekay87 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I started this awhile ago and gave up! i'm back and ready to drop the lbs. I'm looking for some support to keep me going. My last time on this, I had no support so I gave up. I know I need to do this for me but its frustrating not having a support system. I need to lose about 10-20lbs and tone up. My bf sister is getting married next year and its a beach wedding. I have about 9 months to get my butt, thighs, arms, and stomach in shape!

    Anyone looking for a support buddy please add me! I'm here for you! :)

  • sylvianne9413
    sylvianne9413 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there! I started this about 2 years ago but have never been consistent with it. In the past few months or so I have been working hard to stay updated on this and I found it really helps! Feel free to add me!
  • MrsBB521
    MrsBB521 Posts: 13 Member
    I started here two years ago and have been on and off. But now I'm ready to commit! You can can add me, I'd like the extra motivation too :)
  • adreal
    adreal Posts: 229 Member
    I started here in 2012 and lost 70 pounds then got pregnant ( which is what I wanted to do) and then gained almost all of it back. Now he is a year old and i am ready to get rid of this weight. Anyone feel free to add me I log everyday :)
  • mcr0980
    mcr0980 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome! I've been using this app for at least a year and a half. I'm really trying to stick with it longer than a few weeks at a time. Feel free to add me, I need people to help keep me on track.
  • deyoun
    deyoun Posts: 96 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am always looking for more friends for support :)
  • jrloveless
    jrloveless Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, Julie. :) Nice to meet you. I'm Julie too! Most, if not everyone here, can understand what you're going through. Losing weight, gaining weight, whatever it is you need to do, is something a lot of us find hard to do. I've lost 21lbs so far. Though it has been really rough doing so. But even if you fall off the proverbial horse, you have to keep picking yourself back up and get on again. Take it one day at a time and find ways to remind yourself of what you're looking to accomplish.
  • RowanC522
    RowanC522 Posts: 2
    Hi I am somewhat new. I never stuckto it before so I think having friends on here will keep me motivated please add me! 25 year old mom needs to lose 70 lbs
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    I've been back for 1 week and 3 days now (second time on MFP.) Need the support and happy to reciprocate to all. Anyone can feel free to add me if they would like. I've been logging daily and hopefully will stick to the plan this time. Good luck to everyone!
  • wendi692
    wendi692 Posts: 5 Member
    hello everyone I have just started back with mfp and I am looking for friends to support and give support. good luck to everyone
  • hqueen883
    hqueen883 Posts: 2
    Hi Julie! I'm new to the website as well. I just started my weight loss journey again. I have chosen a more extreme diet this time. I am doing an all liquid protein diet. I know that it's not practical to live off of liquids for long periods of time so I'm planning to follow the diet for a couple of weeks and then take a week off.
  • Welcome!!! We all understand what youre going/and about to go through :)... Support on Tap!
  • boobeey
    boobeey Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome all, anyone can add me I'm looking to lose another 60 pounds
  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    Hi everybody! Today's my first day. I'm 64 years old and I need to lose well over 100 pounds. I've been on every diet that's out there and obviously have not been successful. I discovered the Paleo Plan 4 weeks ago and have stuck with it. I love the recipes that are out there and I feel like I'm not on a diet. I've lost my cravings for all the carb loaded goodies I used to love. Anyway, I need to start exercising. I have a treadmill and would like to start with that. I'd like to join a support group here to share encouragement and support. Any suggestions to help me on my weight loss journey is greatly appreciated. Hope to hear from you. Question- What is MFP? My Fitness Plan? Need some direction here on how to navigate this site I think. :)
  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    Always happy to pick up a new friend..please feel free to add!!!
    DITTO! Feel free to add me, everyone!
  • Hi, Newbie, this is my first day too. Good luck with the program!