Muscle weighs more.....what?



  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    If you throw a cannon ball out of a ship.. Does the sea level rise, lower or stay the same? This is a real physics question. Do you know the answer?

    It depends. Does the cannon ball land in the water, or on land?
  • danaph3681
    danaph3681 Posts: 13 Member
    Please no one listen to anything op has said.
    that is all.

    But she worked with a PT for several MONTHS!

    And didn't lose much weight because she gained muscle. Probably lots of it in a few months :wink:
  • tquill
    tquill Posts: 300 Member
    Not a single person has ever said a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. That's not what they said, and that's not what they meant.

    A pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat.

    Well, I guess you can't say that anymore.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    If you throw a cannon ball out of a ship.. Does the sea level rise, lower or stay the same? This is a real physics question. Do you know the answer?
    Is it an African or European cannon ball?

  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    If people are saying that, then it's because they don't understand the basic difference between "weight" and "volume."

    Yes, 1 pound of muscle = 1 pound of fat. By definition. 1 pound = 1 pound.

    HOWEVER, 1 pound of fat = 5 times the VOLUME of 1 pound of fat. Muscle is more dense and therefore weighs 5 times as much per cubic inch.

    So, yes. If you lose 1 pound of fat while putting on 1 pound of muscle, then you will weigh the exact same amount. HOWEVER, the tape measure will show that you've lost (some fraction of) inches because that muscle takes up less space than the fat did.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    If you throw a cannon ball out of a ship.. Does the sea level rise, lower or stay the same? This is a real physics question. Do you know the answer?
    stay the same
    the amount of water that the bowling ball displaces will be equal to the difference in the amount displaced by the ship with vs. without the additional weight of the bowling ball
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    If you throw a cannon ball out of a ship.. Does the sea level rise, lower or stay the same? This is a real physics question. Do you know the answer?
    stay the same
    the amount of water that the bowling ball displaces will be equal to the difference in the amount displaced by the ship with vs. without the additional weight of the bowling ball

    Right... Unless the cannon ball lands on land. Then the sea level lowers, as there is less displacement.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    If you throw a cannon ball out of a ship.. Does the sea level rise, lower or stay the same? This is a real physics question. Do you know the answer?
    stay the same
    the amount of water that the bowling ball displaces will be equal to the difference in the amount displaced by the ship with vs. without the additional weight of the bowling ball

    Right... Unless the cannon ball lands on land. Then the sea level lowers, as there is less displacement.
    It lowers. When "on" the water, water is displaced by mass. When "in" the water, water is displaced by volume.

    A Cannonball has greater mass than volume. So it displaces more water when above/floating (on a boat) than it does when under the water. Once the cannonball leaves the boat and enter the water, less water is displaced and the water level lowers.
  • catherinet89
    catherinet89 Posts: 60 Member

    You shouldnt really be weight training whilst eating a low calorie diet. as mentioned above i was told to eat a min of 2000 calories a day by my personal trainer.
    When i read muscle weighs more then fat ... that makes no sense to me. A pound is a pound ... 10 pounds is 10 pounds no matter the size of the object

    ???? No weight training while eating a "lower" calorie diet??? What about competitive bodybuilders who are cutting for competition and still hitting the weights just as hard in the gym?

    When I was cutting a few months back on lower calories, I still kept my regular schedule of lifting like I always have? Not sure why you think you should not lift during a time like that??

    Im talking about the average joe not body builders. In my opinion a body builders lifestyle isnt healthy anyways but thats not the point. Youre taking things im saying far too literal. This is about fitness goals for losing weight not becoming mister america. I know when i started going to the gym id get discouraged because i would go 5 sometimes 6 days a week and sometimes lose a pound if that id even sometimes gain weight but not because i wasnt getting results but it was because i had gained muscle. I didnt do hours of weight training i did a mix of cardio, HIIT and weight training. And plus body builders have binge days and they take alot of supplements
  • catherinet89
    catherinet89 Posts: 60 Member
    Not a single person has ever said a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. That's not what they said, and that's not what they meant.

    and that sir is pure ignorance. Just because youve never seen it doesnt mean it doesnt happen. Do you see air no yet it still exists. I have seen it countless times and have had countless arguments about it.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Because we haven't hashed this out a hundred times in these forums? If you put two "containers" at the same volume of fat and muscle next to each other, the muscle one would weigh more.

    The search function is your friend.

  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    When the comments go all Monty Python by page 2, you know it's a topic worth discussing...
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    If you throw a cannon ball out of a ship.. Does the sea level rise, lower or stay the same? This is a real physics question. Do you know the answer?
    stay the same
    the amount of water that the bowling ball displaces will be equal to the difference in the amount displaced by the ship with vs. without the additional weight of the bowling ball

    Right... Unless the cannon ball lands on land. Then the sea level lowers, as there is less displacement.
    It lowers. When "on" the water, water is displaced by mass. When "in" the water, water is displaced by volume.

    A Cannonball has greater mass than volume. So it displaces more water when above/floating (on a boat) than it does when under the water. Once the cannonball leaves the boat and enter the water, less water is displaced and the water level lowers.
    just realize i said bowling ball instead of cannon ball:blushing:

    and yea that makes sense, im assuming if the ball had the same density of water the level would stay the same though

    saying it has a greater mass than volume is a little off though, 2 different measurements.
  • catherinet89
    catherinet89 Posts: 60 Member
    Please no one listen to anything op has said.
    that is all.

    But she worked with a PT for several MONTHS!

    Yes months because unfortunately not all of us can afford one longer then that... also during that time i lost over 50 pounds and gained several pounds in muscle so no im not clueless. Peoples need to make someone look a fool on here is sad. This is supposed to be a support group but rather things get taken too literal or generalised. Disappointing to say the least.
  • TheBookSiren2316
    I've met plenty of people who honestly believe muscle does weigh more than fat.
    I believe some people have been doing this so long they forget many are just starting out and believe every old- retried- catchy phrase they hear. Some believe after a week of eating wrong, but going on walks down the street, the reason they gained weight is because they gained muscle so they continue their bad habits. Others believe eating only 500 calories a day and taking hcg shots are a good idea because some "nutritionist" or "doctor" told them so. Others take pills without even knowing exactly what's in it, but some friend swears by it so they ingest some unknown poisons and spend $100's just to try to get a quick fix. My point is not everyone knows muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, or have any concept of volumes and mass outside of their 12th grade education.

    Keeping these types of clarifications around are a good idea because not everyone has been doing this forever. If posts like this are just buried no one will be able to differentiate the truth from the hype. They are helpful, even if overdone, and annoying with the bickering it breeds. <3
  • mayfrayy
    mayfrayy Posts: 198 Member
    Let me re-iterate,
    No one listen to anything the OP has said.
    That is all.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member

    You shouldnt really be weight training whilst eating a low calorie diet. as mentioned above i was told to eat a min of 2000 calories a day by my personal trainer.
    When i read muscle weighs more then fat ... that makes no sense to me. A pound is a pound ... 10 pounds is 10 pounds no matter the size of the object

    ???? No weight training while eating a "lower" calorie diet??? What about competitive bodybuilders who are cutting for competition and still hitting the weights just as hard in the gym?

    When I was cutting a few months back on lower calories, I still kept my regular schedule of lifting like I always have? Not sure why you think you should not lift during a time like that??

    Im talking about the average joe not body builders. In my opinion a body builders lifestyle isnt healthy anyways but thats not the point. Youre taking things im saying far too literal. This is about fitness goals for losing weight not becoming mister america. I know when i started going to the gym id get discouraged because i would go 5 sometimes 6 days a week and sometimes lose a pound if that id even sometimes gain weight but not because i wasnt getting results but it was because i had gained muscle. I didnt do hours of weight training i did a mix of cardio, HIIT and weight training. And plus body builders have binge days and they take alot of supplements
    sorry but muscle gain is not why your seeing the scale go up, not in a calorie deficit at least

    and the average joe would benefit from lifting, not just bodybuilders. i dont consider myself a bodybuilder, not within a mile, but ive been lifting in a deficit for 8 months now
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member

    You shouldnt really be weight training whilst eating a low calorie diet. as mentioned above i was told to eat a min of 2000 calories a day by my personal trainer.
    When i read muscle weighs more then fat ... that makes no sense to me. A pound is a pound ... 10 pounds is 10 pounds no matter the size of the object

    ???? No weight training while eating a "lower" calorie diet??? What about competitive bodybuilders who are cutting for competition and still hitting the weights just as hard in the gym?

    When I was cutting a few months back on lower calories, I still kept my regular schedule of lifting like I always have? Not sure why you think you should not lift during a time like that??

    Im talking about the average joe not body builders. In my opinion a body builders lifestyle isnt healthy anyways but thats not the point. Youre taking things im saying far too literal. This is about fitness goals for losing weight not becoming mister america. I know when i started going to the gym id get discouraged because i would go 5 sometimes 6 days a week and sometimes lose a pound if that id even sometimes gain weight but not because i wasnt getting results but it was because i had gained muscle. I didnt do hours of weight training i did a mix of cardio, HIIT and weight training. And plus body builders have binge days and they take alot of supplements

    You just complained that people are taking your words far to literally after taking other people's words literally. Another day full of irony here on MFP.

    In reality it takes a lot of time, fuel, and effort for a woman to gain even a pound of muscle mass. Few members on MFP are gaining more muscle than they lose in fat. It's basic thermodynamics.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Let me re-iterate,
    No one listen to anything the OP has said.
    That is all.
    Even for entertainment purposes?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Ive come across many people saying this on here and all over the internet. To clarify ..... false oh so false.
    Thast like saying a 10 pound bowling ball weighs more then 10 pounds of feathers... they weigh the same, one is just more compact then the other.

    A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat but muscle is more compact then fat.

    So if youve just started working out and you notice you might not be losing weight per say dont give up, youre probably gaining muscle!! Youll still lose the inches even if you dont see the pounds going down... that will happen too dont worry.

    As the saying goes, " It takes 4 weeks for you to notice a change, 8 for your family and friends and 12 for the rest of the world."

    wow..gaining muscle at a deficit probably not.....maybe if you are obese or new to lifting...note the lifting part because you won't be gaining muscle walking etc...

    as for the muscle weighs more than fat thing....most mean 1lb of muscle takes up less space than 1lb of fat....

    You shouldnt really be weight training whilst eating a low calorie diet. as mentioned above i was told to eat a min of 2000 calories a day by my personal trainer.
    When i read muscle weighs more then fat ... that makes no sense to me. A pound is a pound ... 10 pounds is 10 pounds no matter the size of the object

    This is so wrong it's just...

    *don't want a strike, don't want a strike, don't want a strike*