Hogwarts Weight Loss Challenge - Enrollment Now Open

xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member

Welcome to the Hogwarts Weight Loss Challenge information/sign up thread!

● This is a twelve-week weight-loss challenge, beginning on Monday, July 21st.
● All players will be sorted into houses. These are your teams - look to each other for advice, support, and motivation.
● Each week, players will weigh themselves on either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Weight loss will be totaled up (not by pounds lost, but by percentage, similar to the Muggle television show Biggest Loser) for each house.
● Houses will be awarded house points based on how much weight was lost. The house with the largest percentage will receive the most points, and the house with the smallest percentage will receive the least.
● There will also be other opportunities to get house points throughout the term. There will be food-related and exercise-related challenges, as well as questions to answer (Harry Potter trivia). We are a school, after all.
● The House Cup will be awarded to the house with the most points at the end of the term!

● Geek out over all things Harry Potter with like-minded people! The entire challenge is Harry Potter themed, right down to the names of the threads in the group.
● Make friends, and be supported by a fantastic group of people!
● Relax! This is a safe, stress-free challenge. No one is voted off if they do not lose every week.
● Get motivated! We'll push you every day with different health-related challenges. Do what you can, and you'll probably find you're more capable than you thought!
● Lose weight! Last term, 120 of us lost 667 pounds in ten weeks!

● To join, please post in this thread. Include the name of the house you wish to be sorted into. If you don't, you may be missed by our prefects.
● When you are successfully enrolled, you will be contacted by your new house's prefect. In the coming days, you will be added to the group as well.
● Be advised, space is limited! We have only about thirty spaces remaining in each house.

Questions may be posted here, or sent to me via owl.

Sincerely yours,


  • fhorn813
    fhorn813 Posts: 163 Member
    Ohhh! I'm in. I would like to request Ravenclaw.
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,758 Member
    Me too, me too!! Ravenclaw all the way!
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    I'm in!! Gryffindor please :happy:

  • I'm in. You can put me in Hufflepuff
  • HannahMarie9616
    HannahMarie9616 Posts: 17 Member
    Count me in! Gryffindor or Ravenclaw :smile:
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    I dont normally participate BUT I WANT IN!!! Slithering please :)
  • sassymanatee
    sassymanatee Posts: 102 Member
    ooo this sounds wonderful! I would love to be in Ravenclaw.
  • Ginger046
    Ginger046 Posts: 204 Member
    Im so in! Ravenclaw!!
  • guwisti
    guwisti Posts: 171 Member
    Love it! Hufflepuff please. :D
  • jgray14321
    jgray14321 Posts: 49 Member
    Sounds great! Ravenclaw, please.
  • arose928
    arose928 Posts: 31 Member
    this sounded great until you ruined it with the trivial persuit
  • anuulak
    anuulak Posts: 29 Member
    What a fantastic idea! I'll be travelling a lot these next few weeks so I don't think I can participate, but count me in for round 2!
  • OMG YES! Hufflepuff please :)
  • jolybac
    jolybac Posts: 130 Member
    This sounds like so much fun! Ravenclaw!
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    this sounded great until you ruined it with the trivial persuit

    The trivia questions are simply another way to earn house points, and incorporate something Harry Potter related into the challenge. We try not to focus on losing weight the entire time.

    All challenges, including trivia challenges, are entirely optional.
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    Ooh! I'm in!!! Obviously Gryffindor!!!!
  • paperalien
    paperalien Posts: 167 Member
    I'm in!
    Ravenclaw please :)
  • juicex99
    juicex99 Posts: 37 Member
    Count me in, Slytherin
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Okay I'll try this because the Headmistress is awesome...

    Hufflepuff is most like me. :D
  • Zhryla
    Zhryla Posts: 20 Member
    Would love to join! Hufflepuff please!