Hogwarts Weight Loss Challenge - Enrollment Now Open



  • Oh I want in slytherin!
  • dkoostra
    dkoostra Posts: 259 Member
    I think this is a great idea. As I consider myself one of the worker bees - I would like Hufflepuff.
  • jennifer975
    jennifer975 Posts: 120 Member
    Love this idea! Please put me in Ravenclaw!
  • ds1007
    ds1007 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm in - I've got a little evil in me, so I'll go with Slytherin if they'll have me!
  • Count me in, please! Gryffindor :)

    Edited - if there is no room in Gryffindor, I don't mind being put wherever!
  • beardedwarriortx
    beardedwarriortx Posts: 238 Member
    Whatever house has the hottest women is where i want to be. And booze
  • elljay91
    elljay91 Posts: 19
    Gryffindor please! If not, Ravenclaw! :D
  • joyregulus
    joyregulus Posts: 29
    I would like to join the Slytherin house if there is still an open slot! If not, I can go in any other house with space available.
  • hallo_spacedog
    hallo_spacedog Posts: 40 Member
    I'd like to join in. I'll do Slytherin if there's still room. If not, whatever else is fine.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I'm trying to recomp so not looking to lose too many pounds, but I'm a H fanatic and would like to join in somehow?

    Gryffindor all the way!
  • Christineclendaniel
    Christineclendaniel Posts: 367 Member
    Holy crap...oh please let me geek out with this! Combining my obsessions here.

    Gryffindor please....but if no room there I will go anywhere.
  • Liesje986
    Liesje986 Posts: 179 Member
    Sounds right up my alley would love to join if theres still room. Gryffindor is my first choice, but will be fine wherever theres room.
  • aamtodd
    aamtodd Posts: 100 Member
    Count me in. I'll be happy with any house but Hufflepuff sounds like me during my treadmill running so that would be my preference!
  • pltjess
    pltjess Posts: 101 Member
    Slytherin, if there's still room! :)
  • Lyndonbearsmommy
    Lyndonbearsmommy Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'd like to participate. Gryffindor please
  • pipertargaryen
    pipertargaryen Posts: 303 Member

    OMG. Also, the art that's in the OP, I have that shirt. :love:

    Edit: second choice Slytherin. Third Gryffindor. Last Hufflepuff. But *really* wanting Ravenclaw. I used to roleplay Ravenclaw prefects when I was a teenager who was somehow even more of a loser than my adult self.
  • oohhhh, I love HP. Weasley is our king.............any house will do, they all have their advantages.
  • tobiasmom
    tobiasmom Posts: 161
    Sure, why not! Loved the books since I was a teenager, and now introducing them to my son :) Doing a Dietbet right now too, so if I meet my goal on that I should lose at least 6% of my weight in the next 12 weeks.

    I would like to be in Ravenclaw
  • paulisitt
    paulisitt Posts: 32 Member
    Sounds good - Hufflepuff please
  • This is my first time on here, but I'm game. You can Slytherin me, as that sounds like one that might not be filled yet. :)