Personal Trainer food meal plan, has anyone tried?



  • sararenae
    sararenae Posts: 3
    It's been exactly 1 week and I lost 5 pounds so far. I'm sure that is water weight or whatnot (even though I am drinking a lot of water) so maybe it is REAL weight? real FAT? I feel light, I'm not stuffed after every meal like I usually am and I am learning a lot about portion size. Can't wait to find out what my final results are after 28 days.
  • Hi All,
    I did personal trainer food last year around this time and it trully worked, I just wish i kept up with it. This year is a new year and I am starting up again. Starting today. The food arrived, i bouht lunch and dinner. The food is yummy and i cannot wait for the pds to come off. When they say you will loose about 10pds or so in the 1st 2 weeks, ITS TRUE! I know it because it happened to me. Its a very easy plan to follow, except the no sugar part thats hard but its worh it. Anyone that wants to talk about or has questions let me know :).
  • Save yourself money and frustration! I've ordered from them give times, and have had them short me on every order, ship me frozen foods WITHOUT the dry ice, and now, their latest scan involves getting a free gift card with each order. I'm STILL waiting on the one I should have received last month. The food is loaded with sodium, and the snacks are grossly overpriced. If you are a busy professional, it may be worth it to save you some time in the kitchen, but beyond that, it's a waste of money. I've been on it since April and have lost 5 pounds.
  • bwwhitak
    bwwhitak Posts: 2
    This company listed a variety of meatballs and teriyaki chicken as containing no gluten. Recently the company has changed the listings. I was told it was an "honest mistake". When you are dealing with people's health, there is no such thing as an honest mistake. To market a food as gluten free without knowing is dangerous. This is a clear indication that you should not trust this company with your health.
  • Me_again143
    Me_again143 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm wondering what happens when you go off this plan? I was looking into this as a way to transition myself into a healthier eating plan, but I don't want to see great results and then end up back where I was. Has anyone had any success with keeping the weight off once they stop the program. I'm confident I could give up rice and pasta for a month, as I have already reduced the amount and frequency of those foods anyway, but I don't think I could NEVER have rice pasta or potatoes again.
  • cseigh
    cseigh Posts: 1
    I also used a Groupon to purchase my food, which came within 3 days. The veggies are very fresh and al dente, as they should be. The big seller for me is the convenience factor. However, I find the food to be salty. I did lose 4 pounds the first week, but was eating nothing but the program food with a few cashews or dried apples for a snack.

    My concern is the cholesterol. I'm not a kid, and none of the foods say what the cholesterol content is. I even tried asking via the live chat and was told they don't have that information. Although the cheddar omelet and maple sausage are delicious (especially for frozen diet food) it cannot be providing a healthy level of cholesterol no matter what your age.

    With that said, the teriaki chicken and fajita chicken and angus burgers were the only meats I found tasty. The meat sticks were really awful looking and the grilled and buttered chicken were extremely bland.
  • lilmisjade
    lilmisjade Posts: 1 Member
    i too have ordered the product and tried it. It is definitely worth it because it does help you control your portion control and the food actually tastes good with variety of options. once you pair a meat with veggies (more veggies) you realize you are actually done withe the meal and is full. the first round was just four testers but the second time around when i order i will know what exactly to order and join this eating plan with my hot yoga and 2x a week workout to get the results i'm looking for. there is an hidden additional fee that you dont see until checking out using your GROUPON, be prepare to pay additional $100 something dollars. Yes the food options at the end of the day, I can go out and buy and prepare my own self for cheaper price but time is what we lack in these days and i'm willing to pay this to jump start my diet and lose the 8 pds that i've given over the past year not exercising and eating lots of carbs. i saw give it a try, you will be surprise how tasty and moist the food is and not dry. definitely beat eating lean cuisines which i have a huge habit for, once again TIME.
  • can someone tell me how big the individual packages are? I would be buying for my wife and me and I'm assuming they have to be frozen. unfortunately our freezer is not that large. also, would the package be easy for me to walk home from work? we live in a large city so fedex won't leave packages outside our doorstep so I usually have all my packages sent to my office.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    Save your money and invest in a real trainer at a local gym!!! Holy crap that's a lot of money for boxed food!!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
  • espionagelfe, it's 60 pounds of food, so you'd need to have it delivered to your home. It will take up your whole freezer!

    I just started PTF on Monday and am hoping to see more about people's results. Are you really losing 3% of your body weight every 10 days if you follow the plan?

    It seems to be a low carb plan, which always works for me. I am "cheating" and adding a little cream to my coffee every morning. I'm also walking 15-30 minutes like they suggest.
  • lannette14
    lannette14 Posts: 1 Member
    I bought the 28 day lunch and dinner plan. Food tasted fine to me, but it is ALOT of food. I cheated on Sunday's and still managed to lose 20 lbs in 28 days. Didn't exercise to much other than the occasional walk. I works for me so I am purchasing another month.

    It kills me that people get on here and try to knock someone because they are not cooking their own food or because we don't spend 2 hours in the gym. Some people do have lives and full time jobs. For me, its a matter of convenience and I just grab and go and it keeps me on track. *WOOSAW...I digress...LOL. Good luck everyone!
  • Love it!!! I bought the 28 day plan - 2 meals a day and am so happy with the taste and quality that I already ordered the High Protein plan for next month.

    Totally worth it, much better than Nutrisystem and a whole lot cheaper than Diet to Go
  • mush_mellow
    mush_mellow Posts: 10 Member
    I bought the Groupon for a 28 day plan at the end of July, and started it on August 1 and ended it at the end of August. The first week I lost 4 pounds and in the end I lost a total of 7 pounds on the plan.

    It's been a month since I've stopped the plan, and I'm down by another 4 pounds. As I've used PTF as a starting point and a guide towards portion control, and to learn food regulations.

    Disclaimer: I DID NOT follow this plan to a T, I only used it as a guideline. I could have lost more, but did not want to starve myself, and gain it all back afterwards, so after the first two days (after logging my calorie intake) I decided to added more of my own foods in with the meals - like buying more frozen veggies or making a side salad. Breakfast consisted of boiled eggs, string cheese, apple. During the weekends I made my own full on breakfast - no measurements, but just veggies, egg, or meat, sometimes cheese (following the food regulations). I hardly worked out on this plan, so I could have once again, probably lost more...I did drink about once a week (during the weekends).

    The pros: learned portion control, and it's super convenient! I hardly ever forgot my lunch, as it was easy to grab it and throw it in my purse that morning - and heat it up at work later. This saved me from going out, spending money, and making bad choices.

    The Cons: Some of the items are really salty, and I don't think there are enough veggies in the packets. I quickly got bored of eating the same stuff (chicken and veggies)... This is probably why I had to start adding other foods on my own for more diverse flavors.
  • My husband went on this program for 2 months and it worked very well for him, he even wrote about his overall impressions on examiner in a nutshell, the program is what he calls "Paleo-like", not sure how else to describe it and no we are not trainers so I am not entirely sure what Paleo is, so I will take his word for it.

    On top of that there is pretty strict portion control, a piece of meat and a serving of veggies per meal 2 times per day, breakfast which is typically eggs and a meat and 2 snacks per day.

    He says the food quality is pretty good for a prepackaged type program and he has really been able to stick with it so far.

    He found out about it from a Facebook friend of his who had also lost weight on the program. When it comes to price, I would say that it is about the same as what you would pay by going shopping for yourself, except you dont have to shop for yourself and you dont have to prepare the food (minus the reheating)....

    Anyway that is my impression of it from an observers point of view.
  • allymilo
    allymilo Posts: 1 Member
    I am on my 12th day and the food is pretty good the only thing I have tried that I don't like that much are the turkey burger they have a strange taste to me; the first few days I had a lot of dizzy spells but it could have something to do with the fact that I am crazy and also working out 4-5 days a week at Pure Barre. I have already lost 3 inches on my waste :smiley: cant wait until the end of the program, honestly I will probably continue it for a few months... make cooking so easy !