weigh nude or clothed?



  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    I remember when I was doing WW one of the women in my meeting hit her 100lb lost mark. She admitted that she went through her closet that morning and used her kitchen scale to find the lightest possible outfit for her weigh-in. Totally made me giggle.

    I weigh in daily just before I step into the shower (unless it's the weekend and I've already eaten breakfast...then I skip it).
    REALBIGBATBASTARD Posts: 103 Member
    if you ever need a hand with that,. let me know!
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    bare-neckedd-NUDE, after pee with watch removed! And yep, if it's that TOM, no "products"...when I get past my dental prime, I will remove any artificial teeth too! .:tongue:
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    jocks on or nude, jocks weigh almost nothing, fitbit wrist strap weighs 16g. so it's all bugger all.

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who's weighed the Flex :wink:
    I remember when I was doing WW one of the women in my meeting hit her 100lb lost mark. She admitted that she went through her closet that morning and used her kitchen scale to find the lightest possible outfit for her weigh-in. Totally made me giggle.

    Back in my 20s I was doing WW and weighed all my clothes on the food scale. I had been to Europe a lot back then, and learned that the souvenir t-shirts weighed 7 oz whereas all my regular ones weighed 9 oz.

    And put me in the nekkid camp. I hate going for an appt where I know I"m going to be weighed clothed. I make sure to weigh in at home first so I can argue with them about the CORRECT weight. I think they just ignore me.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Consistency is all that matters. I just wear the same thing I wore when I first weighed in....I just wish I hadn't worn those ski boots and water-wings would have made things a lot easier.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I think most people will say nude and in the morning.. But I beg to differ because what does it lead to? Disappointment, when you've eaten and your wearing clothes and you're 2kg heavier :/ I try not to set myself up for that by always weighing end of the day and clothed normally, simply because if I saw that on the scale it'd be terribly demotivating.
    I only weigh myself once a month, and on the same date every month, same time, first thing after getting up, and disrobed.
    I then take my progress pictures wearing the same swimming costume (two-piece) after weighing it.

    I will then go for a complete body composition analysis (and the results are more accurate and comprehensive than just weighing in). I then tabulate the progress results in a workout sheet. Thus, for me, eliminates any kind of pre/post-eating "disappointment" ...I have found this to work very well for me.
  • 1209272
    1209272 Posts: 7
    I usually weight nude, before breakfast and after going to the toilet....every little helps :D

    But like other's have said, it doesn't make a fat lot of difference as long as you're consistant. Look at the numbers as more of a guide to your progress than a concrete, never shifting indicator of whether you're putting on weight or not... Also, your weight will change from day to day, so although weighing daily is fine, weighing weekly is (apparently) much more accurate.
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    Congrats on being so close to your goal!

    At this point, I think you'd be cheating yourself if you now went with the naked weight just to be able to say you met your goal.

    Keep digging for that extra few pounds and you will be even more proud of yourself!