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Week 1 and no weight loss

So its my first week. I was probably eating between 3-4k calories a day before and slowly gaining weight. I started MFP for the millionth time and I realy want to stick with it. I'm 5'7" and I weight 215 at age 34. I'd be okay with 1-2 pounds a week, which I know means I have to cut back calories and exercise. Here's the issue, it's been a week of walking with a low calorie diet. I weighed this morning and not even once ounce! I have blood tests on Friday for Thyroid and sugar. What am I doing wrong? I'm so dicouraged.


  • Ilsa68
    Ilsa68 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat.... I am really trying to track honestly, and while I was down 2 lbs earlier this week, I am back up 2 lbs today. I am so discouraged, thinking if it does not make a difference, why bother. While it may not encourage you much, at least know you are not alone.
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    Try not to be discouraged!!! One week with no loss could be so many things... likely hormonal. Just stick to it... give it a solid 4-6 weeks. You WILL see progress!

    Feel free to send me a friend request and open your diary to friends. I am happy to chime in and assist (or you can message me questions)
  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member
    If it is your "milionth time" on MFP, then you have probably read the abundance of threads with the exact same question.

    Give it time - you haven't gained in a week, you are not going to lose in a week.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    Well it's only been ONE week. Give it a few more weeks before you start to question it. Could you also open your diary so we can see how much you're eating? If you are not weighing everything you consume, and just guessing, you are probably eating more than you think and just maintaining your weight.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    wehn i started or restart after a break it takes me about 3 weeks to see any payoff, patience and determination will be your best friends
  • chelbell95
    chelbell95 Posts: 4 Member
    I know all about feeling discouraged...but hang in there it does get better. Your body might just need some time to catch up with all the changes. Or possibly you are not taking in enough calories and your body goes into what they call "starvation mode". I am no expert by any means... I can only speak from my own experience. I am just getting started again myself with a little success, but it doesn't happen overnight. (EVEN THOUGH I WISH IT DID).....:bigsmile:

    Feel free to add me if you would like.... I would enjoy the additional support as well.

    Take care...
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    So its my first week. I was probably eating between 3-4k calories a day before and slowly gaining weight. I started MFP for the millionth time and I realy want to stick with it. I'm 5'7" and I weight 215 at age 34. I'd be okay with 1-2 pounds a week, which I know means I have to cut back calories and exercise. Here's the issue, it's been a week of walking with a low calorie diet. I weighed this morning and not even once ounce! I have blood tests on Friday for Thyroid and sugar. What am I doing wrong? I'm so dicouraged.

    You're impatient. Results don't happen overnight. Give it a month and if you're still not losing, reevaluate your calorie intake.
  • I am so sorry you are feeling discouraged. I totally understand how you are feeling. I think once you first get all your test result back, you can better judge where to go from there.
    Meanwhile, try not to focus so much on weight loss, but meal planning and sticking within your calorie intake. Easier said then done, trust me I know.
    My biggest struggle is not to step on that scale I call my "Monster". It can make my day or break it.
    So I am trying to focus on healthier meal plans to be inspired by them.

    If you want, you can add me. I would love to take this journey with you!

  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    That's a bit like complaining it's your first week in your new job and you're not a millionaire yet.

    Like every other person who is baffled at their lack of weight loss, your diary is set to private. Open it up and maybe we could offer some tips.

    Also, the usual. Weigh your food, don't guess. Don't chomp down buckets of pasta and bananas and oatmeal because the packets say they're 'healthy'. Don't skip logging the little things, like butter on bread and oil in your cooking.
  • Groto1980
    Groto1980 Posts: 23 Member
    One week is not much time yet. I'm sure if you open your diary you will also get suggestions. Also how low Cal are you going, what kind of activity level.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    I didn't lose anything for my first month. Don't be discouraged! Keep it up - put it this way, if you give up and go back to how you were before you'll definitely never lose it. So keep it up! Keep reassessing as you go and keep going.
  • Will32283
    Will32283 Posts: 1,361 Member
    It did not take you overnight to put the weight on and you sure will not lose it overnight. Please open your diary. If you are tired of starting over, stop giving up.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Without seeing your food diary, it's hard to give thoughts on that. There are various reasons why the scale lies to us. Did you consume more salt than usual yesterday? Is it close to TOM? Did you start a new heavy workout routine? These are just some of the factors. Additionally, you are not going to lose at a steady rate each week. One of my friends took 6 weeks to start getting downward scale movement. It can be frustrating, but weight loss depends on many factors (dieting history, are you weighing your food, exercise, eating back exercise calories, exercise burn estimates, and many, many more).

    For coming weeks/months, if you haven't already, I recommend taking a starting picture and take a new one each month for side-by-side comparison. Weight loss can be really obvious in pictures even when we feel no difference. I also suggest measuring yourself in several place monthly for ongoing comparison.

    Keep at it, and don't allow the scale to frustrate you so much. Here's some great reading for you:

  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member
    I've been reading about actual fat loss, and this fact caught my eye.

    When the fat cells get depleted of their fatty contents, the body fills them up with water. This causes that change from dense, harder fat to "jigglly" softer fat. (This is exactly what's going on with my Mr. Dunlop - y'know, "My belly Dunlopped over my belt").

    Don't get discouraged. Once the body starts eating away at the fat and releases that water, you'll "whoosh" down in size and weight, sometimes even 4 lbs after a few days of stagnant weight while exercising and eating clean.
  • CrunchM
    CrunchM Posts: 4
    Google and read "Why the Scale Lies."

    This is just a one day snapshot.

    Look at all you've done to be healthier and take joy in that ... concentrate on the healthy and the weight will follow.

    Also, the scale is not linear, I swear. Sometimes what we did the week before doesn't show for two weeks.

    But one thing I know for certain? Giving up won't get you the results you want. :-)
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Hi Amber,
    Awesome last name (I'm an Edwards as well). Just because you did not see a weight loss this week doesn't mean you didn't lose fat, you may be retaining water. A week ago i weighed myself a day before the offical weigh in and I was 3.5lbs heavier than the offical weigh in the next day.

    MFP should work for anyone as long as you are doing it right. When you set up your accound what did you select for weekly weight loss and based on that what are your goal calories? Accurate logging is the most vital part of the process, are you weighing and measuring your foods, logging all liquids? If someone has a bag of chips and you eat one, then log it. Log everything you eat. I also eat back my exercise calories. If you do a lot of hiking or walking I would recommend "Map My Fitness" App, it will link automatically to your MFP when set up to do so.

    MFP has determined that I would burn 2750 calories in my daily activities, so therefore I am set at 1750 calories a day (1000 calorie a day defecit x 7 days in a week = 7000 calorie deficit a week divided by 3500 Cal/lb and we get 2lbs per week loss.....it has been a very consistant 2lbs a week loss.

    I promise you if you take the good advice from the biggest losers in here (no pun intended) in the community fourms and be honest about your logging and stay under your daily goals, then you will be successful.....honest. Also don't eat too little either, I believe the general agreement in here is that if you try to lose more than 2lbs a week your nutrition/health will suffer and you may be losing muscle mass and not just the fat.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • amcampbell2342
    amcampbell2342 Posts: 17 Member
    what does your day look like? How many calories are you taking in? activitiy level etc??? feel free to add me.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    First figure out what you need to be in a deficit. This is the ONLY thing you need to lose weight. Worry about the macros once you get the scale going in the direction you want it to. Do you know your caloric maintenance calories? Use a calculator and get an estimate first. Eat that estimate (don't worry about macros) for 7 days straight. Do you best to stay as close as possible. If at the end of the 7 days your weight is the same. Good, now subtract 500 calories from that number and eat that for the next 7 straight days. Did you lose weight? If so, you have a deficit to work with. Now take that amount of calories and create your macro nutrient split for your preference. Start with protein, then fat, then feel the rest with carbs. You just need to get the scale moving in the direction you want it in first without worrying about how much of your calories make up carbs, protein, and fat. That sounds to be adding stress to the equation. None of this will work if you do not use a food scale and ACCURATELY track everything you are eating during this test. Add me if you need help. Good luck.
  • Flyers1010
    Flyers1010 Posts: 71 Member

    But one thing I know for certain? Giving up won't get you the results you want. :-)

    This is the point exactly, and the exact reason why so many of us find ourselves "going through this AGAIN."

    Don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give up.
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    So its my first week. I was probably eating between 3-4k calories a day before and slowly gaining weight. I started MFP for the millionth time and I realy want to stick with it. I'm 5'7" and I weight 215 at age 34. I'd be okay with 1-2 pounds a week, which I know means I have to cut back calories and exercise. Here's the issue, it's been a week of walking with a low calorie diet. I weighed this morning and not even once ounce! I have blood tests on Friday for Thyroid and sugar. What am I doing wrong? I'm so discouraged.

    Hang in there it may take more than a week to show results. What kinds of food are you eating? I started on MFP about a month ago after a visit to my doctor. I already had hypothyroidism but now I was also diagnosed as type II diabetic. Thankfully, the doctor feels it is manageable and didn't give me meds but I need to control my sugars with food.

    What seemed to help so far is limiting my simple carbs (bread etc) and some fruits (ie. bananas). And of course get moving.

    Good luck at the doctor and feel free to add me as a friend and we can help motivate each other. DON'T GIVE UP CHANGE WILL HAPPEN