Today was treat day at work. Someone brought in a whole box of munchkins and I wasn't hungry but I ate like...6 anyway. I've been doing so good, and now the sugar is effecting me so negatively. I have a headache and I'm so sleepy...but I want more. GRRR Why do our bodies do this to us? I'm venting. Also logged those munchkins so I know I have to do better tomorrow. I just need some encouragement right now :(


  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I love the jelly filled ones. I'm going to eat a whole box when I go back to the east coast in September!
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    Eww those are my least favorite :)

    I love the chocolate cake glazed ones.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Make a hard line on work treats. If someone brings it, you don't eat it. If it's a binary eat/don't eat decision, that may help the spiral of 1, then 2, then 3, etc.
    In addition to avoiding today's donut binge, it can help in the long run since it seems like someone's *always* bringing in treats to the office.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Your body isn't doing it to you-you did it to your body!

    6 munchkins is just a little treat-don't beat yourself up over it.
  • YamaMaya1
    YamaMaya1 Posts: 49 Member
    I could kill for some munchkins, sadly there is no Dunkin Donuts in the UK, just ****ty Krispycreme.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Make a hard line on work treats. If someone brings it, you don't eat it. If it's a binary eat/don't eat decision, that may help the spiral of 1, then 2, then 3, etc.
    In addition to avoiding today's donut binge, it can help in the long run since it seems like someone's *always* bringing in treats to the office.
    6 donut holes is hardly a binge :indifferent:

    Log it, eat sensibly for the rest of the day and move on. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Make a hard line on work treats. If someone brings it, you don't eat it. If it's a binary eat/don't eat decision, that may help the spiral of 1, then 2, then 3, etc.
    In addition to avoiding today's donut binge, it can help in the long run since it seems like someone's *always* bringing in treats to the office.
    6 donut holes is hardly a binge :indifferent:

    Log it, eat sensibly for the rest of the day and move on. Tomorrow is a new day.

    Yeah, I wouldn't be upset over 6. You logged them, and that's the big thing. It would be not logging them that would be an issue. Work your day around them. If you can't make it work today, make up for it tomorrow, or over the next few days.
  • sharonnj398
    sharonnj398 Posts: 189 Member
    There is a Dunkin Donuts bakery around the corner from where I live at the moment. It's not a shop, just a bakery to bake for local stores. I can smell sugar and fat in the air some days when I'm walking the dogs.

    I have good will power for Dunkin Donuts because when they used to bake in the store, all the fillings would taste like coffee, and I detest coffee. That has stuck with me, and I'm able to decline immediately without strolling by the box several times to see if anyone's eating them. [Why would someone buy Girl Scout cookies and leave the open box in the break room? Devious little temptresses!]

    My current donut weakness is the WaWa Cookies and Creme, but that flavor has rotated out again. I'd say woot! but Hoagiefest is happening at WaWa right now. 800 calories of delicious classic-sized goodness for lunch ... means I have a bowl of green salad for dinner to meet my calorie goal.
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    Doughnuts are my weakness. I really can't pass them up. I'll even eat them a day old if they are still in the break room. I just log them and try to work in extra cardio time. But I try not to let it set me back.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    I am mad at Dunkin Donuts because I ordered the Oreo Creme donut and they gave me the regular Oreo donut instead. It wasn't the same. :angry:

    Log the Munchkins and move on. Everyone deserves a treat now and then.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Be lucky that you have a Dunkin Donuts at least. All we have here is Tim Hortons, and I'm in Ohio
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Make a hard line on work treats. If someone brings it, you don't eat it. If it's a binary eat/don't eat decision, that may help the spiral of 1, then 2, then 3, etc.
    In addition to avoiding today's donut binge, it can help in the long run since it seems like someone's *always* bringing in treats to the office.
    6 donut holes is hardly a binge :indifferent:

    Log it, eat sensibly for the rest of the day and move on. Tomorrow is a new day.

    6 donut holes definitely doesn't qualify as a binge. But I think the upset is more rooted in these issues:

    "I wasn't hungry but I ate like...6 anyway. I've been doing so good, and now the sugar is effecting me so negatively . I have a headache and I'm so sleepy... but I want more ."

    For people who have issues with controlling their intake of sugar/fat laden desserts, it's about more than just the "6 donut holes". It's about how crappy it may make them feel physically, or even worse, it's about the triggering of cravings that can be extremely difficult to wrest control of. It's simple to say "oh just log it and move on" if that's easy for you to do. But if someone isn't at that point, those 6 donut holes might grow into far.

    I don't believe in moralizing food choices, and I think it's imperative to move on, but as someone who has a wicked sweet tooth I totally get where she's coming from.
  • hugga811
    hugga811 Posts: 1
    The temptation is always at my office too. People and vendors bring in many treats, including Dunkin Donuts! Lol. I finally was able to completely decline offers for snacks and resist eating any of the treats, and let me tell you-the feeling of self-control and accomplishment you can get from resisting temptation will make you stronger!! :) Don't get down on yourself or focus on the cravings-refocus and remind yourself of your health plan. You'll kick the cravings and be one step closer to total resistance the next time treats are around you!!!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Make a hard line on work treats. If someone brings it, you don't eat it. If it's a binary eat/don't eat decision, that may help the spiral of 1, then 2, then 3, etc.
    In addition to avoiding today's donut binge, it can help in the long run since it seems like someone's *always* bringing in treats to the office.
    6 donut holes is hardly a binge :indifferent:

    Log it, eat sensibly for the rest of the day and move on. Tomorrow is a new day.

    6 donut holes definitely doesn't qualify as a binge. But I think the upset is more rooted in these issues:

    "I wasn't hungry but I ate like...6 anyway. I've been doing so good, and now the sugar is effecting me so negatively . I have a headache and I'm so sleepy... but I want more ."

    For people who have issues with controlling their intake of sugar/fat laden desserts, it's about more than just the "6 donut holes". It's about how crappy it may make them feel physically, or even worse, it's about the triggering of cravings that can be extremely difficult to wrest control of. It's simple to say "oh just log it and move on" if that's easy for you to do. But if someone isn't at that point, those 6 donut holes might grow into far.

    I don't believe in moralizing food choices, and I think it's imperative to move on, but as someone who has a wicked sweet tooth I totally get where she's coming from.

    If you read the thread, I wasn't quoting the OP. That quote was from another poster calling it a "binge". Terminology is important when you are trying to reassure people that it's not the end of the world and to keep going.

    I find it funny that if you criticize the OP, you're labeled mean. If you try to reassure the OP that it's okay, no biggie (cause it's really not when you put it into perspective) then it's "easy for me to say" as if I don't empathize with OP's plight.

    Oh MFP forums. Never change.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Office treats are tough. They seem to be available at the most in opportune times and are usually of the worst variety (Rueben's, chips, cookies...)

    I literally just returned from brushing my teeth (I use cinnamon crest at work for this specific reason, I hate the taste of it) because there is a meeting in the conference room next to my workspace and their lunch and cookies are laid out on a counter in front of my office door. I have to walk by this spread to use the ladies room, retrieve materials from the printer or interact with anyone on my team. After the 4th pass, I realized I needed reinforcement, so off to polish the pearly whites. It totally will not be worth the "taste" if meshed with cinnamon.

    Other tricks I use, I eat my healthy lunch before the spreads are delivered.

    I chug 2-3 bottles of water and sip green tea.

    I take a quick walk outside. (Which is my favorite, because then if I do cucumber to a 'taste" I feel like I put in extra steps already to compensate.)

    It's really tough sometimes working in an office with lunch meetings and other functions. But we can't let a short term pleasure take us off the long term path.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Make a hard line on work treats. If someone brings it, you don't eat it. If it's a binary eat/don't eat decision, that may help the spiral of 1, then 2, then 3, etc.
    In addition to avoiding today's donut binge, it can help in the long run since it seems like someone's *always* bringing in treats to the office.
    6 donut holes is hardly a binge :indifferent:

    Log it, eat sensibly for the rest of the day and move on. Tomorrow is a new day.

    6 donut holes definitely doesn't qualify as a binge. But I think the upset is more rooted in these issues:

    "I wasn't hungry but I ate like...6 anyway. I've been doing so good, and now the sugar is effecting me so negatively . I have a headache and I'm so sleepy... but I want more ."

    For people who have issues with controlling their intake of sugar/fat laden desserts, it's about more than just the "6 donut holes". It's about how crappy it may make them feel physically, or even worse, it's about the triggering of cravings that can be extremely difficult to wrest control of. It's simple to say "oh just log it and move on" if that's easy for you to do. But if someone isn't at that point, those 6 donut holes might grow into far.

    I don't believe in moralizing food choices, and I think it's imperative to move on, but as someone who has a wicked sweet tooth I totally get where she's coming from.

    If you read the thread, I wasn't quoting the OP. That quote was from another poster calling it a "binge". Terminology is important when you are trying to reassure people that it's not the end of the world and to keep going.

    I find it funny that if you criticize the OP, you're labeled mean. If you try to reassure the OP that it's okay, no biggie (cause it's really not when you put it into perspective) then it's "easy for me to say" as if I don't empathize with OP's plight.

    Oh MFP forums. Never change.

    Your snarky response was totally unnecessary. I didn't call or imply that you were "mean", or decided you lacked empathy; the thought never crossed my mind.

    I actually agreed with you that 6 donut holes isn't a big idea. I quoted you, but took the opportunity to address the overall attitude in this thread of "log it and move on", and expounded on why that might not be some simple for the OP, or similar people who have issues with trigger foods. It's the most common response to thread like this and as someone who has had huge issues with sugar in the past, I thought it important to tell the side of people for whom it's not so easy to just move on.

    Butthurt over absolutely nothing. Oh MFP Forums. Never change, indeed.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've about gotten to the point of telling people - if you bring that stuff in - DON'T TELL ME ABOUT IT. Either that, or intentionally not go where it is; or tell them to put it in a certain place that I won't see it or have to be near it; or best yet - I'll purposefully take the day off.

    Sometimes being blissfully ignorant (of the "treats" people bring in) has its merits!!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Make a hard line on work treats. If someone brings it, you don't eat it. If it's a binary eat/don't eat decision, that may help the spiral of 1, then 2, then 3, etc.
    In addition to avoiding today's donut binge, it can help in the long run since it seems like someone's *always* bringing in treats to the office.
    6 donut holes is hardly a binge :indifferent:

    Log it, eat sensibly for the rest of the day and move on. Tomorrow is a new day.

    6 donut holes definitely doesn't qualify as a binge. But I think the upset is more rooted in these issues:

    "I wasn't hungry but I ate like...6 anyway. I've been doing so good, and now the sugar is effecting me so negatively . I have a headache and I'm so sleepy... but I want more ."

    For people who have issues with controlling their intake of sugar/fat laden desserts, it's about more than just the "6 donut holes". It's about how crappy it may make them feel physically, or even worse, it's about the triggering of cravings that can be extremely difficult to wrest control of. It's simple to say "oh just log it and move on" if that's easy for you to do. But if someone isn't at that point, those 6 donut holes might grow into far.

    I don't believe in moralizing food choices, and I think it's imperative to move on, but as someone who has a wicked sweet tooth I totally get where she's coming from.

    If you read the thread, I wasn't quoting the OP. That quote was from another poster calling it a "binge". Terminology is important when you are trying to reassure people that it's not the end of the world and to keep going.

    I find it funny that if you criticize the OP, you're labeled mean. If you try to reassure the OP that it's okay, no biggie (cause it's really not when you put it into perspective) then it's "easy for me to say" as if I don't empathize with OP's plight.

    Oh MFP forums. Never change.

    Your snarky response was totally unnecessary. I didn't call or imply that you were "mean", or decided you lacked empathy; the thought never crossed my mind.

    I actually agreed with you that 6 donut holes isn't a big idea. I quoted you, but took the opportunity to address the overall attitude in this thread of "log it and move on", and expounded on why that might not be some simple for the OP, or similar people who have issues with trigger foods. It's the most common response to thread like this and as someone who has had huge issues with sugar in the past, I thought it important to tell the side of people for whom it's not so easy to just move on.

    Butthurt over absolutely nothing. Oh MFP Forums. Never change, indeed.
    no butthurt. nice try though :laugh:
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Be lucky that you have a Dunkin Donuts at least. All we have here is Tim Hortons, and I'm in Ohio

    + 1

    No major Dunkin or Krispy Kreme near me. If I was in your situation I would have eaten more than 6 doughnuts and found a way to make them fit into my calorie/macro targets.

    If you like doughnuts as much as I do, why not up your intake and start training for this to burn them off:
    12 doughnuts, 5 miles in one hour. If you are not nearby the race location you can do it own you own/with friends on a nearby track like me.
  • htrombleyl
    htrombleyl Posts: 63 Member
    I think I just want the cinnamon roll. Seriously it is just one day. Might help if you bring in your own snack though. Worked for me some of the time. Lol.