question for the ladies...TMI for the guys



  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Let me get this are trying to donate a kidney but you won't go to the gynecologist?
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    the articles I've found on it all seem to say it's time to make an appointment if you miss 3 months, so I'll give it that much anyway. I was just wondering if anybody else had experienced this is all.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,140 Member
    No, I have not been "lucky" (imo) to miss a period because of weight loss.

    I agree with people suggesting you go get a pap smear/see a gyno. Just because you haven't had intercourse doesn't mean you get a free pass on STDs. Common warts are in the HPV family and you certainly don't need sex to get those.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    the articles I've found on it all seem to say it's time to make an appointment if you miss 3 months, so I'll give it that much anyway. I was just wondering if anybody else had experienced this is all.

    Why get snarky if the articles you read suggested the same thing as baba? :huh:
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    well, for as far back as I can remember (though I've only been tracking through "mymonthlycycles" for the last 5 years or so to be able to say for sure) I've had a 37 day cycle just about like clockwork. I went to a 34 or 35 day cycle a handful of times. I'm trying to donate my kidney so about 4 months back I had to go visit the donor team at the hospital it would be done at for some testing (CT scan and renogram). 2 days later on day 28 of my cycle - bam - there it was. I figured something to do with one of the tests must have done something because I've rarely been early, period ('scuze the pun) let alone 9 days early. I hoped it was a one time thing because, quite frankly, my longer cycles are stinkin' convenient. Unfortunately the next month I was day 28 again. Oh there a pattern developing?....the next month I barely spotted on day 28 and thought maybe I was switching back to my usual and it would come back full force in the next 9 days or so....nada. I'm now at about day 41 since that day and there's no sign of anything.
    It sounds like you have irregular cycles at the moment which could be caused by stress esp since you are donating a kidney. It does not sound like you have missed a period--yet. When I missed mine I missed it. Nothing. No spotting. I am 28 days on the dot, no cramping, no drama just 2-3 days and done(yes, I am blessed). Give it a few more days. At the time I missed mine I wasn't sexually active with anyone so that definitely wasn't a possibility they just were GONE. For MONTHS. You haven't truly missed it yet.

    Glad to meet another 2-3 day-er. I don't have much drama unless mine is early or late... then I suffer. Horribly.

    Anyway, I've never experienced this, but I'm in for the advice/information.

    ETA: Never mind, looks like the good advice/information was given but torn down. On to the next. :drinker:
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I just have to say that as a fellow Christian abstaining from sex, spreading them for the doc was the least of my concern when I having period problems. :huh:
  • LizaDK914
    LizaDK914 Posts: 54 Member
    Hmm.. I've heard other people with this problem, so it could be.

    Personally, I've done more like what yous started out with. My cycles were closer to 37-40 days, now they're almost right at 28 days.

    You're right, the longer cycle is WAY more convenient.

    Hope you get things figured out! Don't know how old you are, but if you're older than 25 you should definitely talk to your doc - because any changes after 25 could be something serious.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    the articles I've found on it all seem to say it's time to make an appointment if you miss 3 months, so I'll give it that much anyway. I was just wondering if anybody else had experienced this is all.

    Why get snarky if the articles you read suggested the same thing as baba? :huh:

    because I'm being snarkily chastised for not immediately making an appointment when I'm only 4 days past my usual start day....not 3 months? oh well. I'll try harder just to ignore it next time.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    the articles I've found on it all seem to say it's time to make an appointment if you miss 3 months, so I'll give it that much anyway. I was just wondering if anybody else had experienced this is all.

    Why get snarky if the articles you read suggested the same thing as baba? :huh:

    I don't know how virginity works
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I just have to say that as a fellow Christian abstaining from sex, spreading them for the doc was the least of my concern when I having period problems. :huh:

    Exactly this.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm sorry but I find this all highly confusing. What exactly is the issue with having a pelvic examination OP?

    Unless you have actual sexual intercourse you will not have lost your virginity. A pap smear will not cause you to lose it. Nor would using tampons. If you are concerned about your hymen being intact the fact is many things such as strenuous activity can cause it to not be anymore.

    If you're worried about the exam being uncomfortable then explain your concerns to the Dr/nurse. They can perform a purely vision examination first. If you're concerned about the gender of the Dr you cam state you would like a female one.

    I don't see what the issue is? Many young women (under 18's) have undergone examinations stemming from gyno problems who are virgins. And many older women have too. The Dr will be used to dealing with this. You aren't a special snowflake. Its better to be safe than sorry and look after your health.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    the articles I've found on it all seem to say it's time to make an appointment if you miss 3 months, so I'll give it that much anyway. I was just wondering if anybody else had experienced this is all.

    Why get snarky if the articles you read suggested the same thing as baba? :huh:

    because I'm being snarkily chastised for not immediately making an appointment when I'm only 4 days past my usual start day....not 3 months? oh well. I'll try harder just to ignore it next time.

    Perhaps I misread everything you wrote, but I thought you said that you were more than a month late?

    This post was about a 4 day late period?
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    the articles I've found on it all seem to say it's time to make an appointment if you miss 3 months, so I'll give it that much anyway. I was just wondering if anybody else had experienced this is all.

    Why get snarky if the articles you read suggested the same thing as baba? :huh:

    because I'm being snarkily chastised for not immediately making an appointment when I'm only 4 days past my usual start day....not 3 months? oh well. I'll try harder just to ignore it next time.

    Perhaps I misread everything you wrote, but I thought you said that you were more than a month late?

    This post was about a 4 day late period?

    I went slightly irregular after some tests (I assumed because of whatever the crap was they inject in you to run them) and switched from 37 days to 28 days....2 days after said tests. did that for 2 months normally and then a 3rd month much lighter (which, according to some people here still counts) I'm at 41 days since THAT one which is 4 days longer than my usual pre-test 37. Anyway...wasn't looking for a fight. just curious about common experiences. Just going to increase my fat intake and take some iron pills. See how that pans out over the next month.
  • pmwarrior
    pmwarrior Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a 36 year old virgin and I have been having paps since I was 25. Pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are only a small part of what they are checking for. You want to make sure you are healthy, you have no odd growths, that your endometrium is flushing properly. On that note, I found out in my tests that I have endometriosis, which is when the endometrium (lining that forms each time you ovulate) is breaking down to flow out for my period, it was leaving parts behind and even causing some of my organs to stick together. its basically like a nasty bloody paste in your body. This has caused irregular periods as well. You are 33. Be a big girl and go get it done. It's really not that bad, they don't put that much pressure in there, they don't break your hymen, it'll be okay, I promise. It will be worth it if you have something that you can catch early on.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    I don't think the upset is because you're 3 days late, but because you've never seen one and this isn't the first time you're experiencing an irregularity.

    P.S. Had you begun seeing one at 20, you wouldn't have had a pelvic exam. A GYN does much more than that.

    Anyway, your regular doctor can take blood and see if your hormones are off.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    While I understand that you know your body better than anyone else, the fact that you were concerned enough to write this post tells me that you should consult a medical professional directly and immediately. It is 100% possible to contract vaginal, cervical, or uterine cancer without having ever been sexually active. Our bodies alone contain this potential without the introduction of outside contaminants.

    What I cannot understand is why you wish to play roulette with your health. You are literally gambling with your life. Yes, the odds may be slight, they may be in your favor, but the fact that there is even a chance of this problem being something else would have me running, not walking to the doctor.

    Having lost a cousin to severe vaginal cancer at 23, I have a bit different perspective than some. Her doctor could not figure out, even with sexual activity, how she contracted a disease that normally doesn't develop until 65-75 years of age. Medical practice is not an exact science. Diseases develop without quantifiable causes.

    If you care enough about your health to post so many personal details to a messload of strangers, please care enough about your health to consult an actual medical professional who can run blood tests and other tests prior to any physical examination.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    I think you are being extremely ignorant. You said yourself that a pelvic exam becomes necessary when you are having "issues" regardless of sexual activity. You are having potentially very serious problems and it needs to be checked out. If they want to do a pregnancy test alongside their other procedures to completely rule it out, let them. It will not harm you. Not going to the doctor because you feel you shouldn't have to based on your sexual inactivity is completely ridiculous.
    True. When I was all of fourteen and had never had sex I went to the gyno for ovarian cysts they discovered when looking at my bladder for something else (I have a spastic bladder). I wonder why the OPs fear or hangup about going to a gyno. It dies not signal "sin" or intercourse or whatever your beliefs may be