How did you gain weight in the first place

I used to have an idel weight of 120`s but then I started eating junk food late at night and eating whatever I wanted with little to no exercise.I just didn't care and never appriciated my body.Slowly and gradually I gained 30 pounds and when I look back I miss my old body and regretting letting myself go. I can no longer fit into my skinny jeans:frown: .I have been on the track and have only lost 8 pounds so far and I am committed to stick to it until I reach my goal but gaining weight is so easy than loosing and maintaining .share your did you gain weight in the first place?


  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Self-medicated myself through post-partum depression. :frown:
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    The first time?

    Well, when my parents controlled my diet as a kid, the shopping budget looked much like the left side of the graph. And when I got a job and control of my own shopping, it looked like the right side, only I probably spent even more money on snack foods than the average American does. In fact, I'm sure I did.

  • Gamerchick00
    Gamerchick00 Posts: 25 Member
    Pretty much just making recreation about sitting still playing video games instead of anything physical, and just eating what everyone else is eating or ordering at the time. Subs, chinese, whatever. Didn't pay attention to the calories of anything. Now that my husband and I have gotten serious about daily exercise and about cooking meals at home, I can see how wrong that was. Don't get me wrong, I still game, but we also play badminton in our backyard for fun and go on walks now.
  • enn_jay
    enn_jay Posts: 16
    I was always "skinny" throughout my childhood but as soon as my period came for the first time at 12 I got huge. Years later I was diagnosed with PCOS.

    Yay hormones, thank you for ruining my life!
  • DaisyJane82
    DaisyJane82 Posts: 32 Member
    I quit smoking. I put on 30 lbs in only 4 months! The weird thing is that I didn't change ANYTHING about my eating habits. Not a single thing. In fact, I tried to work out more because people warned me that I would probably gain weight when I quit smoking. The extra walking and working out 3 times a week didn't help. The lbs just kept coming.

    I read that smoking increases your heart rate and your metabolism. The average smoker will gain around 15 lbs when they quit smoking. Apparently this is weight you WOULD have had if you were not a smoker.

    I guess that means I would have been naturally overweight. This makes sense because I was the only member in my family that didn't have a problem with my weight. I had been smoking for 16 years.

    For the first time in my life, I'm overweight. Now I'm struggling to lose these extra lbs I packed on. It's a slow battle and very frustrating. I'm just taking it day by day. I think the most frustrating part about this weight gain is that everyone assumes I substituted smoking with eating larger portions of food. My friends joked about how I'm a secret cupcake eater and that I'm not keeping good track of those "little snacks". I haven't had any "little snacks" in a long time. It's just so frustrating to be so careful with your diet and to gain anyway!
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    I quit smoking. I put on 30 lbs in only 4 months! The weird thing is that I didn't change ANYTHING about my eating habits. Not a single thing. In fact, I tried to work out more because people warned me that I would probably gain weight when I quit smoking. The extra walking and working out 3 times a week didn't help. The lbs just kept coming.

    I read that smoking increases your heart rate and your metabolism. The average smoker will gain around 15 lbs when they quit smoking. Apparently this is weight you WOULD have had if you were not a smoker.

    I guess that means I would have been naturally overweight. This makes sense because I was the only member in my family that didn't have a problem with my weight. I had been smoking for 16 years.

    For the first time in my life, I'm overweight. Now I'm struggling to lose these extra lbs I packed on. It's a slow battle and very frustrating. I'm just taking it day by day. I think the most frustrating part about this weight gain is that everyone assumes I substituted smoking with eating larger portions of food. My friends joked about how I'm a secret cupcake eater and that I'm not keeping good track of those "little snacks". I haven't had any "little snacks" in a long time. It's just so frustrating to be so careful with your diet and to gain anyway!

    Yaaa, no. You're eating more.
  • DaisyJane82
    DaisyJane82 Posts: 32 Member

    Yaaa, no. You're eating more.

    See what I mean?! :frown:

    Nobody believe me. :cry:
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I stopped being as active and got older.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Eating to much. As a child we all belonged to "The Clean Plate Club" and I took the lesson too much to heart.
  • shutch2112
    shutch2112 Posts: 236 Member
    I got pregnant twice in 4 months, but neither 'stuck', so the combination of depresion and my hormones being wacky made me lose weight down to 150 (my lowest adult weight) and then gain it all back with interest. :(
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Anxiety medications which made me develop insulin resistance which also contributed to the weight gain.

    Try being a size 0 your whole life and becoming a 14 all because of medications… not easy.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    I like food... a lot... especially chocolate. I hate exercise... a lot... and cooking... and dishes... I miss chips /sad

    Also, babies! I have two and gained quite a bit with each one that I never really lost.
  • Chibukalu908
    Chibukalu908 Posts: 212
    I quit smoking. I put on 30 lbs in only 4 months! The weird thing is that I didn't change ANYTHING about my eating habits. Not a single thing. In fact, I tried to work out more because people warned me that I would probably gain weight when I quit smoking. The extra walking and working out 3 times a week didn't help. The lbs just kept coming.

    I read that smoking increases your heart rate and your metabolism. The average smoker will gain around 15 lbs when they quit smoking. Apparently this is weight you WOULD have had if you were not a smoker.

    I guess that means I would have been naturally overweight. This makes sense because I was the only member in my family that didn't have a problem with my weight. I had been smoking for 16 years.

    For the first time in my life, I'm overweight. Now I'm struggling to lose these extra lbs I packed on. It's a slow battle and very frustrating. I'm just taking it day by day. I think the most frustrating part about this weight gain is that everyone assumes I substituted smoking with eating larger portions of food. My friends joked about how I'm a secret cupcake eater and that I'm not keeping good track of those "little snacks". I haven't had any "little snacks" in a long time. It's just so frustrating to be so careful with your diet and to gain anyway!

    yes it is ,its so hard to loose weight.i wish you goodluck with your jorney
  • fittyinthemaking
    fittyinthemaking Posts: 126 Member
    i comfort ate through my teen years, dad passed away when i was 16, food was always there for me :devil:
  • kayla554
    kayla554 Posts: 99 Member

    Yaaa, no. You're eating more.

    See what I mean?! :frown:

    Nobody believe me. :cry:

    Because you don't magically gain 30 pounds without eating more calories than you burn
  • CzechEngineLight
    CzechEngineLight Posts: 5 Member
    lost 40 lbs when i was 19, maintained the weight loss for 4 yrs by logging calories every single day and exercising 4-7 days a week, then just kind of stopped going to the gym and monitoring things and promptly gained 30 of those lbs back

    sux when you go from a 10 to a 2 back to a 8
  • hipsterkhris
    hipsterkhris Posts: 15 Member
    Well all through High school I was pretty active and fit, my weight was always 160-170, with a good amount of muscle definition.
    As I was fit, I never dieted, didn't try to eat healthy at all. Like, literally ate cheese steaks and tastycakes by the boxes.
    After high school I maintained this for 2 years, then I had an inguinal hernia. I wasn't able to workout as much during this time, but I didn't understand metabolisms and all that jazz, so I didn't change my eating habits. Next thing I know, I'm up to 210lbs, with no idea how I got there. lol
  • Fitdoge
    Fitdoge Posts: 52 Member
    As a little girl I had a broken home so my older brother took his anger out on me in the form of bullying me, so I comfort ate, and then he bullied me about my gaining weight - and whenever that happened I'd gorge on food until I felt sick trying to feel better.
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    Philly Cheesesteak Hoagies from WaWa. All the time.

    More seriously - I just have no control over my consumption of sugars and starches. They're crack for me, and I enjoyed eating them until it was painful. Whole bags of powdered donuts and a quart of chocolate milk when I was bored or stressed. Entire pints of Ben & Jerry's. Chips, cookies, candy bars - every day.

    My "maintaining" level when I'm just eating what I want, when I want is about 245 pounds. My depression/unemployed weight is 260 lbs. At 5'10", it didn't affect my mobility or anything, but it certainly doesn't do me any favors in the long run.

    I'm feeling much better at 210, and can't wait to be in "one"derland.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,720 Member
    I was extremely skinny in my twenties and was working internationally as a fashion model. When I retired at age 25, I vowed never to give another thought to my appearance or diet again. I gained weight very slowly at 2 kg a year (a little less than 5 pounds) for about 24 years. That's only an average daily surplus of 40 kcal so like half a slice of toast. Shouldn't have let it go for so long.